# Copyright Verizon. # Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE file in project root for terms. #!/bin/env python3 import argparse import csv import fileinput import functools import getpass import os import re import shlex import shutil import socket import struct import sys import textwrap from datetime import datetime, timezone import pexpect from cmd2 import Cmd, Settable, ansi, with_argparser from rich import box from rich.console import Console from rich.prompt import Prompt from rich.table import Table # define colors green = functools.partial(ansi.style, fg=ansi.RgbFg(65, 255, 0)) red = functools.partial(ansi.style, fg=ansi.RgbFg(239, 41, 41)) def xstr(s): """return empty string if input is none/false""" return '' if not s else s class Logger(): logs = [] logfile_csv = None csv_writer = None def __init__(self, command, ip=None, dns_name=None, netbios_name=None, user_name=None, pid=None, ttps=None): self.timestamp = datetime.now(timezone.utc) self.command = command self.ip = ip self.dns_name = dns_name self.netbios_name = netbios_name self.user_name = user_name self.pid = pid self.ttps = ttps self.write_log_entry() Logger.logs.append(self) @classmethod def open_logfile(cls, basefilename): logfile_csv = f"{basefilename}.csv" print(f"Logging to: {logfile_csv}\n") cls.logfile_csv = open(logfile_csv, 'w', newline='') fieldnames = ['Datetime', 'IP Address', 'DNS Name', 'NetBIOS Name', 'User', 'PID', 'Activity', 'TTPs'] cls.csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(cls.logfile_csv, fieldnames=fieldnames) cls.csv_writer.writeheader() cls.logfile_csv.flush() def asdict(self): return {'Datetime': self.timestamp.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S %z"), 'IP Address': xstr(self.ip), 'DNS Name': xstr(self.dns_name), 'NetBIOS Name': xstr(self.netbios_name), 'User': xstr(self.user_name), 'PID': xstr(self.pid), 'Activity': self.command, 'TTPs': self.ttps} def write_log_entry(self): Logger.csv_writer.writerow(self.asdict()) Logger.logfile_csv.flush() @classmethod def close_logfile(cls): cls.logfile_csv.close() class CSProxyPivots(): instances = {} by_hash = {} count = 0 def __init__(self, socks_type, socks_port, bid, beacon_pid, beacon_user, beacon_computer, beacon_ip, beacon_alive, beacon_last, socks5_auth=None): self.socks_type = socks_type self.socks_port = socks_port self.socks5_auth = socks5_auth self.socks5_user = None self.socks5_pass = None self.bid = bid self.beacon_pid = beacon_pid self.beacon_user = beacon_user self.beacon_computer = beacon_computer self.beacon_ip = beacon_ip self.beacon_alive = beacon_alive self.beacon_last = beacon_last self.beacon_hash = hash(f"{bid}-{beacon_pid}-{socks_port}") CSProxyPivots.count += 1 self.id = CSProxyPivots.count CSProxyPivots.instances[self.id] = self CSProxyPivots.by_hash[self.beacon_hash] = self @classmethod def get_pivots(cls): data = [] data.append(['ID', 'Alive', 'Socks Type', 'Socks Port', 'Socks5 Auth', 'Beacon PID', 'Beacon User', 'Beacon Computer', 'Beacon Last']) for pivot in CSProxyPivots.instances.values(): data.append([str(pivot.id), str(pivot.beacon_alive), pivot.socks_type, pivot.socks_port, pivot.socks5_auth, pivot.beacon_pid, pivot.beacon_user, pivot.beacon_computer, pivot.beacon_last]) return data class RedShell(Cmd): prompt = 'redshell > ' def __init__(self): super().__init__() # remove built-in commands try: del Cmd.do_alias del Cmd.do_edit del Cmd.do_macro del Cmd.do_run_pyscript del Cmd.do_run_script del Cmd.do_shortcuts del Cmd.do_py except AttributeError: pass # remove built-in settings for key in ['allow_style', 'always_show_hint', 'editor', 'echo', 'feedback_to_output', 'quiet', 'timing', 'max_completion_items']: try: self.remove_settable(key) except: pass self.display_intro() # check/create redshell user dir home_dir = os.path.expanduser("~") self.redshell_user_directory = f"{home_dir}/.redshell/" if not os.path.exists(self.redshell_user_directory): os.makedirs(self.redshell_user_directory) # set cobalt strike directory, if exists if os.path.exists('/opt/cobaltstrike'): self.cs_directory = '/opt/cobaltstrike' else: self.cs_directory = '' # set config variables self.redshell_directory = os.getcwd() self.proxychains_config = f"{self.redshell_directory}/proxychains_redshell.conf" self.cs_host = '' self.cs_port = '' self.cs_user = '' self.cs_pass = '' self.cs_process = None self.cs_beacon_pid = '' self.cs_beacon_id = '' self.cs_beacon_user = '' self.cs_beacon_computer = '' self.cs_beacon_ip = '' self.context_ip = '' self.context_dns_name = '' self.context_netbios_name = '' self.context_user_name = '' self.context_pid = '' self.socks_host = '' self.socks_port = '' self.socks_type = '' self.socks5_auth = '' self.socks5_user = '' self.socks5_pass = '' self.socks_port_connected = False self.password = '' self.check_socks = True # initialze user settable options self.add_settable(Settable('redshell_directory', str, 'redshell install directory', self, completer=Cmd.path_complete, onchange_cb=self._onchange_redshell_directory)) self.add_settable(Settable('proxychains_config', str, 'proxychains config file', self, completer=Cmd.path_complete)) self.add_settable(Settable('cs_directory', str, 'Cobalt Strike install directory', self, completer=Cmd.path_complete)) self.add_settable(Settable('cs_host', str, 'Cobalt Strike team server host', self)) self.add_settable(Settable('cs_port', str, 'Cobalt Strike team server port', self)) self.add_settable(Settable('cs_user', str, 'Cobalt Strike user', self, onchange_cb=self._onchange_cs_user)) self.add_settable(Settable('password', str, 'Password for beacon_exec commands. Invoke with $password.', self)) self.add_settable(Settable('check_socks', bool, 'Validate connections/authentication to SOCKS servers', self)) # start logger now = datetime.now() timestamp = now.strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S") basefilename = f"{self.redshell_user_directory}redshell_{timestamp}" Logger.open_logfile(basefilename) def _set_prompt(self): if self.socks_port_connected == True: color = green else: color = red # set prompt with context vars if self.context_user_name and self.context_netbios_name: self.prompt = f"redshell ({color(f'{self.context_user_name}@{self.context_netbios_name}')}) > " elif self.context_user_name and self.context_dns_name: self.prompt = f"redshell ({color(f'{self.context_user_name}@{self.context_dns_name}')}) > " elif self.context_dns_name: self.prompt = f"redshell ({color(f'@{self.context_dns_name}')}) > " elif self.context_ip: self.prompt = f"redshell ({color(f'@{self.context_ip}')}) > " def postcmd(self, stop, line): self._set_prompt() return stop def display_intro(self): intro = """ ____ _______ __ ____ / __ \___ ____/ / ___// /_ ___ / / / / /_/ / _ \/ __ /\__ \/ __ \/ _ \/ / / / _, _/ __/ /_/ /___/ / / / / __/ / / /_/ |_|\___/\__,_//____/_/ /_/\___/_/_/ """ self.poutput(green(intro)) def _onchange_redshell_directory(self, param_name, old, new): self.proxychains_config = f"{self.redshell_directory}/proxychains_redshell.conf" # append '_redshell' to CS username def _onchange_cs_user(self, param_name, old, new): self.cs_user += '_redshell' def print_table(self, data, header=False): """print all tables in console output""" if header: table = Table(show_lines=True, show_header=header) else: table = Table(show_lines=True, show_header=header, box=box.SQUARE) column_count = range(0, len(data[0])) for i in column_count: if header: table.add_column(data[0][i]) else: table.add_column() for row in data: if header and data.index(row) == 0: continue table.add_row(*row) console = Console() console.print(table) def update_proxychains_conf(self, socks_type, ip, socks_port, socks5_auth=None, socks5_user=None, socks5_pass=None): for line in fileinput.input(self.proxychains_config, inplace=True): if line.startswith('socks'): if socks_type == 'socks5' and socks5_auth: print(f"{socks_type} {ip} {socks_port} {socks5_user} {socks5_pass}", end="\n") else: print(f"{socks_type} {ip} {socks_port}", end="\n") else: print(line, end = '') def clear_context(self, clear_socks=False, clear_cs=False): # clear