aip | title | author | discussions-to (*optional) | Status | last-call-end-date (*optional) | type | created | updated (*optional) |
78 |
Aptos Token Objects Framework Update |
johnchanguk |
In Review |
<mm/dd/yyyy the last date to leave feedbacks and reviews> |
Framework |
03/23/2024 |
<mm/dd/yyyy> |
This AIP aims to extend the collection
, token
and property_map
modules from the aptos-token-objects
framework. Reasons for this are to introduce extensibility and customization to collection and token objects.
Currently there is no way of changing the name or max supply of a collection, nor create a token with the token and custom seed provided. Reasons for wanting this is for example:
- Some users may not want to have on chain data publicly visible, such as the collection name during collection creation. Being able to set this at a later date allows users to confidently deploy collections without leaking any sensitive information.
- Users may want to adjust the max supply for a collection. This can occur if there needs to be adjustments in total supply, or simply rectifying mistakes.
- The current APIs only allow creating one token at a deterministic address with a single name. This AIP provides for a the address to be derived from a user provided seed allowing for multiple tokens at deterministic addresses with the same name.
Furthermore, there is no option to add property maps to an object after the creation of a token object. Currently the only option is to initialize property maps during creation of an object via ConstructorRef
. Users may wish to allow adding properties on chain at a later stage.
- Add a new method into
which changes the name of the collection specified. This will take in&MutatorRef
just like all mutator functions in the collection module.
public fun set_name(mutator_ref: &MutatorRef, name: String) acquires Collection {
assert!(string::length(&name) <= MAX_COLLECTION_NAME_LENGTH, error::out_of_range(ECOLLECTION_NAME_TOO_LONG));
let collection = borrow_mut(mutator_ref); = name;
Mutation { mutated_field_name: string::utf8(b"name") },
- Add a new method into
which changes the max supply for a collection. This will take in&MutatorRef
just like all mutator functions in the collection module. This asserts that the newmax_supply
is greater than the current supply.
public fun set_max_supply(mutator_ref: &MutatorRef, max_supply: u64) acquires ConcurrentSupply, FixedSupply {
let collection = object::address_to_object<Collection>(mutator_ref.self);
let collection_address = object::object_address(&collection);
if (exists<ConcurrentSupply>(collection_address)) {
let supply = borrow_global_mut<ConcurrentSupply>(collection_address);
let current_supply = aggregator_v2::read(&supply.current_supply);
max_supply > current_supply,
supply.current_supply = aggregator_v2::create_aggregator(max_supply);
aggregator_v2::add(&mut supply.current_supply, current_supply);
} else if (exists<FixedSupply>(collection_address)) {
let supply = borrow_global_mut<FixedSupply>(collection_address);
max_supply > supply.current_supply,
supply.max_supply = max_supply;
} else {
abort error::invalid_argument(ENO_MAX_SUPPLY_IN_COLLECTION)
event::emit(SetMaxSupply { collection, max_supply });
Currently, all token creation functions take in the collection_name
, which if changed can lead to issues as the collection address
will be calculated incorrectly. To circumvent this, four new functions to create token with Object<Collection>
will be added. Instead of specifying the collection_name
, the collection object will be passed in.
- Add a new method into
which creates a token with a unique address with theObject<Collection>
passed in instead of thecollection_name
public fun create_token(
creator: &signer,
collection: Object<Collection>,
description: String,
name: String,
royalty: Option<Royalty>,
uri: String,
): ConstructorRef {
create(creator, collection::name(collection), description, name, royalty, uri)
- Add a new method into
which creates a numbered token with a unique address with theObject<Collection>
passed in instead of thecollection_name
public fun create_numbered_token_object(
creator: &signer,
collection: Object<Collection>,
description: String,
name_with_index_prefix: String,
name_with_index_suffix: String,
royalty: Option<Royalty>,
uri: String,
): ConstructorRef {
create_numbered_token(creator, collection::name(collection), description, name_with_index_prefix, name_with_index_suffix, royalty, uri)
- Add a new method into
which creates a named token object with a predictable address with theObject<Collection>
passed in instead of thecollection_name
public fun create_named_token_object(
creator: &signer,
collection: Object<Collection>,
description: String,
name: String,
royalty: Option<Royalty>,
uri: String,
): ConstructorRef {
create_named_token(creator, collection::name(collection), description, name, royalty, uri)
- Add a new method into the
module which allows creating a token with a predictable address.- This takes in the
The token seed is generated from concatenating thename
and the object address is generated with the collection creator address and token seed. - The token address can be derived by passing in the creator of the colletion, as well as name and seed.
