Helps to turn your package.lisp into an HTML API reference, by generating a colorized version of it, with every symbol being a link to its definition at github.
Uses swank/backend:find-definitions to determine source code location of symbol definitions and colorize.
This library defines new coloring type :common-lisp-browsable
for the
colorize library. This coloring type is inherited from the original
type, only enhances it with linking symbols to their
source code definitions at github. Usage of this coloring type
requires wrapping of colorize invocations into the
macro. Of course,
in order to determine source code locations, the code
being processed must be loaded first.
The library also offers function better-css
that returns
CSS with improved colors comparing to the default
. (Currently it only changes
string literal color, from light gray to a higher
contrast color. This may be relevant if the file you process
includes string literals, e.g. docstring in the defpackage form).
;; not in Quicklisp yet:
(pushnew "/path/to/browsable-colorize/" asdf:*central-registry* :test #'equal)
(ql:quickload "browsable-colorize")
;; load the library whose package.lisp you want to process
(ql:quickload "cl+ssl")
(;; package designators to try when locating unqualified symbols
'(#:cl+ssl #:cl+ssl/config)
;; an alist mapping from local source code directories
;; to base github URI
(list (cons (asdf:system-source-directory "cl+ssl")
;; use the better CSS
(let ((colorize:*coloring-css* (browsable-colorize:better-css)))
(colorize:colorize-file :common-lisp-browsable
(asdf:system-relative-pathname :cl+ssl
(colorize:colorize-file :common-lisp-browsable
(asdf:system-relative-pathname :cl+ssl
Usage from GitHub Actions: /~ It generates and publishes the following docs:
Ideally, github should support "go to definition" for Common Lisp out of box. Or for all programming languages, for example by supporting something like Emacs TAGS files.
Investigating deeper, we see that gitlab supports Language Server Index Format:
So, maybe some gitlab user can move in this direction. Utilize swank, maybe also some reader library whose read results include file locations of the read objects, and generate LSIF files.
Hopefully, github wiill catch-up.