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🔍 MEMory Search and EDit for Linux, inspired by Cheat Engine


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MEMory Search and EDit for Linux

Heavily inspired by basic Cheat Engine workflow (search value, make value change, search new value, save address and modify it)


This project is still a work in progress!
It should work for the most part, but adjust your expectations accordingly.
Check for things yet to be implemented.

Screenshot of MemSed

System Requirements

  • Linux (other platforms might be supported in the future) with /proc fs
  • OpenGL 3.0+ capable GPU driver


Arch Linux

Thanks to ImperatorStorm, we have an AUR package!
Install with your favorite AUR helper, for example with yay:

yay -S memsed-git

Then, run from terminal with sudo memsed.

Universal Binary

Will work on most Linux distros, needs to be updated manually.

curl -Lo memsed /~
sudo install memsed -D -t /usr/local/bin/
rm memsed

Then, run from terminal with sudo memsed.
If your distro does not support /usr/local/bin/ in PATH, try /usr/bin/ instead.


Build Requirements

  • GCC
  • CMake 3.20+
  • GNU Make
  • Python 3.10+ (for dear_bindings and GLAD generation)

Build Instructions

git clone -j $(nproc) --recursive /~
cd MemSed
cmake --preset release
cmake --build -j $(nproc) --preset release

The executable will be located at ./build/release/memsed

Development Tips

While developing, it is best to first configure with the debug preset:

cmake --preset debug

Only need to run this (configure step) the first time, and when creating/deleting files

You can specify a target in the cmake build command:

cmake --build -j $(nproc) --preset debug -t run

Perform a clean build by adding --clean-first to the build command too

Quickly start attached to debugger with:

cmake --build -j $(nproc) --preset debug -t gdb

IDE Support

Configuration files are provided for VS Code and they rely on clangd

You will need to run a full build process atleast once before clangd picks up the compile DB

Press Ctrl+Shift+P and run clangd: Restart language server if things ever go wrong

Project Structure

  • build/: output and working directory for compilation
  • build/current/: symlink to build/debug/ or build/release/
  • lib/: mostly generated code that the project depends on
  • lib/vendor/: submodules used to generate code in lib/, or compiled as is
  • resources/: assets used by the program, converted to C code in lib/
  • src/: code specific to this project
  • src/process/: platform-specific implementation of basic process primitives
  • src/thread/: platform-specific implementation of basic thread primitives
  • everything else in src/ should be fairly platform-agnostic

❤️ Support

If you enjoy this program please spread the word! And if you really love it, maybe consider donating? :D

Ko-fi: One-off or Recurring, No signup required

PayPal: One-off, Signup required


Thank you <3