An interactive command prompt for red teaming and pentesting. Automatically pushes commands through SOCKS4/5 proxies via proxychains. Optional Cobalt Strike integration pulls beacon SOCKS4/5 proxies from the team server. Automatically logs activities to a local CSV file and a Cobalt Strike team server (if configured).
Note that because RedShell uses proxychains under the hood, only TCP traffic is proxied.
RedShell runs on Python > 3.8.
Install dependencies:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Install proxychains-ng (/~
apt install proxychains4
RedShell is no longer dependent on Cobalt Strike. However, if you're using Cobalt Strike integration, the CS client must be installed on the same host as RedShell. Also make the agscript wrapper executable:
chmod +x
Start RedShell:
____ _______ __ ____
/ __ \___ ____/ / ___// /_ ___ / / /
/ /_/ / _ \/ __ /\__ \/ __ \/ _ \/ / /
/ _, _/ __/ /_/ /___/ / / / / __/ / /
/_/ |_|\___/\__,_//____/_/ /_/\___/_/_/
Logging to: /home/user/.redshell/redshell_2022_08_22_13_00_13.csv
redshell >
Display help:
redshell > help
Documented commands (use 'help -v' for verbose/'help <topic>' for details):
beacon_exec cs_connect cs_status help pwd socks
cd cs_disconnect cs_use_pivot history quit
config cs_load_config exec log set
context cs_pivots exit proxy_exec shell
Set options:
redshell> set option VALUE
RedShell automatically logs activities via the beacon_exec
, proxy_exec
, exec
, or log
commands. Logging is automatically initialized on startup, and log files are written to: ~/.redshell
To log to Cobalt Strike, connect to a team server, select a pivot, and use the beacon_exec
RedShell uses proxychains-ng and a custom proxychains configuration file. Configuration file modifications and command proxying are handled on-the-fly.
To proxy through a Cobalt Strike, connect to a team server, select a pivot, and use the beacon_exec
command. Refer to the Cobalt Strike section for details.
Custom socks version 4 or 5 proxies can be set with the socks
redshell > socks -h
usage: socks [-h] [-u SOCKS5_USER] [-p SOCKS5_PASS] {socks4,socks5} ip_address socks_port
Use a custom socks4/5 server
positional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
RedShell automatically verifies connections and authentication (where applicable) to SOCKS proxies upon selection (either using the socks
or cs_use_pivot
commands). This can be disabled with the following command: set check_socks false
RedShell's context is a key aspect of activity logging. Context allows you to set the perspective (in activity logs) of the source host executing activities in a target network. The following context attributes can included in activity logs: IP Address, DNS Name, NetBIOS Name, User Name, and Process ID. Only IP Address is required.
Notes on context:
- Context is cleared when you set a new socks port
- Context is cleared when you connect/disconnect from a CS team server
After you set a socks proxy with the socks
command, add context details with the context
RedShell> context -h
usage: context [-h] [-d DNSNAME] [-n NETBIOSNAME] [-u USERNAME] [-p PID] ip_address
Set a custom context (Source IP/DNS/NetBIOS/User/PID) for logging
positional arguments:
ip_address Source IP Address
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DNSNAME, --dnsname DNSNAME
DNS Name
NetBIOS Name
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
User Name
-p PID, --pid PID Process ID
If you are using a pivot on a team server, context values are automatically set based on the beacon.
The command prompt is automatically updated with context variables (user@host).
The following RedShell commands are captured in activity logs:
- Execute a command through beacon socks proxy and simultaneously log it to the teamserver.proxy_exec
- Execute a command through custom socks proxy and simultaneously log it to the local file.exec
- Execute a command and log it to the local file.log
- Add a manual log entry to the local file.
Set Cobalt Strike connection options:
redshell > set cs_host
redshell > set cs_port 50050
redshell > set cs_user somedude
Connect to team server (you will be prompted for the team server password):
redshell > cs_connect
Or load from a config file. Note: team server passwords are not read from config files. RedShell will prompt for the teamserver password and then automatically connect.
$ cat config.txt
redshell > cs_load_config config.txt
Show available proxy pivots:
redshell > cs_pivots
Select a proxy pivot (note: this can only be set after a connection to the team server has been established):
redshell > cs_use_pivot 2
SOCKS5 pivot requires authentication.
Enter SOCKS5 user: username
Enter SOCKS5 password:
Check Cobalt Strike status:
redshell > cs_status
Execute commands through the beacon socks proxy. These can be run in the context of the current user or via sudo. Specifying 'proxychains' in the command is optional. Commands are forced through proxychains. MITRE ATT&CK Tactic IDs are optional.
redshell > beacon_exec -h
usage: beacon_exec [-h] [-t TTP] ...
Execute a command through beacon socks proxy and simultaneously log it to the teamserver.
positional arguments:
command Command to execute through the proxy and log.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TTP, --ttp TTP MITRE ATT&CK Tactic IDs. Comma delimited to specify multiple.
beacon_exec -t T1550.002,T1003.002 cme smb --local-auth -u Administrator -H C713B1D611657D0687A568122193F230 --sam
Note on the Redshell and CS install directory options - the script needs to know where it lives, as well as Cobalt Strike. If stuff blows up, be sure to set the directories accordingly:
redshell > set redshell_directory /opt/redshell
redshell > set cs_directory /opt/cobaltstrike
Note on passwords used in *exec commands: special characters in passwords may be interpreted as shell meta characters, which could cause commands to fail. To get around this, set the password option and then invoke with '$password'. Example:
redshell > set password Test12345
password - was: ''
now: 'Test12345'
redshell > beacon_exec cme smb --local-auth -u administrator -p $password --shares
RedShell includes commands for navigating the file system:
redshell > cd /opt/redshell/
redshell > pwd
Additional commands can be run via the shell command or via the '!' shortcut:
redshell > shell date
Mon 29 Jul 2019 05:33:02 PM MDT
redshell > !date
Mon 29 Jul 2019 05:33:03 PM MDT
Commands are tracked and accessible via the history command:
redshell > history
1 load_config config.txt
2 status
3 help
RedShell also includes tab-completion and clearing the terminal window via ctrl + l.
Datetime,IP Address,DNS Name,NetBIOS Name,User,PID,Activity,TTPs
2021/09/21 14:22:32 +0000,,,WINDEV,USER,7312,[PROXY] cme smb,
- Required fields: Datetime, IP Address, Activity
- Optional fields: DNS Name, NetBIOS Name, User, PID, TTPs
- Datetime format: "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S %z" (UTC)
This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 open source license. Please refer to LICENSE for the full terms.