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Releases: YtFlow/Maple

Maple v0.9.1

02 Dec 11:11
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Only x64 build is available at this moment. Minimum required OS version is Windows 10, version 1809 (build 17763).

Before installing the msixbundle, remember to import the security certificate first:

  1. Open Maple.App_0.9.1.0_x64.cer, and select Install Certificate.
  2. On the Certificate Import Wizard, select Local Machine.
  3. Import the certificate to the Trusted People folder.

Note: the code signing certificate in this release has been updated (fingerprint: 86dee5b21444fc30e13e1a63ae3579c7ef6b0d97). You may need to install the new certificate and untrust the old one.

Note: the code signing certificate in this release has been updated (fingerprint: f21105f08b813caca6c2b0725c675950bbc706b3). You may need to install the new certificate and untrust the old one.

Maple v0.9.0

01 Apr 10:19
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  • Updated Leaf core (eycorsican/leaf@606d9de .. eycorsican/leaf@4b4338b)
    • socks outbound: added auth support (#11)
    • shadowsocks outbound: added http/tls obfs support (#45)
    • trojan/vmess outbound: added tls-insecure
    • other fixes and enhancements
  • IPv6 support
    • VPN inbound: Maple will now take over IPv6 traffic within the system.
    • IPv6 outbound: For IPv6 proxy servers and IPv6 connection requests with direct route, Leaf will try to bind the connection to an IPv6 address of the selected outbound interface (if any).
  • Fixed a bug where the editor could not load files with non-ASCII names


Only x64 build is available at this moment. Minimum required OS version is Windows 10, version 1809 (build 17763).

Before installing the msixbundle, remember to import the security certificate first:

  1. Open Maple.App_0.9.0.0_x64.cer, and select Install Certificate.
  2. On the Certificate Import Wizard, select Local Machine.
  3. Import the certificate to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities folder.

Maple v0.8.2

03 Mar 06:59
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  • Fixed a bug where GeoIP database could not be loaded (#43)

Known Issues

  • External databases (.mmdb/.dat) and certificates in custom configuration folders could not be recognized by Leaf core


Only x64 build is available at this moment. Minimum required OS version is Windows 10, version 1809 (build 17763).

Before installing the msixbundle, remember to import the security certificate first:

  1. Open Maple.App_0.8.2.0_x64.cer, and select Install Certificate.
  2. On the Certificate Import Wizard, select Local Machine.
  3. Import the certificate to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities folder.

Maple v0.8.1

09 Dec 16:12
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  • Fixed a bug where TUN malfunctions after reconnecting (thanks @AkinoKaede!)

From v0.8.0:

  • You can pick a custom folder for configuration files and databases


Only x64 build is available at this moment. Minimum required OS version is Windows 10, version 1809 (build 17763).

Before installing the msixbundle, remember to import the security certificate first:

  1. Open Maple.App_0.8.1.0_x64.cer, and select Install Certificate.
  2. On the Certificate Import Wizard, select Local Machine.
  3. Import the certificate to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities folder.

Maple v0.8.0 (Beta)

24 Nov 15:10
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Maple v0.8.0 (Beta) Pre-release


  • You can pick a custom folder for configuration files and databases

Please be reminded that this is a beta release. While we encourage everyone to try out new, unstable features and report issues, backup your files properly to prevent data loss.


Only x64 build is available at this moment. Minimum required OS version is Windows 10, version 1809 (build 17763).

Before installing the msixbundle, remember to import the security certificate first:

  1. Open Maple.App_0.8.0.0_x64.cer, and select Install Certificate.
  2. On the Certificate Import Wizard, select Local Machine.
  3. Import the certificate to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities folder.

Maple v0.7.0

20 Nov 17:50
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🎉 Introducing the Monaco-based configuration editor with IntelliSense! 🎉

  • In this version, we have incorporated WinUI 2.8 for the WebView2 control. You should see a modernized visual of the basic controls as well.
  • On top of that, the RichEditBox has been replaced with a WebView hosting a Monaco editor.
  • Common IntelliSense features like validation, auto completion, hover, renaming etc. are supported for the conf format.
  • Besides, exception handling is improved. Fewer crashes are expected.

Breaking changes

Minimum required OS version is now Windows 10, version 1809 - build 17763.


Before installing the msixbundle, remember to import the security certificate first:

  1. Open Maple.App_0.7.0.0_x64.cer, and select Install Certificate.
  2. On the Certificate Import Wizard, select Local Machine.
  3. Import the certificate to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities folder.

Note: the code signing certificate in this release has been updated (fingerprint: 34c28379f0c02b648c36ae8c876d2c17c8a08155). You may need to install the new certificate and untrust the old one.

Maple v0.6.0

16 May 15:20
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Only x64 build is available at this moment. Minimum required OS version is Windows 10, version 1703 (Creators Update).

Before installing the appxbundle, remember to import the security certificate first:

  1. Open Maple.App_0.6.0.0_x64.cer, and select Install Certificate.
  2. On the Certificate Import Wizard, select Local Machine.
  3. Import the certificate to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities folder.

Note: the code signing certificate in this release has been updated (fingerprint: ef6ab9d1e77a752154dcead1d6ee4efef471ab48). You may need to install the new certificate and untrust the old one.

Maple v0.5.1

06 Sep 15:10
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  • Reverted plugin system in Leaf core
  • Fixed issues related to VMess

Only x64 build is available at this moment. Minimum required OS version is Windows 10, version 1703 (Creators Update).

Before installing the appxbundle, remember to import the security certificate first:

  1. Open Maple.App_0.5.1.0_x64.cer, and select Install Certificate.
  2. On the Certificate Import Wizard, select Local Machine.
  3. Import the certificate to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities folder.

Maple v0.5.0

30 Aug 02:49
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Only x64 build is available at this moment. Minimum required OS version is Windows 10, version 1703 (Creators Update).

Before installing the appxbundle, remember to import the security certificate first:

  1. Open Maple.App_0.5.0.0_x64.cer, and select Install Certificate.
  2. On the Certificate Import Wizard, select Local Machine.
  3. Import the certificate to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities folder.

Note: the code signing certificate in this release has been updated (fingerprint: 6890b24de38b664dfcd2cab4587ed55e2a47fe46). You may need to install the new certificate and untrust the old one.

Maple v0.4.0

14 Aug 04:58
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Only x64 build is available at this moment. Minimum required OS version is Windows 10, version 1703 (Creators Update).

Before installing the appxbundle, remember to import the security certificate first:

  1. Open Maple.App_0.4.0.0_x64.cer, and select Install Certificate.
  2. On the Certificate Import Wizard, select Local Machine.
  3. Import the certificate to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities folder.