You can use LibHaLo within your Expo mobile application for Android/iOS smartphones.
Important: Since LibHaLo relies on the react-native-nfc-manager
and its native module, it is not possible
to use standard "Expo Go" app.
You need to use a personal build of Expo Go ("development build") in order to include the required native dependencies that are necessary in order to perform NFC interaction. You can read more in the "Add custom native code" article of Expo docs.
This guide will provide a step-by-step walkthrough over the entire process.
Use the following command if you don't have an app already:
npx create-expo-app DemoAppWithHalo
These steps are common for both Android and iOS applications:
Using NPM:
npm install --save react-native-get-random-values
npm install --save react-native-nfc-manager
npm install --save expo-crypto-polyfills
npm install --save @arx-research/libhalo
Add the following plugin key to your existing app.json
"expo": {
"plugins": [
"nfcPermission": "Interact with HaLo tags",
"selectIdentifiers": [
"systemCodes": [],
"includeNdefEntitlement": true
module.exports = {
resolver: {
extraNodeModules: require('expo-crypto-polyfills')
import { Platform, LogBox } from "react-native";
if (typeof global.self === "undefined") {
global.self = global;
if (Platform.OS !== "web") {
global.btoa = global.btoa || require("base-64").encode;
global.atob = global.atob || require("base-64").decode;
global.Buffer = require("buffer").Buffer;
global.process = require("process");
global.process.env.NODE_ENV = __DEV__ ? "development" : "production";
global.process.version = "v9.40";
global.location = {
protocol: "https",
In the very first line of your App.js
, please add:
import './global';
Import necessary functions:
import NfcManager, {NfcTech} from 'react-native-nfc-manager';
import {execHaloCmdRN} from '@arx-research/libhalo/api/react-native.js';
Add basic code to process the NFC tags:
// initialize NfcManager on application's startup
export default function App() {
async function performHaloInteraction() {
try {
await NfcManager.requestTechnology(NfcTech.IsoDep);
const tag = await NfcManager.getTag();
console.log(await execHaloCmdRN(NfcManager, {
name: "sign",
message: "0102",
keyNo: 1,
} catch (ex) {
console.warn("Oops!", ex);
} finally {
// stop the nfc scanning
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Text>Click on the button and then scan the HaLo tag. Results will appear in the console.</Text>
<TouchableOpacity style={{padding: 100, backgroundColor: '#FF00FF'}} onPress={performHaloInteraction}>
<Text>Click here and tap the tag</Text>
<StatusBar style="auto" />
Generate native project for your platform:
npx expo run:android
# or
npx expo run:ios
Please check GitHub arx-research/libhalo-example-expo project for the complete project example.
Kudos to the authors of the draftbit/expo-walletconnect-demo repository for figuring out how to polyfill the libraries on expo in a correct way.