returns the token address.
- This takes in the
/// Creates a new token object from a token name and seed.
/// Returns the ConstructorRef for additional specialization.
public fun create_named_token_from_seed(
creator: &signer,
collection: Object<Collection>,
description: String,
name: String,
seed: String,
royalty: Option<Royalty>,
uri: String,
): ConstructorRef {
let creator_address = signer::address_of(creator);
let seed = create_token_seed(&name, &seed);
let constructor_ref = object::create_named_object(creator, seed);
create_common(&constructor_ref, creator_address, collection::name(collection), description, name, option::none(), royalty, uri);
public fun token_address_from_seed<T: key>(collection: Object<T>, name: String, seed: String): address {
let creator = collection::creator(collection);
let seed = create_token_name_with_seed(&collection::name(collection), &name, &seed);
object::create_object_address(&creator, seed)
public fun create_token_name_with_seed(collection: &String, name: &String, seed: &String): vector<u8> {
assert!(string::length(name) <= MAX_TOKEN_NAME_LENGTH, error::out_of_range(ETOKEN_NAME_TOO_LONG));
assert!(string::length(seed) <= MAX_TOKEN_SEED_LENGTH, error::out_of_range(ESEED_TOO_LONG));
let seeds = *string::bytes(collection);
vector::append(&mut seeds, b"::");
vector::append(&mut seeds, *string::bytes(name));
vector::append(&mut seeds, *string::bytes(seed));
Add a new method into the property_map.move
module which allows extending an object with a PropertyMap
. This will take in &ExtendRef
which is needed to generate the signer
for the object.
public fun extend(ref: &ExtendRef, container: PropertyMap) {
let signer = object::generate_signer_for_extending(ref);
move_to(&signer, container);
Collection module
If the collection name is used as an identifier in existing contracts or off-chain systems, changing the name could break integrations or tracking systems that depend on that name. Changing collection names could make it more difficult to maintain a reliable audit trail. Historical records might refer to the old name, causing confusion or errors in data retrieval.
Also changing the max supply could impact services which rely on this information to be static.
Currently, the token address is calculated the same way, but the token.move
allows changing the name of a token. Therefore we would address consumers to get the collection address the same way the token address is retrieved.
- We will notify services that rely on collection addresses being calculated via collection name, as they will be affected. The collection address will need to be stored for reference, and will need to propagate this directly to consumers. (Indexing, marketplaces etc).
- We will emit a mutation event that we will signal to services that the
field of a collection is changed. From this, the collection address must be updated to not be calculated by the collection name.
Changing max supply for a collection will only be possible if the MutatorRef
is passed in. The SetMaxSupply
event will be emitted when this the max supply of a collection changes. This is a way to notify downstream on when this occurs.
Token module
While predictable addresses can be an advantage for certain use cases, they might also make it easier for malicious actors to interfere with the creation process or engage in front-running.
To generate predictable addresses, there must be a guarantee that there are no same addresses created. If this occurs, then the token cannot be created as the object already exists in global storage.
Property map module
Adding in property maps to token objects post creation means that the token can be mutated after. If the token was designed to be immutable from the start, then the ExtendRef
should be discarded as this would prevent modifications to the current token object.
Target is for mainnet release v1.11.
We will plans to extend these modules which introduces flexibility to current development and where we see fit. As the ecosystem matures, we may see additional requirements which benefit the ecosystem.