FoxBarcodeQR is a supplement of FoxBarcode class only for QR Code barcodes.
FoxBarcodeQR uses the BarCodeLibrary.dll libraries (Darío Álvarez Aranda, Mexico), from version 2.00 of FoxBarcodeQR it uses QRCodeLib.dll ( adding support to encode more than 255 characters and greater control in the generation of the QR code, and as of version 2.10 it uses the Google API ( to generate QR codes.
You can choose by different methods which library to use.
This class is a workaround for all developers requesting QR Code support with the FoxBarcode class.
Guillermo Carrero (RIP) (Barcelona, Spain) and Luis Maria Guayan (Tucuman, Argentina)
FoxBarcodeQR_v_2_10 - v.2.10 - Release 2021.02.27
The BarCodeLibrary.dll library generates functionals QR Codes, but you can only set the type and size of the generated image. No settings supports for error correction level.
- It generates functional QR Codes, but can only set the size and type of generated image.
- It has no adjustments for the level of error correction, colors and / or margins.
- It does not support strings longer than 255 characters.
The BarCodeLibrary.dll library contains only 3 functions:
LibraryVersion: Returns a string with the version of the library.
SetConfiguration: A method to set the size and type of image file to generate.
GenerateFile: This method is responsible for generating the image of the QR Code.
QRCodeLib.dll (recommended) (Visit:
- Generate functional QR codes with greater configuration control.
- Supports strings of more than 255 characters.
The BarCodeLib.dll library (version 0.1b) (Visit: contains the methods:
QRCodeLibVer: Returns a string with the version of the library.
FastQRCode: Generates the image of the QR Code with the text to be encoded.
FullQRCode: Same as the previous method, but with greater control in the generation of the QR Code image.
Google API (requires an internet connection)
- Generates QR codes through a POST call to a URL, so it requires an internet connection
- Supports strings of more than 255 characters.
FoxBarcodeQR encapsulates the functions of the BarCodeLibrary.dll, QRCodeLib.dll and Google API libraries in the class's own methods for compatibility with previous versions and to be able to select the library to use..
The methods of the FoxBarcodeQR class are:
QRBarcodeImage() that uses the BarCodeLibrary.dll library and receives the following parameters:
tcText: Text to encode
tcFile: Name the image file to generate. If none is specified, it generates a random file name in the Windows temporary files folder.
tnSize: The size of the generated image. Receives an integer between 2 and 12
- 2 = 66 x 66 (in pixels)
- 3 = 99 x 99
- 4 = 132 x 132
- 5 = 165 x 165
- 6 = 198 x 198
- 7 = 231 x 231
- 8 = 264 x 264
- 9 = 297 x 297
- 10 = 330 x 330
- 11 = 363 x 363
- 12 = 396 x 396
tnType: The type of the generated image file. Receives an integer between 0 and 2.
- 0 = BMP
- 1 = JPG
- 2 = PNG
As of FoxBarcodeQR version 2.0, the new added methods use the QRCodeLib.dll library:
FullQRCodeImage() that receives the same parameters as QRBarcodeImage()
- tcText: Text to encode
- tcFile: Name the image file to generate. If none is specified, it generates a random file name in the Windows temporary files folder.
- tnSize: The width and height in pixels of the generated image
- tnType: (only for compatibility) The library only generates image file type 0 = BMP
The following properties are used to configure the other options:
- lAutoConfigure: .T. to select a larger QR code version if the amount of data requires it.
- lAutoFit: Works in conjunction with lAutoConfigurate
- nBackColor: Color of the QR code background
- nBarColor: Color of the QR code bars
- nCorrectionLevel: Error correction level:
- 0 = Level L (7%)
- 1 = Level M (15%)
- 2 = Level Q (25%)
- 3 = Level H (30%)
- nEncoding: Encoding algorithm:
- 0 = Alphabetic: Encodes alphanumeric characters (digits 0-9; uppercase A-Z; other nine characters: Space $% * + -. /:)
- 1 = Byte = 1: Encode binary values (8-bit data)
- 2 = Numeric: Encodes only numeric values (digits 0-9)
- 3 = Kanji: Encodes Kanji characters. Kanji characters in QR Code can have values 8140-9FFC and E040-EBBF
- 4 = Auto: Automatic selection of the encoding algorithm. (Recommended)
- nMarginPixels: Margin in pixels
- nModuleWidth: Size of modules in pixels
- nHeight: Image height in pixels
- nWidth: Image width in pixels
FastQRCodeImage() is the same as the FullQRCodeImage() method and only the text to be encoded is passed. The rest are configured automatically, without any user control.
- tcText: Text to encode
- tcFile: Name of the image file you want to generate. If none is specified, a random file name is generated in the Windows temporary files folder.
