We use VOC 07+12 protocol, i.e., the train set contains VOC 2007 trainval + VOC 2012 trainval, and the test set contains VOC 2007 test.
wget https://pjreddie.com/media/files/VOCtrainval_11-May-2012.tar
wget https://pjreddie.com/media/files/VOCtrainval_06-Nov-2007.tar
wget https://pjreddie.com/media/files/VOCtest_06-Nov-2007.tar
tar xf VOCtrainval_11-May-2012.tar
tar xf VOCtrainval_06-Nov-2007.tar
tar xf VOCtest_06-Nov-2007.tar
Download at our links: Face Mask, Fruit, Helmet.
Download at Kaggle: Face Mask, Fruit, Helmet.
If you download at our links, you can use it after unzip
and put them to the proper dir.
If you download at Kaggle links, you need to process the annotations to XML format if the data label is in YOLO format. And there are some considerations:
- For face mask dataset, we use the union of train set and valid set for training.
- For fruit dataset, we found some images have errors. Please use our
train.txt and
data/fruit/VOC2007/ImageSets/Main` to process the normal data. - For helmet dataset, we use the union of valid set and test set for evaluation.
We use COCO train2017 for training and val2017 for evaluation.
python tools/misc/download_dataset.py --dataset-name coco2017
Put all the above datasets in the following dir
├── data
├── VOCdevkit
├── VOC2007
├── Annotations
├── 00001.xml
├── ImageSets
├── Main
├── train.txt
├── JPEGImages
├── 00001.jpg
├── labels
├── SegmentationClass
├── SegmentationObject
├── VOC2012
├── Annotations
├── ImageSets
├── JPEGImages
├── labels
├── SegmentationClass
├── SegmentationObject
├── facemask
├── VOC2007
├── fruit
├── VOC2007
├── helmet
├── VOC2007
├── coco
├── annotations
├── instances_train2017.json
├── train2017
├── 000000000009.jpg
├── val2017
├── 000000000139.jpg
├── test2017
The breif information about the 5 datasets:
Dataset | Training set | Test set | #Classes |
PASCAL VOC | 16551 | 4952 | 20 |
Face Mask | 5865 | 1035 | 2 |
Fruit | 3836 | 639 | 11 |
Helmet | 15887 | 6902 | 2 |
MS COCO | 118291 | 5000 | 80 |