The get_facts
function can be used to collect facts from VyOS
devices. This function is only supported over network_cli
type and requires the ansible_network_os
value set to vyos
To collect facts from the device, simply include this function in the playbook
using either the roles
directive or the tasks
directive. If no other
options are provided, then all of the available facts will be collected for the
Below is an example of how to use the roles
directive to collect all facts
from the VyOS device.
- hosts: vyos
- name ansible-network.vyos
function: get_facts
The above playbook will return the facts for the host under the vyos
top level key.
By default all available facts will be returned by the get_facts
If you only want to return a subset of the facts, you can specify the subset
variable and set one or more sub keys to return.
The get_facts
function can also be implemented using the tasks
instead of the roles
directive. By using the tasks
directive, you can
control when the fact collection is run.
Below is an example of how to use the get_facts
function with tasks
- hosts: vyos
- name: collect facts from vyos devices
name: ansible-network.vyos
tasks_from: get_facts
- system
- interfaces
Over time new parsers can be added (or updated) to the role to add additional or enhanced functionality. To add or update parsers perform the following steps:
Add (or update) command parser located ino
Update the
file to map the CLI command to the parser
The get_facts_command_map.yaml
file provides a mapping between CLI command
and parser used to transform the output into Ansible facts.
The command map file provides the mapping between show command and parser file. The format of the file is a list of objects. Each object supports a set of keys that can be configured to provide granular control over how each command is implemented.
Command map entries support the following keys:
The command
key is required and specifies the actual CLI command to execute
on the target device. The output from the command is then passed to the parser
for further processing.
The parser
key provides the name of the parser used to accept the output from
the command. The parser value shoule be the command parser filename either
relative to parser_templates/cli
or absolute path. This value is required.
This key accepts one of two values, either command_parser
or textfsm_parser
This value instructs the the parsing function as to which parsing engine to
use to parse the output from the CLI command.
This key is not required and, if not provided, the engine will assumed to be
Commands can be contained in one (or more) groups to make it easy for playbook
designers to filter specific facts to retreive from the network device. The
key must be a list and contain the groups the this command should be
associated with.
The pre_hook
key provides the path to the set of tasks to include prior
to running the command on the CLI. This is useful if there is a need to check
if a command is available or supported on a particular version.
The post_hook
key provides the path to the set of tasks to include after the
command has been run on the target device and its results have been parsed by
the parser.
Defines the subset of facts to collect when the get_facts
function is
called. This value must be a list value and contain only the sub keys for the
facts you wish to return.
The default value is all
- subset
- default
Defines the command / parser mapping file to use when the call to get_facts
is made by the playbook. Normally this value does not need to be modified but
can be used to pass a custom command map to the function.
The default value is vars/get_facts_command_map.yaml