EOS, Antelope (formerly EOSIO) resources available here.
- 1. TOE: Transporation Services (Taxi, Bikes, Metro, Bus) on EOSIO
- 2. ICO contract
- 3. Rehabilitation Centre on EOSIO
- 4. GPK.Battles Game on WAX Blockchain
- 5. Show Balance, Deposit, Withdraw, Tip EOSIO tokens to User via Telegram ID
- Telos Blockchain Documentation
- 6. A DApp where, user maintain KYC via WhatsApp Bot. This gets validated on EOSIO Blockchain & stored in Cloud database.
- 7. Ceven.Parks SNI Hackathon 2021 (02-04 Jul, 2021): Provides a digital identity for parks to enable humans to interact with and take care of them.
- The platform (dependency libraries, cleos, nodeos, keosd) - /~https://github.com/EOSIO/eos
- EOS Contract Development Toolkit (CDT) - /~https://github.com/EOSIO/eosio.cdt
- EOS contract basic functions - /~https://github.com/EOSIO/eosio.contracts
- Library for talking to an EOSIO RPC API - /~https://github.com/EOSIO/eosjs
- Elliptic curve Cryptographic Functions - /~https://github.com/EOSIO/eosjs-ecc
- EOSIO Demux Example (A Blog DApp) - /~https://github.com/EOSIO/eosio-project-demux-example
- EOS hackathon howto-guide - /~https://github.com/EOSIO/hackathon-howto-guide
- EOSIO Project boilerplate simple - /~https://github.com/EOSIO/eosio-project-boilerplate-simple
- Differences b/w EOSIO Old vs New in contract programming - official link, backup link
- Contract documentation (version-wise) - http://eosio.github.io/eosio.cdt
- EOS Developer Portal - https://developers.eos.io/
- EOSIO Specifications Repository - /~https://github.com/EOSIO/spec-repo
- EOSIO Welcome (EOSIO Overview, Getting Started and Protocol documents) - /~https://github.com/EOSIO/welcome
- EOSIO Modules - https://developers.eos.io/manuals/eosio.cdt/v1.7/modules
- EOSIO.CDT (from v1.2 to v1.3) - https://developers.eos.io/manuals/eosio.cdt/latest/upgrading/1.2-to-1.3
- EOSIO.CDT (from v1.5 to v1.6) - https://developers.eos.io/manuals/eosio.cdt/latest/upgrading/1.5-to-1.6
- Block.one -> EOS Foundation
EOS Network Foundation is working towards EOS blockchain. And AntelopeIO is aiming to better the EOSIO blockchains as a whole.
- EOSIO/eos -> AntelopeIO/leap
- EOSIO/eosio.contracts -> AntelopeIO/reference-contracts
- EOSIO/eosio.cdt -> AntelopeIO/cdt
- Python library for EOSIO Blockchain
- /~https://github.com/tokenika/eosfactory
- /~https://github.com/eosnewyork/eospy
- /~https://github.com/ulamlabs/aioeos [last updated Apr 2020]
- /~https://github.com/EOSArgentina/ueosio [last updated Nov 2021]
- /~https://github.com/EvaCoop/eosjs_python [last updated Apr 2022]
JavaScript API for EOS - /~https://github.com/EOSIO/eosjs-json- Test, Deployment tools
EOS API endpoint - https://t1api.eos.io/v1/docs/#api-_Tools for exporting EOS blockchain data to JSON - https://pypi.org/project/eos-etl/Android client for EOS - /~https://github.com/plactal/EosCommander- Getting Started With WebAssembly - https://tutorialzine.com/2017/06/getting-started-with-web-assembly
- Compiling from C/C++ to WebAssembly - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/WebAssembly/C_to_wasm
- EOS IDE (browser-based) - https://tbfleming.github.io/cib/eos.html
- EOS Dev tool by OracleChain - /~https://github.com/OracleChain/EOSDevHelper
EOS docs - https://www.eosdocs.io/- EOS setup - https://medium.com/b21official/eos-dawn-3-0-setup-instructions-for-developers-9434fcb64d2d
EOS governance - /~https://github.com/EOS-Mainnet/governanceEOS Mainnet - /~https://github.com/EOS-Mainnet- File storage on EOS (Needs enough staking for CPU and NET) - /~https://github.com/grigio/eosfilestore
- EOS account creation -
tool guide part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVrwtVFRjj0learn EOS wallets basics - https://www.eosdocs.io/dappdevelopment/wallets/- EOSIO BP Information Standard | JSON Standard for Block Producer Information on EOSIO Blockchains - /~https://github.com/eosrio/bp-info-standard
- The
validator aims to check if Block Producers and Standby Block Producers are providing information to the community in a "standard" way. The validator has a set of "checks" and after executing the "checks" it then reports how well the bp.json file published by each block producer aligns to the "standard". To get a full understanding of how well a Block Producer or Standby Block Producer is contributing to the community takes more than the checks done here, but these checks can help the EOS community determine which organizations to vote for.
