This repository contains a comprehensive TMDB API integration project that enables developers to interact with The Movie Database (TMDB) API and retrieve movie-related data. The TMDB API offers a rich set of endpoints to access a vast collection of movies, TV shows, actors, and more.
TMDb API enables you to find out the latest information about TV Shows, Movies and the biggest names in entertainment sector for a marvelous and fun TV/Movie watching experience.
TMDb documentation
After joining TMDb, you can easily generate a new developer API key using this
By collecting the data using TMDb API one can recommend TV Shows, Movies and all sorts of entertainment on the basis of user’s affinity to specific genres, actors, likes and dislikes.
We can find details about upcoming TV Shows and Movies.
We can find what is the most popular and/ or exclusive/new content at a given time.
Output Format: Print the id of the movie.
Output format: Vote Count , Vote Average
Note: While fetching the movie id, use the "original_title" field not the "title". Because the "title" field may contain duplicate values. Output Format: Print the name of the movies in a new line. movie_name_1 movie_name_2 and so on
1.5 Fetch the top rated english movies in the US region using the TMDb API. From the result, print the first 10 movies which have original language as english. Also print their genres.
Note: Do not use the search/movies API for finding genres. Output Format: movie_name_1 - genre_1, genre_2 .... and so on..
Output Format: id name - birthplace
Output Format: Print the Instagram and Twitter IDs space separated. instagram_id twitter_id
Top Gun Mission: Impossible - Fallout Minority Report Edge of Tomorrow
Output Format: Print the names of the characters played by Tom Cruise line separated, in the respective order given in question.
2.5 Using the result obtained in previous question, find out if James McAvoy was credited for his role in movie Deadpool 2. Print Yes or No.
Output Format: Print the Overview.
Output Format: episode_name - air_date
3.3 Fetch the trending TV Shows for the week from the TMDb API and print the taglines of the top 5 shows. If there is no tagline, print 'Empty' instead.
Output Format: Print the taglines in new line.
Output Format: Print the name of each TV show in a new line.
Output Format: Print the count of male and female space separated. male_count female_count