Development repo for 42cursus' miniRT project
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This project is an introduction to the beautiful world of Raytracing. Once completed you will be able to render simple Computer-Generated-Images and you will never be afraid of implementing mathematical formulas again.
For detailed information, refer to the subject of this project.
🚀 TLDR: this project consists of coding a simple RayTracer that runs with the miniLibX,
a simple X-Window (X11R6) programming API in C.
- 📁 images: contains BMP image files generated by the program.
- 📁 includes: contains the program's headers.
- 📁 libft: contains the source code of the
library, which is used in the program. - 📁 scenes: contains
files, a file type that describes the scene to be rendered by the program. - 📁 srcs: contains the source code of the program.
- Makefile - contains instructions for compiling the program and testing it.
Note: program covers only mandatory requirements of the project's subject.
The program is written in C language for Linux distributions and thus needs the clang
compiler and some standard C libraries to run.
1. Installing miniLibX
First, to install all miniLibX requirements, run:
$ sudo apt-get install -y libxext-dev && sudo apt-get install -y libxrandr-dev && sudo apt-get install -y libx11-dev && sudo apt-get install -y libbsd-dev && sudo apt-get install -y libssl-dev
Then, we'll clone the miniLibX repository, checkout to the commit that is compatible with the program and compile the library:
$ cd ~ && git clone /~ && cd minilibx-linux && git checkout acc9a87 && make
Finally, we'll create a directory for storing miniLibX manuals:
$ cd /usr/local/man/ && sudo mkdir man1
and copy the manuals to the directory we have just created:
$ sudo cp man/man1/* /usr/local/man/man1/ && sudo cp libmlx.a /usr/local/lib/ && sudo cp mlx.h /usr/local/include/
To show miniLibX 's manual page, run:
$ man mlx
Note: To use the miniLibX in your project, you must add the following flags:
-lbsd -lmlx -lXext -lX11
2. Compiling the program
To compile the program, run:
$ make
3. Executing the program
To execute the program on a window, run:
$ ./miniRT <scene-file.rt>
or, to generate a BMP image file, run:
$ ./miniRT <scene-file.rt> --save
Files on the scenes folder that begins with a numeral are scene files prepared for the evaluation of the project. You can run the program with such files as argument to check all rendering possibilities implemented in the program.
Below are all images generated from scenes of this folder, including some bonus scenes.
Many thanks to @aroque for making these scene files (42 logo, pokeball and Giza pyramids) available :)