existing connection self.cs_beacon_id = '' self.cs_beacon_pid = '' self.cs_beacon_user = '' self.cs_beacon_computer = '' self.cs_beacon_ip = '' self.context_ip = '' self.context_dns_name = '' self.context_netbios_name = '' self.context_user_name = '' self.context_pid = '' # clear socks port if user is applying a new one if clear_socks: self.socks_host = '' self.socks_port = '' self.socks_type = '' self.socks5_auth = '' self.socks5_user = '' self.socks5_pass = '' self.socks_port_connected = False # if connected to cs team server, kill connection if clear_cs: # close the agscript process if self.cs_process: self.cs_process.close() self.cs_process = None argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser() argparser.add_argument('-d', '--dnsname', type=str, help="DNS Name") argparser.add_argument('-n', '--netbiosname', type=str, help="NetBIOS Name") argparser.add_argument('-u', '--username', type=str, help="User Name") argparser.add_argument('-p', '--pid', type=str, help="Process ID") argparser.add_argument(type=str, dest="ip_address", help="Source IP Address") @with_argparser(argparser) def do_context(self, args): """Set a custom context (Source IP/DNS/NetBIOS/User/PID) for logging""" if self.context_ip: self.poutput("Context changed!") self.pwarning("WARNING: If moving to a new socks port, be sure to update your socks connection accordingly.") else: self.poutput("New context applied!") # if connected to cs team server, kill connection and socks. else clear context values only if self.cs_process: self.clear_context(clear_socks=True, clear_cs=True) else: self.clear_context() self.context_ip = args.ip_address if args.dnsname: self.context_dns_name = args.dnsname if args.netbiosname: self.context_netbios_name = args.netbiosname if args.username: self.context_user_name = args.username if args.pid: self.context_pid = args.pid argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser() argparser.add_argument(type=str, dest="socks_type", choices=['socks4', 'socks5']) argparser.add_argument(type=str, dest="ip_address") argparser.add_argument(type=str, dest="socks_port") argparser.add_argument('-u', type=str, dest="socks5_user") argparser.add_argument('-p', type=str, dest="socks5_pass") @with_argparser(argparser) def do_socks(self, args): """Use a custom socks4/5 server""" # clear any existing context, socks port, and cobalt strike connections self.clear_context(clear_socks=True, clear_cs=True) self.socks_type = args.socks_type self.socks_host = args.ip_address self.socks_port = args.socks_port self.socks_port_connected = True if args.socks_type == 'socks5': if (args.socks5_user and not args.socks5_pass) or (args.socks5_pass and not args.socks5_user): if args.socks_user: self.perror("ERROR: SOCKS5 user set but missing password!") else: self.perror("ERROR: SOCKS5 password set but missing user!") return elif args.socks5_user and args.socks5_pass: self.socks5_auth = 'UserAndPwd' self.socks5_user = args.socks5_user self.socks5_pass = args.socks5_pass else: self.socks5_auth = '' self.socks5_user = '' self.socks5_pass = '' if self.check_socks: if self.validate_socks(self.socks_type, self.socks_host, self.socks_port, self.socks5_auth, self.socks5_user, self.socks5_pass): self.update_proxychains_conf(self.socks_type, self.socks_host, self.socks_port, self.socks5_auth, self.socks5_user, self.socks5_pass) self.socks_port_connected = True else: self.clear_context(clear_socks=True) return else: self.update_proxychains_conf(self.socks_type, self.cs_host, self.socks_port, self.socks5_auth, self.socks5_user, self.socks5_pass) self.socks_port_connected = True self.poutput("Socks port updated.") self.pwarning("WARNING: Be sure to update your context accordingly with the 'context' command.") def do_cs_connect(self, args): """Connect to Cobalt Strike team server""" self.clear_context(clear_socks=True) # check config directories before attempting connection if not os.path.exists(f"{self.redshell_directory}/agscript.sh"): self.perror("Error: redshell install directory not found! Set the directory with