This repository contains materials in French & English to support a 4 hour + tutorial that can be led or self guided.
It was initially delivered at the useR2021 conference.
It is structured as an RStudio project.
The tutorial is divided into 3 sessions, each can take around 90 minutes. The final session is a practical that gives you some pointers to applying the material from the first two sessions on data of your own choice.
From RStudio select File, New project, From version control, & paste in the address of this repository. That should create a copy on your local machine.
On your local machine, in RStudio, open the file packages_and_data.R. Press Source to run the whole file, this should install all the packages that you need for the tutorial.
In RStudio, open the folder for english or french
In RStudio, open the for_learners folder and open the file 1_tutorial_code_session_one.R and run the first two lines of code. This should open a html document in the RStudio Viewer tab with text, images and code for the tutorial.
Read gradually through the tutorial in the Viewer tab. When you come to code sections you can copy & paste code into the R console to run it yourself and experiment with modifying. Static plots will appear in the RStudio Plots tab and you can click on the Viewer tab to return to the tutorial text. Dynamic plots (e.g. from tmap & mapview) will appear in the Viewer tab and you can press the back arrow to return to the tutorial text.
The R file 1_tutorial_code_session_one.R, that you accessed before, contains just the code sections of the tutorial so you can also use this to copy & paste code into the console.
Sessions 2 & 3 can be run similarly by running the first two lines of the files 2_tutorial_code_session_two.R & 3_tutorial_code_session_three_SOLUTIONS.R
The session_info.txt
file in the project folder contains the packages and package versions used in this tutorial.
The 'data' folder contains data to use for the practical part of the tutorial in session three if you have not brought your own data.
This course is licensed under a Creative Commons share-alike licence. Creative Commons
Please re-use it and attribute us :-)
We welcome feedback, do get in touch or send a pull request.