About the project
Built With
Main Features
As part of the Image analysis course of the Master 1 Computer Science at the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, we had a project whose objective is to put into practice methods and algorithms of analysis and image processing seen in course.
This project has been realized with the Python version of the OpenCV graphic library specialized in real time image processing. This report contains the three-part structure of the project. In the first part, we had to get to know OpenCV with basic processing on images, the second part consisted in extracting the silhouette of a person on a video, and finally we had to implement the region growing algorithm in a third part.
- Python 3
- OpenCV
pip3 install matplotlib opencv_python numpy
Features |
Status |
Step 1 : Getting started with OpenCV using some common filters | ✅ |
Step 2 : Background subtraction | ✅ |
Step 3 : Implementing Region Growing algorithm on image | ✅ |
Step 3 bis : Implementing Region Growing algorithm on a video frame using an envelope to reduce the search area and using a grid to place seeds | ✅ |
- Step 1 :
python3 ./step_1.py <file (optionnal)>
- Step 2 :
python3 ./step_2.py
- Step 3 Region Growing :
python3 ./step_3_region_growing.py <file (optionnal)> <threshold (optionnal)>
- Step 3 Region Growing (auto) :
python3 ./step_3_region_growing_auto.py <threshold (optionnal)> <grid size (optionnal)>