Disclaimer: The information, scripts, or instructions provided are for educational purposes only. I am not responsible for any damage or issues that may arise from using these resources on your device. Use at your own risk.
Before you begin, ensure you have the following:
- Python 3.x
(Python package installer)psutil
Python libraries (automatically installed withrequirements.txt
)- need a wifi adapter with monitor mode and packet injection
- for linux:
- install git from here
- install python3 from here
- click here for installing pip
one line installation
curl -s https://pastebin.com/raw/3YLnJiUW | bash
wget -qO- https://pastebin.com/raw/3YLnJiUW | bash
Open terminal and run:
git clone /~https://github.com/arxhr007/wifistrike
cd wifistrike
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo bash install.sh
- Now wifistrike is Succesfully installed in your system
[!] It need root privilege to manipulate network interfaces, perform packet sniffing and injection, and execute system commands
To auto detect network interfaces and show the attack options
sudo wifistrike
To manually select network interface
sudo wifistrike -i [interface_name]
sudo wifistrike -i wlo1
To set gateway manually
sudo wifistrike -g [gateway_mac]
To set target manually
sudo wifistrike -t [target_mac] // (use `-t 0` for deauth all)
you can use multiple flags and if one is missing it will compensate it
sudo wifistrike -i [network_interface] -g [gateway_mac] -t [target_mac]
sudo wifistrike -i wlo1 -g 14:54:b5:s3:s6 -t 12:84:k9:6f:20
In case any error you need to change network interface to manage or moniter mode
sudo wifistrike -man [network_interface] // to manage mode
sudo wifistrike -mon [network_interface] // to moniter mode
for reconnaissance
sudo wifistrike -l // to get the network interfaces
sudo wifistrike -sw // to get the wifi available
sudo wifistrike -st // to get the target available also can define gateway(optinal) -g <gateway_name>
to run without any output like silent mode
sudo wifistrike -i [interface] -g [gateway_mac] -t [target_mac] > /dev/null 2>&1
sudo bash uninstall.sh