- The
- Liquid DApps: working on EOSIO-ETH bridge, vRAM (cheaper than physical RAM)
- Read more
- EOS Mainnet Chain API - Source
- https://eos.greymass.com - operated by greymass
- https://mainnet.eoscalgary.io - operated by EOS Cafe
- https://api.eosnewyork.io - operated by EOS New York
- https://api.eosdetroit.io - operated by EOS Detroit
- http://api.hkeos.com - operated by HK EOS
- https://bp.cryptolions.io - operated by CryptoLions
- http://dc1.eosemerge.io:8888 - operated by EOS Emerge Poland
- https://dc1.eosemerge.io:5443 - operated by EOS Emerge Poland
- https://api1.eosdublin.io - operated by EOS Dublin
- https://api2.eosdublin.io - operated by EOS Dublin
- https://mainnet.eoscannon.io - operated by EOS Cannon
- https://eos-api.privex.io - operated by Privex (privexinceos) (HTTP and HTTPS)
- https://eosapi.blockmatrix.network - operated by Block Matrix
- https://user-api.eoseoul.io - operated by EOSeoul
- https://api.eos.bitspace.no - operated by Bitspace
- https://node.eosflare.io - operated by EOS Flare
- https://api-eos.blckchnd.com - operated by BLCKCHND
- https://mainnet.eosimpera.com - operated by EOS IMPERA
- https://api.franceos.fr - operated by franceos
- EOS Testnet Chain API [Jungle 3] - Source. To get the link, click on the HTTP column values.
- https://jungle3.cryptolions.io:443
- http://jungle3.cryptolions.io:80
- https://jungle3.eosdac.io:443
- https://jungle.eosn.io:443
- http://jungle3.atticlab.net:12875
- https://jungle3.eos.barcelona:443
- https://jungle3.eosusa.news:443
- https://jungle.eosphere.io:443
- https://jungle3.eossweden.org:443
- https://api.jungle3.alohaeos.com:443
- https://jungle.eosio.cr:443
- https://api-jungle.eosarabia.net:443
- https://testnet.jungle.eosdetroit.io:443
- https://jungle3.decentrawise.com:443
- EOS Mainnet repo (
, ) - /~https://github.com/CryptoLions/EOS-MainNet
- Telos Testnet Chain API
- http://testnet2.telos.eosusa.news
- https://node1.testnet2.telosglobal.io:8899
- https://node2.testnet2.telosglobal.io:8899
- https://sslapi.teloscentral.com:9995
- http://testnet.telos.eclipse24.io:8000
- https://testnet2.telos.eosdetroit.io
- https://basho-api.telosuk.io
- http://testnet.eossweden.eu
- http://testnet.telos.cryptosuvi.io:8889
- https://nickfury.tlos.goodblock.io
- https://telosapi.eosmetal.io
- https://api.testnet2.telosgermany.io
- https://telos-testnet-b.eosphere.io
- http://testnet.telos.africa:7777
- https://api.testnet.telosgreen.com
- https://testnet2api.telosarabia.net
- https://api.tlostest.alohaeos.com
- Telos Testnet p2p peer address
- p2p-peer-address=testnet2.telos.eosusa.news:59877
- p2p-peer-address=node1.testnet2.telosglobal.io:9876
- p2p-peer-address=node2.testnet2.telosglobal.io:9876
- p2p-peer-address=basho.eos.barcelona:9899
- p2p-peer-address=sslapi.teloscentral.com:9875
- p2p-peer-address=
- p2p-peer-address=testnet.telos.eclipse24.io:6789
- p2p-peer-address=testnet2.telos.eosdetroit.io:1337
- p2p-peer-address=basho-p2p.telosuk.io:19876
- p2p-peer-address=telos-testnet.atticlab.net:7876
- p2p-peer-address=testnet.eossweden.eu:8022
- p2p-peer-address=testnet.telos.cryptosuvi.io:2223
- p2p-peer-address=nickfury.tlos.goodblock.io:9876
- p2p-peer-address=telosapi.eosmetal.io:59877
- p2p-peer-address=
- p2p-peer-address=p2p.testnet.telosgermany.io
- p2p-peer-address=
- p2p-peer-address=telos-testnet-b.eosphere.io:9876
- p2p-peer-address=testnet.telos.africa:9875
- p2p-peer-address=p2p.testnet.telosgreen.com:9876
- p2p-peer-address=testnet2p2p.telosarabia.net:9876
- p2p-peer-address=peer.tlostest.alohaeos.com:9876
- p2p-peer-address=