this command: 'set redshell_directory'") return if not os.path.exists(f"{self.cs_directory}/agscript"): self.perror("Error: Cobalt Strike install directory not found! Set the directory with this command: 'set cs_directory'") return # check permissions on agscript.sh if not shutil.which(f"{self.redshell_directory}/agscript.sh"): self.perror("Error: agscript.sh does not appear to be executable! Fix it with this command: 'chmod +x agscript.sh'") return # prompt user for team server password self.cs_pass = getpass.getpass("Enter Cobalt Strike password: ") # spawn agscript process self.cs_process = pexpect.spawn(f"{self.redshell_directory}/agscript.sh {self.cs_directory} {self.cs_host} {self.cs_port} {self.cs_user} {self.cs_pass}") # check if process is alive if not self.cs_process.isalive(): self.perror("Error connecting to CS team server! Check config and try again.") return # look for the aggressor prompt try: self.cs_process.expect('.*aggressor.*> ') except: self.perror("Error connecting to CS team server! Check config and try again.") return self.poutput("Connecting...") # upon successful connection, display status self.do_cs_status('') def do_cs_disconnect(self, args): """Disconnect from CS team server""" self.clear_context(clear_socks=True, clear_cs=True) def do_cs_status(self, args): """Display CS team server and beacon socks port connection status""" if self.cs_process and self.cs_process.isalive(): cs_server_status = f"[#41FF00]Connected via {self.cs_user}@{self.cs_host}:{self.cs_port}[/]" else: cs_server_status = "[#EF2929]Disconnected[/]" if self.cs_process and self.cs_process.isalive() and self.socks_port_connected: socks_port_status = f"[#41FF00]Connected via {self.socks_type} port {self.socks_port} @ beacon PID {self.cs_beacon_pid}[/]" else: socks_port_status = "[#EF2929]Disconnected[/]" data = [ ["[i]CS Team Server Status[/]", cs_server_status], ["[i]Socks Port Status[/]", socks_port_status] ] self.print_table(data) argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser() argparser.add_argument('-s', action='store_true', dest='show_secrets', help="Show secrets") @with_argparser(argparser) def do_config(self, args): """Display current config""" data = [ ["[i]Redshell Install Directory[/]", self.redshell_directory], ["[i]Proxychains Config[/]", self.proxychains_config], ["[i]Log File[/]", Logger.logfile_csv.name], ["[i]CS Install Directory[/]", self.cs_directory], ] if self.cs_host: data.append(["[i]CS Team Server[/]", self.cs_host]) data.append(["[i]CS Team Server Port[/]", self.cs_port]) data.append(["[i]CS User[/]", self.cs_user]) if self.socks_port: data.append(["[i]Socks Connection", f"{self.socks_type}://{self.socks_host}:{self.socks_port}"]) if self.socks5_auth: data.append(["[i]Socks5 User", self.socks5_user]) data.append(["[i]Socks5 Password", self.socks5_pass if args.show_secrets else '*' * len(self.socks5_pass)]) else: data.append(["[i]Socks Connection", '']) context = '' if self.context_ip: context += f"[i]IP:[/] {self.context_ip}" if self.context_dns_name: context += f" [i]DNS:[/] {self.context_dns_name}" if self.context_netbios_name: context += f" [i]NetBIOS:[/] {self.context_netbios_name}" if self.context_user_name: context += f" [i]User:[/] {self.context_user_name}" if self.context_pid: context += f" [i]PID:[/] {self.context_pid}" data.append(["[i]Context[/]", context]) if self.password: data.append(["[i]Password[/]", self.password if args.show_secrets else '*' * len(self.password)]) self.print_table(data) argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser() argparser.add_argument(type=str, dest="file_name", completer=Cmd.path_complete) @with_argparser(argparser) def do_cs_load_config(self, args): """Load Cobalt Strike team server config (host, port, and user) from file""" self.clear_context(clear_socks=True) try: with open(args.file_name, 'r') as cf: for line in cf.readlines(): cs_host = re.search('cs_host=(.*)', line) if cs_host: self.cs_host = cs_host.group(1) cs_port = re.search('cs_port=(.