- Want to sharpen your skills at fixing bugs in Angular applications for a better understanding of the framework?
- Need to train for a technical interview?
This project is for you!
The idea is simple. The application is full of bugs. Your task is to fix them.
It's completely up to you to choose your strategy and to identify each bug!
Some of them might be easy to spot with a runtime error, but some of them might be tricky and require to understand what the code is aiming for.
This project is full of bugs on purpose to test your skills on your own fork. It's not meant to be fixed itself.
Discover the list of bugs here with proper description and details to run them locally.
The project is a simple Angular application with unrelated features to cover a wide scope of bugs.
The bugs are meant to test your knowledge of Angular.
This project is meant to be a training ground, not a production application following modern best practices. Not only you might find some inconsistencies in the code but incompleted features.
Being able not only to use Angular but to fix errors is the first step at mastering it! The next one is to be able to explain what you did!
Share your solution with the community on social media!
Contributions are welcomed to add new bugs. However the project is not meant to be fixed itself, so bug fixes contributions won't be accepted.