- Telos Testnet
"initial_key": "EOS7xyPWfh6743fhZ46zQQcXSctddoqG65d44YsyRnCJCs54mJLrH",
"initial_configuration": {
"max_block_net_usage": 1048576,
"target_block_net_usage_pct": 1000,
"max_transaction_net_usage": 524288,
"base_per_transaction_net_usage": 12,
"net_usage_leeway": 500,
"context_free_discount_net_usage_num": 20,
"context_free_discount_net_usage_den": 100,
"max_block_cpu_usage": 5000000,
"target_block_cpu_usage_pct": 1000,
"max_transaction_cpu_usage": 150000,
"min_transaction_cpu_usage": 100,
"max_transaction_lifetime": 3600,
"deferred_trx_expiration_window": 600,
"max_transaction_delay": 3888000,
"max_inline_action_size": 4096,
"max_inline_action_depth": 4,
"max_authority_depth": 6
"initial_timestamp": "2019–08–07T12:00:00.000"
- BOS Mainnet repo (
, ) - /~https://github.com/CryptoLions/EOS-MainNet
WAX Mainnet Chain API - Source
WAX Testnet Chain API - Source. To get the link, click on the api param in JSON column values. like
{ "name": "", "p2p": "", "api": "" }
- https://wax-test.eosdac.io
- https://testnet.waxsweden.org
- https://testnet.wax.pink.gg
- https://api.waxtest.alohaeos.com
- https://waxtest.eosn.io
- https://testnet.wax.eosrio.io
- https://wax-testnet.eoscafeblock.com
- https://api.waxtest.greeneosiobp.com
- https://wax-testnet.eosphere.io
- https://wax-testnet.maltablock.org
- https://wax-test.eossweden.eu
- https://wax-testnet-api.eoscannon.io
AtomicHub - Interface for the EOSIO AtomicAssets NFT standard - https://wax-test.atomichub.io/
EOS block explorer:
- https://bloks.io/
- https://mainnet.eosio.online/
- https://scaneos.io/
- https://eospark.com/
- https://eostracker.io
- https://www.cypherblock.io/
- https://eosq.app/
- https://explorer.eosvibes.io/
- https://eosflare.io/
- https://eostree.io/ (Search any account with creator names)
- https://www.eosx.io
- View personal Account info. - https://eosinbox.io
- History API
- History tools by Block.one
- History API Endpoint List
- History API Nodes status
- Examples:
- Get actions for an account:
- Get actions for an account:
- Demux (infrastructure for interating with databases (speed & flexibility) - MongoDB, PostgreSQL along with Blockchain (immutability)):
- API docs for dev -
- EOS Park - https://developer.eospark.com/api-doc
- EOS Canada - https://www.dfuse.io/en
- EOS Infra - https://www.eosinfra.io/
- Smart Contract development tool:
- RAM Tools:
- List of dApps using Scatter Login - https://get-scatter.com/Apps
- EOS Studio (IDE for SC Development)
- Linux/Mac: https://download.eosstudio.io/
- Windows: https://download.eosstudio.io/win
- Local blocks.io
- enter Mainnet API url (copy from above)
- History API (optional): "https://eos.hyperion.eosrio.io/"
- List of EOS accounts
- Calculate WAX Resources
- EOSIO Dashboard
- EOSIO Wallets
- Powerup
- EOS Filestore - https://eosfilestore.now.sh/download
- EOS dMail - YouTube demo
- EOS Marketplace - https://eosmarketplace.io/
- EOS updation by @bytemaster - /~https://github.com/EOSIO/eos/tree/contextfree
- EOS: an Introduction - https://eos.io/documents/EOS_An_Introduction.pdf
- EOS Testnet - /~https://github.com/EOSIO/eos/blob/1972-QA/testnet.md
- EOS Developer Docs - https://developers.eos.io/
- EOS Dawn 3.0 - https://medium.com/eosio/eosio-dawn-3-0-now-available-49a3b99242d7
- EOS Dawn 4.0 -
- Multi-Sig wallet - https://steemit.com/eos/@genereos/eos-multisig-tutorial
- BTS DPoS Consensus Code Implementation Overview - https://blog.csdn.net/ggq89/article/details/80068306
- EOS: Explanation of DPoS+BFT w/ Daniel Larimer - Part 1 of 2: This explanation is by Dan himself - part 1.