*)', line) if cs_port: self.cs_port = cs_port.group(1) cs_directory = re.search('cs_directory=(.*)', line) if cs_directory: self.cs_directory = cs_directory.group(1).strip(' ') cs_user = re.search('cs_user=(.*)', line) if cs_user: self.cs_user = cs_user.group(1) self.cs_user += '_redshell' self.poutput("Config applied:") self.do_config('') self.do_cs_connect('') except FileNotFoundError: self.perror("Error: config file not found!") def do_cs_pivots(self, args): """Show Cobalt Strike proxy pivots available on the team server""" # check for active connection to the team server if not self.cs_process or not self.cs_process.isalive(): self.perror("Error: not connected to CS team server. Connect first and then select a pivot.") self.clear_context(clear_socks=True) return # ask agscript for pivots self.cs_process.sendline('x pivots()') self.cs_process.expect('.*aggressor.*> ') if self.cs_process.after: # copy instance containers and clear them to reset pivot_instances = CSProxyPivots.instances.copy() pivot_instances_by_hash = CSProxyPivots.by_hash.copy() CSProxyPivots.instances.clear() CSProxyPivots.by_hash.clear() CSProxyPivots.count = 0 # parse through results for result in re.findall('%\([^()]*\)', self.cs_process.after.decode()): pivot_socks_type = None pivot_socks_port = None pivot_socks5_auth = None pivot_bid = None pivot_pid = None pivot_user = None pivot_computer = None pivot_alive = None pivot_last = None # get socks type result_socks_type = re.search("type => '(SOCKS[5|4a]).*?'", result) if result_socks_type: pivot_socks_type = result_socks_type.group(1).lower() # get socks5 auth result_socks_info = re.search("socks_info => '(.*?)'", result) if result_socks_info: socks_info = result_socks_info.group(1).lower() if 'userandpwd' in socks_info and not 'noauth' in socks_info: pivot_socks5_auth = 'userandpwd' # get socks port result_port = re.search("port => '([0-9]+)'", result) if result_port: pivot_socks_port = result_port.group(1) # get beacon ID result_bid = re.search("bid => '([0-9]+)'", result) if result_bid: pivot_bid = result_bid.group(1) if pivot_bid: # get full beacon info for beacon ID self.cs_process.sendline(f"x beacon_info({pivot_bid})") self.cs_process.expect('.*aggressor.*> ') if self.cs_process.after: beacon_info = self.cs_process.after.decode() # check if beacon is alive or dead result_alive = re.search("alive => 'true'", beacon_info) if result_alive: pivot_alive = True # get beacon user result_user = re.search("user => '(.*?)'", beacon_info) if result_user: pivot_user = result_user.group(1) # get beacon computer result_computer = re.search("computer => '(.*?)'", beacon_info) if result_computer: pivot_computer = result_computer.group(1) # get beacon ip result_ip = re.search("internal => '(.*?)'", beacon_info) if result_ip: pivot_ip = result_ip.group(1) # get beacon pid result_pid = re.search("pid => '([0-9]+)'", beacon_info) if result_pid: pivot_pid = result_pid.group(1) # get beacon last result_last = re.search("lastf => '(.*?)'", beacon_info) if result_last: pivot_last = result_last.group(1) # intialize ProxyPivot instance if we have all the necessary details if pivot_socks_type and pivot_socks_port and pivot_bid and pivot_pid and pivot_user and pivot_computer and pivot_alive and pivot_last: # look for existing pivot instance pivot_hash = hash(f"{pivot_bid}-{pivot_pid}-{pivot_socks_port}") cs_pivot = pivot_instances_by_hash.get(pivot_hash) # if we have an existing pivot, just update alive and last values if cs_pivot: cs_pivot.beacon_alive = pivot_alive cs_pivot.beacon_last = pivot_last CSProxyPivots.count += 1 cs_pivot.id = CSProxyPivots.count # add existing instance back into class containers CSProxyPivots.instances[cs_pivot.id] = cs_pivot CSProxyPivots.by_hash[pivot_hash] = cs_pivot # none found, make a new instance else: CSProxyPivots(pivot_socks_type, pivot_socks_port, pivot_bid, pivot_pid, pivot_user, pivot_computer, pivot_ip, pivot_alive, pivot_last, pivot_socks5_auth) # display ProxyPivot table if CSProxyPivots.instances.items(): self.print_table(CSProxyPivots.get_pivots(), header=True) else: self.pwarning("No proxy pivots found!") def do_cs_use_pivot(self, arg_pivot_id): """Set RedShell to use Cobalt Strike pivot ID""" self.clear_context(clear_socks=True) # check for active connection to the team server if not self.cs_process or not self.cs_process.isalive(): self.perror("Error: not connected to CS team server. Connect first and then select a pivot.") return if not CSProxyPivots.instances: self.perror("No pivots found! Run 'cs_pivots' to query them on the team server") return # convert arg to int try: pivot_id = int(arg_pivot_id) except ValueError: self.perror('Invalid pivot ID, must be int!') return # get pivot instance by specified ID proxy_pivot = CSProxyPivots.instances.get(pivot_id) if proxy_pivot: if proxy_pivot.beacon_alive: # set config vars from selected ProxyPiot instance self.cs_beacon_id = proxy_pivot.bid self.cs_beacon_pid = proxy_pivot.beacon_pid self.cs_beacon_user = proxy_pivot.beacon_user.replace(' *', '') self.cs_beacon_computer = proxy_pivot.beacon_computer self.cs_beacon_ip = proxy_pivot.beacon_ip self.context_pid = proxy_pivot.beacon_pid self.context_user_name = proxy_pivot.beacon_user.replace(' *', '') self.context_netbios_name = proxy_pivot.beacon_computer self.context_ip = proxy_pivot.beacon_ip self.socks_host = self.cs_host self.socks_port = proxy_pivot.socks_port self.socks_type = proxy_pivot.socks_type self.socks5_auth = proxy_pivot.socks5_auth # collect socks5 creds if self.socks_type == 'socks5' and self.socks5_auth: if not proxy_pivot.socks5_user and not proxy_pivot.socks5_pass: self.poutput("SOCKS5 pivot requires authentication.\n") proxy_pivot.socks5_user = self.read_input("Enter SOCKS5 user: ") self.socks5_user = proxy_pivot.socks5_user proxy_pivot.socks5_pass = getpass.getpass("Enter SOCKS5 password: ") self.socks5_pass = proxy_pivot.socks5_pass else: self.socks5_user = proxy_pivot.socks5_user self.socks5_pass = proxy_pivot.socks5_pass if self.check_socks: if self.validate_socks(self.socks_type, self.socks_host, self.socks_port, self.socks5_auth, self.socks5_user, self.socks5_pass, proxy_pivot): self.update_proxychains_conf(self.socks_type, self.cs_host, self.socks_port, self.socks5_auth, self.socks5_user, self.socks5_pass) self.socks_port_connected = True else: self.clear_context(clear_socks=True) return else: self.update_proxychains_conf(self.socks_type, self.cs_host, self.socks_port, self.socks5_auth, self.socks5_user, self.socks5_pass) self.socks_port_connected = True self.do_cs_status('') return else: self.pwarning('Specified pivot ID is not alive!') return else: self.perror('Invalid pivot ID!') return def validate_socks(self, socks_type, ip, port, socks5_auth=None, socks5_user=None, socks5_pass=None, cs_proxy_pivot=None): """checks connectivity and authentication to SOCKS servers""" # initialize socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # connect to the IP and port try: s.connect((ip, int(port))) except ConnectionRefusedError: self.perror("Error connecting to SOCKS proxy: Connection refused!") # if it's socks4 then we're all done if socks_type == 'socks4': s.close() return True # test socks5 with no auth elif socks_type == 'socks5' and not socks5_auth: # 0x05 = SOCKS5, 0x01 = client supports one auth type, 0x00 = no auth handshake = struct.pack('BBB', 0x05, 0x01, 0x00) s.sendall(handshake) try: data = s.recv(2) version, auth = struct.unpack('BB', data) except: self.perror("Error connecting to SOCKS proxy!") s.close() return False if version == 5 and auth == 0: s.close() return True # test socks5 with user/pass auth elif socks_type == 'socks5' and socks5_auth: # 0x05 = SOCKS5, 0x01 = client supports one auth type, 0x01 = user/pass auth handshake = struct.pack('BBB', 0x05, 0x01, 0x02) s.sendall(handshake) try: data = s.recv(2) version, auth = struct.unpack('BB', data) except: self.perror("Error connecting to SOCKS proxy!") s.close() return False if version == 5 and auth == 2: auth = b"\x01" + struct.pack("B", len(socks5_user)) + socks5_user.encode() + struct.pack("B", len(socks5_pass)) + socks5_pass.encode() s.sendall(auth) try: data = s.recv(2) version, status = struct.unpack('BB', data) except: self.perror("Error connecting to SOCKS5 proxy!") s.close() return False if status == 0: s.close() return True else: self.perror("Error authenticating to SOCKS5 proxy!") s.close() # reset creds on the pivot instance since auth failed if cs_proxy_pivot: cs_proxy_pivot.socks5_user = None cs_proxy_pivot.socks5_pass = None return False else: self.perror("Error connecting to SOCKS5 proxy!") s.close() return False def do_cd(self, args): """Change directory""" os.chdir(args) # configure auto complete on the cd command complete_cd = Cmd.path_complete def do_pwd(self, args): """Print working directory""" self.poutput(os.getcwd()) def do_exit(self, args): """Exit RedShell""" Logger.close_logfile() return True def validate_ttps(self, ttps): ttps_valid = [] ttps_check = ttps.split(',') for ttp in ttps_check: if re.match('^(T[0-9]{4})(\.[0-9]{3})?$', ttp): ttps_valid.append(ttp) else: self.pwarning(f"Invalid TTP specified: {ttp}. Not including in log.") validated_ttps = ', '.join(ttps_valid) return validated_ttps argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) argparser.description = "Execute a command through beacon socks proxy and simultaneously log it to the teamserver." argparser.epilog = textwrap.dedent(''' example: beacon_exec -t T1550.002,T1003.002 cme smb --local-auth -u Administrator -H C713B1D611657D0687A568122193F230 --sam ''') argparser.add_argument('-t', '--ttp', type=str, help="MITRE ATT&CK Tactic IDs. Comma delimited to specify multiple.") argparser.add_argument('command', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help="Command to execute through the beacon proxy and log.", completer=Cmd.shell_cmd_complete) @with_argparser(argparser) def do_beacon_exec(self, args): # check if agscript process is alive if not self.cs_process or not self.cs_process.isalive(): self.perror("Error: not connected to CS team server. Connect first and then select a pivot.") return # check if socks port is connected elif not self.socks_port_connected: self.perror("Error: socks port not connected!") return else: # make a copy of the user-specified command command_list = args.command # add proxychains to the command if user didn't include it if 'proxychains' not in command_list: id = 0 if 'sudo' in command_list: id = 1 for item in ['proxychains', '-f', self.proxychains_config]: command_list.insert(id, item) id += 1 # convert command list into a string command = shlex.join(command_list) if '$password' in command and not self.password: self.perror("Error: $password invoked, but password is not set. Add it with command: set password ") return command = re.sub("\$password", self.password, command) # only log the command (minus sudo and proxychains) cs_log_command = re.sub("proxychains.*?conf |sudo ", '', command) cs_log_command = re.sub("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\", cs_log_command) cs_log_command = re.sub("\$", "\$", cs_log_command) # escape $ char cs_log_command = cs_log_command.replace('"', '\\"') # escape " char cs_log_command = f"[PROXY] {cs_log_command}" # append [PROXY] to logged command log_command = re.sub("proxychains.*?conf |sudo ", '', command) log_command = f"[PROXY] {log_command}" # append [PROXY] to logged command ttps = '' if args.ttp: ttps = self.validate_ttps(args.ttp) if ttps: # log command with TTPs to team server self.cs_process.sendline(f'x btask({self.cs_beacon_id}, "{cs_log_command}", "{ttps}")') self.cs_process.expect('.*aggressor.*> ') else: # log command without TTPs to team server self.cs_process.sendline(f'x btask({self.cs_beacon_id}, "{cs_log_command}")') self.cs_process.expect('.*aggressor.