A Slack bot to see the status of your Pingdom website monitoring, built using Claudia.js. The following 'slash' commands are available in Slack:
/pingdom help
/pingdom all
/pingdom up
/pingdom down
/pingdom status
/pingdom summary check_name
/pingdom unstable
The following command are also available, though thes are based on corresponding tags attached to your Pingdom checks and may not be useful in your context:
/pingdom internal
/pingdom external
/pingdom customers
The bot is written in Node.js and runs in AWS Lambda via the API Gateway. It is deployed using Claudia.js - see https://claudiajs.com/.
This bot uses the simple Pingdom cache described at /~https://github.com/andypowe11/AWS-Lambda-Pingdom-cache. This must be installed and running prior to using this bot.
Install Claudia.js with:
npm install claudia -g
Then read https://claudiajs.com/tutorials/hello-world-chatbot.html.
Follow the tutorial and create a project folder but use the following commands:
npm init
Give your bot a name - e.g. 'pingdom' - and description and put your email address as author. Leave everything else as is. Then install the dependencies with:
npm install claudia-bot-builder -S
npm install promise-delay -S
npm install aws-sdk -S
npm install pingdom-api -S
Put bot.js in the project folder.
Edit the 4 variables at the top of the file:
Variable | Description |
DYNAMODBTABLE | The DynamoDB table used as a Pingdom API cache. Defaults to 'pingdom-cache' |
PINGDOMUSER | Your Pindom username, typically an email address |
PINGDOMPASS | Your Pingdom password |
PINGDOMAPPKEY | Your Pingdom Application API Key - see the Pingdom API documentation for details |
Follow https://claudiajs.com/tutorials/installing.html to give Claudia.js enough AWS access to deploy the Lambda function and API Gateway.
Then deploy your bot to AWS with the following command:
claudia create --region eu-west-1 --api-module bot
Go to https://api.slack.com/ to configure a new integration for your Slack team. Then run:
claudia update --region eu-west-1 --api-module bot --timeout 120 --allow-recursion --configure-slack-slash-command
That's it, you're done.
If you modify the bot.js code, you can redeploy with:
claudia update
To delete everything from AWS, try the following:
claudia destroy
rm claudia.json
However, sometimes this doesn't seem to work reliably. If so, manually delete the stuff created under IAM Roles, Lambda functions and API Gateway.