- EOS: Explanation of New BFT+DPoS w/ Daniel Larimer - Part 2 of 2: This explanation is by Dan himself - part 2.
- DPOS Consensus Algorithm - The Missing White Paper
- Last irreversible Block discussion in Github
- History and notification in EOS blockchain
- Understanding EOS by Blockgeeks
- Nodeos Server setup
- EOSIO Developer Portal | Block.one
- EOSIO Smart Contract Developer's Handbook |
- EOSIO Dev Course at Geneva University (November 8-16th 2019)- /~https://github.com/Europechain/eosio-dev-introduction-course
- EOS smart contract programming tutorials - /~https://github.com/cc32d9/eosio.tutorials
- EOSIO Training & Certification
- Webinars:
- Read Medium articles by Mitcher:
- Github repo
- Advanced EOS Series — Part 1 — Cryptographic Hashes
- Advanced EOS Series — Part 2 — Singletons
- Advanced EOS Series — Part 3 — Secondary Indexes
- Advanced EOS Series — Part 4 — Table Uniqueness
- Advanced EOS Series — Part 5 — One-to-many Relationships
- Advanced EOS Series — Part 6 —Contract-to-Contract Communication
- Advanced EOS Series — Part 9 — Payable Actions
- Coinbase EOS Basics:
- C++ Guide for EOS Development by C Mitchel
- EOSIO 1 vs 2
- EOSIO Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)
- About: Essentially, eosio.evm gives you a fully featured Ethereum virtual machine on EOS. As a developer, you can write your code in Solidity, compile it and deploy it directly on the eosio.evm contract. I like to think of it like the program Wine, which allows applications coded for Windows to run on MacOS and Linux. eosio.evm takes programs written for Ethereum and runs them with enchanced TPS on EOS.
- Github repo: /~https://github.com/jafri/eosio.evm
- Blog: https://www.eoswriter.io/170545_syed-jafri-talks-blockhain-ethereum-and-the-eosio-challenge-interview.eos
- Video:
- prize money by Block.one -
200,000 USD
- eosio-java
- eosjs
- @greymass/eosio-core
EOSIO.CDT (Contract Development Toolkit) - /~https://github.com/EOSIO/eosio.cdt- EOSIO Boilerplate
- My contract Setup
- my_eosio_essentials
- Tutorial on writing smart contracts on EOS - /~https://github.com/itleaks/eos-contract
- Shop contract - /~https://github.com/michaeljyeates/eosshop/
- EOSIO coding standards by Thomas Cox - https://developers.eos.io/eosio-home/docs/coding-standards
- Account contract - /~https://github.com/eosiosg/account-detail-contract
- Referendum contract (voting, chat) - /~https://github.com/eoscanada/eosio.forum
- Reliefchain contract - /~https://github.com/serganus/ReliefChain-smartcontracts
- Oraclize examples - /~https://github.com/oraclize/eos-examples
- Create a EOS token - https://medium.com/coinmonks/how-to-create-eos-token-212696fe1aba
- How to build an EOS application - https://freestartupkits.com/articles/technology/cryptocurrency-news-and-tips/how-to-build-an-eos-application-eosio-1/
- InfinitexLabs Project Oasis (entire game built on EOS) - Part 1 & 2 Github, Part 1 Article, Part 2 Article
- InfinitexLabs Project Robot factory - Version 1 Github, Version 1 Article, Version 2 Github
- Understanding the eosio.token contract - https://medium.com/coinmonks/understanding-the-eosio-token-contract-87466b9fdca9
- Smart City on Steroids - /~https://github.com/serganus/scos-smartcontract
- Blog dApp -
- Ping EOS contract - https://steemit.com/devs/@eos-asia/eos-smart-contracts-part-1-getting-started-ping-equivalent-in-eos
- Todo list contract - https://steemit.com/eos/@eos-asia/part-2-building-a-to-do-list-with-eos-or-working-with-persistent-data-in-eos
- Oraclize EOS:
- EOS contract examples (Table, Transfer-award, etc.) - /~https://github.com/itleaks/eos-contract
- incoming transfer rules for transaction in memo - /~https://github.com/eosauthority/incoming-transfer-rules