*> ') Logger(log_command, ip=self.cs_beacon_ip, netbios_name=self.cs_beacon_computer, user_name=self.cs_beacon_user, pid=self.cs_beacon_pid, ttps=ttps.replace(' ', '')) # run the command self.do_shell(command) argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) argparser.description = "Execute a command through custom socks proxy and simultaneously log it to the local file." argparser.epilog = textwrap.dedent(''' example: proxy_exec -t T1550.002,T1003.002 cme smb --local-auth -u Administrator -H C713B1D611657D0687A568122193F230 --sam ''') argparser.add_argument('-t', '--ttp', type=str, help="MITRE ATT&CK Tactic IDs. Comma delimited to specify multiple.") argparser.add_argument('command', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help="Command to execute through the proxy and log.", completer=Cmd.shell_cmd_complete) @with_argparser(argparser) def do_proxy_exec(self, args): # check if socks port is connected if not self.socks_port_connected: self.perror("Error: socks port not connected!") return # make a copy of the user-specified command command_list = args.command # add proxychains to the command if user didn't include it if 'proxychains' not in command_list: id = 0 if 'sudo' in command_list: id = 1 for item in ['proxychains', '-f', self.proxychains_config]: command_list.insert(id, item) id += 1 # convert command list into a string command = shlex.join(command_list) if '$password' in command and not self.password: self.perror("Error: $password invoked, but password is not set. Add it with command: set password ") return command = re.sub("\$password", self.password, command) # only log the command (minus sudo and proxychains) log_command = re.sub("proxychains.*?conf |sudo ", '', command) # append [PROXY] to logged command log_command = f"[PROXY] {log_command}" ttps = '' if args.ttp: ttps = self.validate_ttps(args.ttp) Logger(log_command, ip=self.context_ip, dns_name=self.context_dns_name, netbios_name=self.context_netbios_name, user_name=self.context_user_name, pid=self.context_pid, ttps=ttps.replace(' ', '')) # run the command self.do_shell(command) argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) argparser.description = "Execute a command and log it to the local file." argparser.epilog = textwrap.dedent(''' example: exec -t T1550.002,T1003.002 cme smb --local-auth -u Administrator -H C713B1D611657D0687A568122193F230 --sam ''') argparser.add_argument('-t', '--ttp', type=str, help="MITRE ATT&CK Tactic IDs. Comma delimited to specify multiple.") argparser.add_argument('command', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help="Command to execute and log.", completer=Cmd.shell_cmd_complete) @with_argparser(argparser) def do_exec(self, args): # make a copy of the user-specified command command_list = args.command # convert command list into a string command = shlex.join(command_list) if '$password' in command and not self.password: self.perror("Error: $password invoked, but password is not set. Add it with command: set password ") return command = re.sub("\$password", self.password, command) # only log the command (minus sudo) log_command = re.sub("sudo ", '', command) ttps = '' if args.ttp: ttps = self.validate_ttps(args.ttp) Logger(log_command, ip=self.context_ip, dns_name=self.context_dns_name, netbios_name=self.context_netbios_name, user_name=self.context_user_name, pid=self.context_pid, ttps=ttps.replace(' ', '')) # run the command self.do_shell(command) argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) argparser.description = "Add a manual log entry to the local file." argparser.epilog = textwrap.dedent(''' example: log -t T1608.001 Uploaded malware to LOTS site ''') argparser.add_argument('-t', '--ttp', type=str, help="MITRE ATT&CK Tactic IDs. Comma delimited to specify multiple.") argparser.add_argument('log_entry', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help="Entry to log.") @with_argparser(argparser) def do_log(self, args): # make a copy of the user-specified log entry log_list = args.log_entry # convert command list into a string log_entry = ' '.join(log_list) ttps = '' if args.ttp: ttps = self.validate_ttps(args.ttp) Logger(log_entry, ip=self.context_ip, dns_name=self.context_dns_name, netbios_name=self.context_netbios_name, user_name=self.context_user_name, pid=self.context_pid, ttps=ttps.replace(' ', '')) if __name__ == '__main__': app = RedShell() sys.exit(app.cmdloop())