go-iap verifies the purchase receipt via AppStore, GooglePlayStore, Amazon AppStore, HMS or MicrosoftStore.
Current API Documents:
go get github.com/awa/go-iap/appstore
go get github.com/awa/go-iap/playstore
go get github.com/awa/go-iap/amazon
go get github.com/awa/go-iap/hms
go get github.com/awa/go-iap/microsoftstore
func main() {
client := appstore.New()
req := appstore.IAPRequest{
ReceiptData: "your receipt data encoded by base64",
resp := &appstore.IAPResponse{}
ctx := context.Background()
err := client.Verify(ctx, req, resp)
Note: The verifyReceipt API has been deprecated as of 5 Jun 2023
. Please use App Store Server API instead.
func main() {
// You need to prepare a public key for your Android app's in app billing
// at https://console.developers.google.com.
jsonKey, err := ioutil.ReadFile("jsonKey.json")
if err != nil {
client := playstore.New(jsonKey)
ctx := context.Background()
resp, err := client.VerifySubscription(ctx, "package", "subscriptionID", "purchaseToken")
func main() {
client := amazon.New("developerSecret")
ctx := context.Background()
resp, err := client.Verify(ctx, "userID", "receiptID")
func main() {
// If "orderSiteURL" and/or "subscriptionSiteURL" are empty,
// they will be default to AppTouch German.
// Please refer to https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/en/doc/HMSCore-References-V5/api-common-statement-0000001050986127-V5 for details.
client := hms.New("clientID", "clientSecret", "orderSiteURL", "subscriptionSiteURL")
ctx := context.Background()
resp, err := client.VerifySubscription(ctx, "purchaseToken", "subscriptionID", 1)
The App Store Server API differentiates between a sandbox and a production environment based on the base URL:
- Use https://api.storekit.itunes.apple.com/ for the production environment.
- Use https://api.storekit-sandbox.itunes.apple.com/ for the sandbox environment.
If you're unsure about the environment, follow these steps:
- Initiate a call to the endpoint using the production URL. If the call is successful, the transaction identifier is associated with the production environment.
- If you encounter an error code
, indicating aTransactionIdNotFoundError
, make a call to the endpoint using the sandbox URL. - If this call is successful, the transaction identifier is associated with the sandbox environment. If the call fails with the same error code, the transaction identifier doesn't exist in either environment.
// For generate key file and download it, please refer to https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreserverapi/creating_api_keys_to_use_with_the_app_store_server_api
func main() {
c := &api.StoreConfig{
KeyContent: []byte(ACCOUNTPRIVATEKEY), // Loads a .p8 certificate
KeyID: "FAKEKEYID", // Your private key ID from App Store Connect (Ex: 2X9R4HXF34)
BundleID: "fake.bundle.id", // Your app’s bundle ID
Issuer: "xxxxx-xx-xx-xx-xxxxxxxxxx",// Your issuer ID from the Keys page in App Store Connect (Ex: "57246542-96fe-1a63-e053-0824d011072a")
Sandbox: false, // default is Production
transactionId := "FAKETRANSACTIONID"
a := api.NewStoreClient(c)
ctx := context.Background()
response, err := a.GetTransactionInfo(ctx, transactionId)
transantion, err := a.ParseSignedTransaction(response.SignedTransactionInfo)
if err != nil {
// error handling
if transaction.TransactionId == transactionId {
// the transaction is valid
- GetTransactionHistory
// For generate key file and download it, please refer to https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreserverapi/creating_api_keys_to_use_with_the_app_store_server_api
func main() {
c := &api.StoreConfig{
KeyContent: []byte(ACCOUNTPRIVATEKEY), // Loads a .p8 certificate
KeyID: "FAKEKEYID", // Your private key ID from App Store Connect (Ex: 2X9R4HXF34)
BundleID: "fake.bundle.id", // Your app’s bundle ID
Issuer: "xxxxx-xx-xx-xx-xxxxxxxxxx",// Your issuer ID from App Store Connect (Users and Access > Integrations > In-App Purchase)(Ex: "57246542-96fe-1a63-e053-0824d011072a")
Sandbox: false, // default is Production
originalTransactionId := "FAKETRANSACTIONID"
a := api.NewStoreClient(c)
query := &url.Values{}
query.Set("productType", "AUTO_RENEWABLE")
query.Set("productType", "NON_CONSUMABLE")
ctx := context.Background()
responses, err := a.GetTransactionHistory(ctx, originalTransactionId, query)
for _, response := range responses {
transantions, err := a.ParseSignedTransactions(response.SignedTransactions)
- Error handling
- handler error per apple store server api error document
- error definition
import (
func main() {
tokenStr := "SignedRenewalInfo Encode String" // or SignedTransactionInfo string
token := jwt.Token{}
client := appstore.New()
err := client.ParseNotificationV2(tokenStr, &token)
claims, ok := token.Claims.(jwt.MapClaims)
for key, val := range claims {
fmt.Printf("Key: %v, value: %v\n", key, val) // key value of SignedRenewalInfo
- Validator for In App Purchase Receipt (AppStore)
- Validator for Subscription token (GooglePlay)
- Validator for Purchase Product token (GooglePlay)
- More Tests
This validator supports the receipt type for iOS7 or above.
This validator uses Version 3 API.
This validator uses RVS for IAP v2.0.
This validator uses Version 2 API.
This validator uses Version 1.0+
This validator uses Version 1.0
go-iap is licensed under the MIT.