- EOS Pixels contract - /~https://github.com/eosasia/eospixels
- EOS Smart contract bugs (Be careful, for dev reference) - /~https://github.com/EOSArgentina/eos_known_attacks
- Pet Smart contract
- EOS timelock contract - /~https://github.com/michaeljyeates/eos-timelock
- EOS button contract - /~https://github.com/eosbutton/eosbutton-contract
- EOS voting contract - /~https://github.com/EOSMore/eos-contracts/tree/dev/more.voting Read first
- EOS moment contract - /~https://github.com/EOSMore/eos-contracts/tree/dev/more.moment Read first
- EOS security essentials - /~https://github.com/slowmist/eos-smart-contract-security-best-practices
- ITE DAPP contract code - /~https://github.com/itecreator/eos-ite
- EOS Hack Crypto exchange payment channel README- /~https://github.com/DucaturFw/EOSHack_06_2018_smart_contract_eos/blob/master/src/hello.cpp
- ducor EOS contracts - /~https://github.com/DucaturFw/ducor-eos/tree/master/contracts
- A random number generator smart contract - /~https://github.com/OracleChain/EOSDACRandom
- Poll eos contract - /~https://github.com/sim31/polleos
- Lottery contract - /~https://github.com/jsonsnow/lottery
- Lottery contract - /~https://github.com/trentlotteryteam/trentLotteryContract
- Lottery contract - /~https://github.com/lottery100/lottery100/
- Referendum voting contract (A Smart Contract to allow staked users to vote upon a change of the Constitution.) - /~https://github.com/eos42/eos-referendum
- Contract for CPU & NET lease on EOS - /~https://github.com/EOSLaoMao/BankofStaked-CE
- Contract for making immutable w/o losing mutability - /~https://github.com/xJonathanLEI/eosyield
- Custom Token tracking smart contract for EOS - /~https://github.com/greymass/customtokens
- EOS Spore mini game - /~https://github.com/MNLBlockDevs/eos-simplepacman-contract
- EOS dev contracts - /~https://github.com/decentrawise/eos-dev
- Ping contract - /~https://github.com/DmsChrisPena/eos-smart-contract-info
- EOS b-mail SmartContracts - /~https://github.com/elmato/SmartContracts
- exchange cpp file - /~https://github.com/Dylan-Phoon/Eostrex-Smart-Contract/blob/master/exchange.cpp
- Understanding Bancor contract - /~https://github.com/HorusPay/eos-smart-contracts/tree/master/bancor
- dummy txn without sending tokens - /~https://github.com/cc32d9/eos.watchdoggiee
- Simple MMO game - /~https://github.com/alerdenisov/eos-tank-demo
- Charity contract - /~https://github.com/ofo/charity
- CRUD - /~https://github.com/eostea/eos-contracts/tree/master/test_da
- say love - /~https://github.com/eostea/eos-contracts/tree/master/lover
- PandaFun game - /~https://github.com/pandafunx/pandafun
- eos-play (by someone) contains some basics, utility codebase - /~https://github.com/leordev/eos-play
- Stake for me - /~https://github.com/xJonathanLEI/stakeforme
- EOS payout (EOS tokens to partners) division contract - /~https://github.com/raphaelgodro/eospartners/blob/master/contracts/eoscomm/
- unionramgame contract - /~https://github.com/unionramgame/contract
- Recruit contract - /~https://github.com/liusong00621/contract
- Resource exchange (lease, rent, income-generate) for EOS - /~https://github.com/alepacheco/resource_exchange
- unknown game - /~https://github.com/waterhkzhong/doudizhu-eos-contract
- Model tolls gates for vehicles, ride - /~https://github.com/gravitt8460/eos_tolls
- Burning RAM - /~https://github.com/EOSeco-team/BurningRam
- EOS nameswaps - /~https://github.com/StarryJapanNight/eosnameswaps
- DEX contract - /~https://github.com/waksana/exchange
- CMS (content management system) contract - /~https://github.com/netkiller/eos
- Social contract - /~https://github.com/EOS-Phos/contracts
