Opensource Android Spyware
- Realtime command execution
- Schedule commands
- Hidden app icon (stealth mode)
- Fetch SMS in
- Fetch call logs
- Fetch contacts
- Send SMS command
- Forward received/sent SMS
- Monitor location
- Update apk remotely
- Data collected are retained in database
- Realtime notifications about device status
- Transfer bot reporting to another server
- For android 6 and above:
- You can view the permissions of the app
- The app asks for permission when a certain command is sent the there is no permission
- access files
- take photo stealthly
- get browser history
- and more...
Just compile (as signed APK) and install the app to the victim's android device. Then start the app and configure the parameters:
- Server URL: Set the URL of your AdoBot-IO server. It must include the protocol i.e.
(default). - SMS Open Command: Send an SMS to any number containing this text to open the Adobot settings. "Open adobot" (default).
- Force Command: Send an SMS containing this text to the victim's phone to forcefully sync data to server. "Baby?" (default).
Next go to /~ and follow the instructions on setting up the admin panel.
SMS thread is a pop up modal
When you send a command to an offline device, the command is stored in the datase and will be executed once the device connects online.
Released under MIT License