- Social platform by Golos (for different contracts, view the branches)- /~https://github.com/GolosChain/golos-smart
- EOS Encrypt - /~https://github.com/EOS-Nation/eos-encrypt
- EOS Advanced Examples (miscellaneous) - /~https://github.com/MitchPierias/Advanced-EOS-Examples
- EOS RAM Token - /~https://github.com/ChainRift/RAMtoken
- EOS Dice - /~https://github.com/loveblockchain/eosdice
- EOS Smart Contract for Block Producer Information - /~https://github.com/greymass/producerjson
- Shared contracts - /~https://github.com/JackDiSalvatore/shared_contracts
- EOSHackathon contracts, tutorials - /~https://github.com/eoshackathon/eos_dapp_development_cn/
- EOS stable coin contract - /~https://github.com/newbdez33/stablecoooin
- EOS account creation - /~https://github.com/Dappub/signupeoseos
- EOSIO card game - /~https://github.com/EOSIO/eosio-card-game-repo
- Everipedia contract - /~https://github.com/EveripediaNetwork/Everipedia
- Timestamping services on EOS - /~https://github.com/sim31/timeos
- EOS Non Fungible Tokens (NFT) - /~https://github.com/unicoeos/eosio.nft
- EOS Uber - /~https://github.com/mrbid/EOSIO-UBER
- EOS Auctions - /~https://github.com/mrbid/EOSIO-AUCTIONS
- Twitter Bot for tip in EOS - /~https://github.com/kesar/twitbot
- EOSIO Token With Time Lock - /~https://github.com/yashbhavsar007/tokentime
- EOS bank - /~https://github.com/eosonic/EOSBank/blob/master/README.md
- Bancor contracts - /~https://github.com/bancorprotocol/contracts_eos
- Smart contract audit - /~https://github.com/EveripediaNetwork/smart-contract-audits/blob/master/everipediaiq-audit.md
- Smart contract template - /~https://github.com/bnbjin/smartcont/
- EOS SC template - /~https://github.com/digital-scarcity/eostemplate
- Equipment Rental (like Olx) - /~https://github.com/digital-scarcity/equiprental, YouTube Video
- EOS dApp tutorial (3 parts) - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
- EOS Lost key contract - /~https://github.com/eosdac/eosio.lost
- Ricardian contract bond, claim, and arbitration management system - /~https://github.com/EOSMetal/tungsten
- Infiniverse (AR based company) contracts - /~https://github.com/InfiniverseAR/infiniverse-eos
- Load many deferred transactions (Performance Testing) - /~https://github.com/michaeljyeates/eos-blaster
- EOS contract examples - /~https://github.com/clockknock/eos-contract-example
- Custom tokens - /~https://github.com/greymass/customtokens
- EOS atm - /~https://github.com/xJonathanLEI/eosatm
- ClashBet EOS Hackathon - /~https://github.com/gulbinas/EOSHackathon_ClashBet
- Universal Escrow Service on EOS (You can create a smart contract that accepts transfers and locks them up, and releases at a certain condition) - /~https://github.com/eos-geneva/escrowescrow
- EOS Bank - /~https://github.com/hrzp/eosbank
- eos contracts best practices - /~https://github.com/liquidapps-io/eos-contracts-best-practices
- IBC contracts - /~https://github.com/boscore/ibc_contracts
- Pegged Token Exchange Smart Cotnract (by @bytemaster) - /~https://github.com/bytemaster/pex
- List of EOS tokens - /~https://github.com/BlockABC/eos-tokens
- RFID Contract - /~https://github.com/EOSIoT/rfid-contract/blob/master/rfidapp.hpp
- RFID scanner device software for Raspberry Pi and EOS blockchain - /~https://github.com/EOSIoT/rfid-scanner-node
- ICO on EOS - /~https://github.com/shuklaashish057/eos-ico
- Effect.AI network contracts - /~https://github.com/effectai/effect-network-eos
- EOS Resource Telegram Bot - /~https://github.com/oboluscrypto/eos-dapp-resource-alert
- Python EOS Utilities (push transactions, cal RAM, create account, etc.) - /~https://github.com/jin10086/eos-bonus-getting
- Sales contract - /~https://github.com/simonschmoll/eos_sales_contract
- Gift EOS by automatically creating an EOS account - /~https://github.com/slyon/signup
- Decentralized Bounty system - /~https://github.com/Blockchain-zju/zjubca.bounty
- EOSUSD (Stable token) - /~https://github.com/eosusd/eosusd
- EOS token (with extra features- add-blacklist, rm-blacklist, refund, auto-refund etc.) - /~https://github.com/mykeylab/eos-stake-token
- DGoods (A token standard for digital goods) - /~https://github.com/MythicalGames/dgoods
- Smart contract that allows to create completely decentralized trading pairs - /~https://github.com/EOSArgentina/evolutiondex
- My EOS makes writing EOS dApps easy! - /~https://github.com/eosrapid/my-eos
- EOSIO smart contracts collection - /~https://github.com/blockmatic/eosio-contracts-list
- RobotFactory-02 (is the extended RobotFactory project used for the live demo at the second EOS Developers Meetup) - /~https://github.com/infiniteXLabs/RobotFactory-02
- EOS-tutorial - /~https://github.com/clockknock/EOS-Tutorial
- EOS Faucet contract - /~https://github.com/clockknock/eosfaucet
- Some examples for EOS contract - /~https://github.com/clockknock/eos-contract-example
- EOS Football lottery - /~https://github.com/ishotoli/eos-football-lottery
- A Smart Contract to allow staked users to vote upon a change of the Constitution - /~https://github.com/eos42/eos-referendum
- Contract to allow genesis account holders on EOS to reset a lost key - /~https://github.com/eosdac/eosio.lost
- EOSIO contracts references, examples and best-practices - /~https://github.com/liquidapps-io/eos-contracts-best-practices
- My personal sandbox to play with EOS Smart Contracts - /~https://github.com/leordev/eos-play
- Integer library with unlimited precision for EOS.IO Smart Contract - /~https://github.com/playerone-id/biginteger-for-eosio
- Crazy town EOS contract - /~https://github.com/yukiexe/crazytown-eos-contract
- safer fund management - /~https://github.com/EOSLaoMao/EOSGuardian
- All the EOSDAC smart contracts - /~https://github.com/eosdac/eosdac-contracts
- Provable API for EOS contracts - /~https://github.com/provable-things/eos-api
- Code examples showing how to use the Provable API on EOSIO - /~https://github.com/provable-things/eos-examples
- Kerosene Lamp powered by SimpleAssets - /~https://github.com/CryptoLions/KeroseneLamp
- A simple standard for digital assets (both fungible and NFTs - non-fungible tokens) for EOSIO blockchains - /~https://github.com/CryptoLions/SimpleAssets
- EOSIO contract for collecting BPs peers latency - /~https://github.com/CryptoLions/PeerPingData
- AtomicAssets (NFT by pink.network)- /~https://github.com/pinknetworkx/atomicassets-contract
- Encrypt Message over Multi-index table - /~https://github.com/cc32d9/pobox/tree/master/contract
- Bancor Protocol Contracts - /~https://github.com/bancorprotocol/contracts_eos
- EOS smart contract for a catalog of dapps - /~https://github.com/cc32d9/dappscatalog
- Sign a file on Blockchain - /~https://github.com/Europechain/filehashfact
- Game contract SDK for EOS - /~https://github.com/DaoCasino/game-contract-sdk
- Telos Shops is a decentralized storefront service - /~https://github.com/telosnetwork/telos-shops
- Telos Login Service - /~https://github.com/telosnetwork/telos-login
- EOSIO signing request java - /~https://github.com/greymass/eosio-signing-request-java
- DAO Platform contracts (all games and casinos interact with this contracts) - /~https://github.com/DaoCasino/platform-contracts
- DEFI - /~https://github.com/onesgame/defi
- Multi signature commands (in bash scripts) - /~https://github.com/CryptoLions/MSIG_console_manager
- Events receiver example for SimpleAssets.io - /~https://github.com/CryptoLions/SimpleAssets-EventReceiverExample
- Stress testing for EOS blockchain - Blog, Github
- EOSIO payout contracts - /~https://github.com/cc32d9/eosio_payout/tree/master/contracts
- NFC Seal of Authenticity - /~https://github.com/cc32d9/nfc-seal
- Rust Smart Contracts Development Kit (RSCDK) - Github, Documentation
Here, try the getting started tutorial, And then try to write unit tests using Qtest
on top of the .wasm
& .abi
Failing on macOS M1. Getting this error:
❯ eosdebugger
export CHAIN_API_LIB=/Users/abhi3700/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ipyeos/release/lib/libchain_api.dylib
export VM_API_LIB=/Users/abhi3700/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ipyeos/release/lib/libvm_api.dylib
export PYTHON_SHARED_LIB_PATH=/Users/abhi3700/opt/anaconda3/lib/libpython3.9.dylib
/Users/abhi3700/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ipyeos/release/bin/ipyeos -m ipyeos eosdebugger
dyld[85548]: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/zstd/lib/libzstd.1.dylib
Referenced from: <9D771806-EEBF-3787-9792-2F1465279363> /Users/abhi3700/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ipyeos/release/bin/ipyeos
Reason: tried: '/usr/local/opt/zstd/lib/libzstd.1.dylib' (no such file), '/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS/usr/local/opt/zstd/lib/libzstd.1.dylib' (no such file), '/usr/local/opt/zstd/lib/libzstd.1.dylib' (no such file), '/usr/local/lib/libzstd.1.dylib' (no such file), '/usr/lib/libzstd.1.dylib' (no such file, not in dyld cache)
Tried after
$ python3 -m pip install -U ipyeos
- AssemblyScript Smart Contracts Development Kit (ASCDK) - /~https://github.com/uuosio/ascdk
- Proton Typescript Smart assembly - Github, Documentation
NOTE: It uses ASCDk: /~https://github.com/uuosio/ascdk
- Eden OS - /~https://github.com/eoscommunity/Eden
- SX Curve: amplified AMM (automated market maker) swap liquidity pool designed efficiently for stable currencies and/or highly correlated assets - /~https://github.com/stableex/sx.curve
- SX Vaults 🏦 follow interest yielding strategies that are designed to maximize the yield of the deposited asset and minimize risk - /~https://github.com/stableex/sx.vaults
- SX Flash Loans ⚡️ Borrow any amount of liquidity instantly for near-zero fees & no collateral - /~https://github.com/stableex/sx.flash
- What is EOS? - https://www.weusecoins.com/what-is-eos/
- Object computing Blogs- What is Graphene , EOS Smart contracts
- Blogs, Videos, links Github Repository - /~https://github.com/EOS-Nation/Awesome-EOS
- EOS voting stackexchange - https://eosio.stackexchange.com/questions/725/how-to-vote-using-cleos
- How To Secure Messages On EOS - https://medium.com/@darchnetwork0/how-to-secure-messages-on-eos-a9c4e86c3cf7
- EOS CPU issue | Remove artificial REX lower limit - EOSIO/eosio.contracts#369
- Testing EOSIO Smart Contracts - https://app.voice.com/post/@philliphamnett/testing-eosio-smart-contracts-1598539888-1
- EOS Multisig — Advanced Security Made Easy
- https://eosio.stackexchange.com/questions/2247/what-is-the-best-way-of-storing-data-on-eos-blockchain
- https://eosio.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/database?sort=frequent&pageSize=15
- https://eosio.stackexchange.com/questions/2047/what-is-the-chainbase-database-used-for/2060
- https://eosio.stackexchange.com/questions/6/are-tables-dbs-stored-in-ram-and-held-by-multiple-block-producers?rq=1
- https://eosio.stackexchange.com/questions/233/how-do-you-define-who-pays-and-who-stores-on-your-smart-contract-tables?rq=1
- https://eosio.stackexchange.com/questions/2389/the-relationship-between-the-multi-index-db-and-block-chain