As of version 2.10 of FoxBarcodeQR a new method was added that uses the Google API:
GooQRCodeImage() receives the same parameters as the previous methods to standardize the class:
- tcText: Text to encode
- tcFile: Name of the image file you want to generate. If none is specified, a random file name is generated in the Windows temporary files folder.
- tnSize: The width and height in pixels of the generated image
- tnType: (for compatibility only) API only generates image file type 2 = PNG
This API allows us to adjust some other properties such as:
- nCorrectionLevel: Error correction level:
- 0 = Level L (7%)
- 1 = Level M (15%)
- 2 = Level Q (25%)
- 3 = Level H (30%)
- nMarginPixels: Margin in columns
All these methods return the path and file name of the image generated with the QR Code.
In the following example, two QR Code images are created, the first with the QRBarcodeImage() method and the second with the FullQRCodeImage() method:
SET PROCEDURE TO LOCFILE("FoxBarcodeQR.prg") ADITIVE *--- Create a FoxBarcodeQR object LOCAL loFbc, lcQRImage loFbc = CREATEOBJECT("FoxBarcodeQR") *-- Using the BarCodeLibrary.dll library lcQRImage1 = loFbc.QRBarcodeImage("/~",,6,0) *-- Using the QRCodeLib.dll library (Visit: loFbc.nBackColor = RGB(0,255,255) && Yelow loFbc.nBarColor = RGB(0,0,128) && Blue loFbc.nCorrectionLevel = 2 && Q 25% lcQRImage2 = loFbc.FullQRCodeImage("/~",,198,0)
As of this new version 2.00 of FoxBarcodeQR, strings of characters greater than 255 characters can be encoded with the QRCodeLib.dll library and the Google API. Example:
SET PROCEDURE TO LOCFILE("FoxBarcodeQR.prg") ADITIVE *--- Create a FoxBarcodeQR object LOCAL loFbc, lcQRImage loFbc = CREATEOBJECT("FoxBarcodeQR") lcString = "+ .0010. -" DO WHILE LEN(lcString) < 500 lnI = LEN(lcString) + 10 lcString = lcString + "+ ." + TRANSFORM(lnI, "@L 9999") + ". -" ENDDO *-- Using the QRCodeLib.dll library (Visit: lcQRImage = loFbc.FullQRCodeImage(lcString,,330) *-- Using the Google API lcQRImage = loFbc.GooQRCodeImage(lcString,,330)
To include a barcode on a report, you must insert an Image object and set the property with a call ControlSource QRBarcodeImage() method and is recommended to set "contents Scale, Retain shape" if the image size differs from the frame.
Important: Before you run the report and create the object FoxBarcode, you must declare the variable as PRIVATE so that it has scope in the report, as follows:
*--- Create FoxBarcodeQR private object PRIVATE poFbc m.poFbc = CREATEOBJECT("FoxBarcodeQR") ... REPORT FORM FoxBarcodeQR PREVIEW
The only files needed to be distributed to FoxBarcodeQR function properly are:
QRCodeLib.dll (Visit:
Notes on the distribution and installation of the BarCodeLibrary.dll and QRCodeLib.dll files:
The BarCodeLibrary.dll and QRCodeLib.dll files are not registered. They should both be in the same application folder or in the Windows System folder.
BarCodeLibrary.dll and QRCodeLib.dll were tested and work on Windows XP, 7, 8 and 10 (32 and 64 bit)
- To my friend Guillermo who enlightens me from heaven to make this complement for our FoxBarcode class.
- To for your library QRCodeLib.dll.
v.2.10 - Release 2021.02.27
- Use Google API (requires internet connection)
- This API only support PNG image type
v.2.00 - Release 2020.11.07
- Change external dll library QRCodeLib.dll (Visit:
- Now supports encoding of more than 255 characters.
- Now supports set the background color and color of the bar.
Now supports setting the level of error correction recovery:
- Level L (Low): 7% of codewords can be restored.
- Level M (Medium): 15% of codewords can be restored.
- Level Q (Quartile): 25% of codewords can be restored.
- Level H (High): 30% of codewords can be restored.
- Now supports the selection of the coding algorithm:
- Numeric: encodes numeric values only (digits 0-9)
- Alphanumeric: encodes alphanumeric characters (digits 0-9; upper case letters A-Z; nine other characters: Space $ % * + – . / : )
- Binary/byte: encodes binary values (8-bit data)
- Kanji/kana: encodes Kanji characters. Kanji characters in QR Code can have values 8140-9FFC and E040-EBBF
- Auto: automatic seleccion of the encoding algorithm
- Only support BMP image type
v.1.17 - Release 2016.12.21
- Version number matched to FoxBarcode an New Year !
- Fixed some minor bugs
v.1.11 - Release 2013.08.24
- New property lDeleteTempFiles: Lets choose if delete or not the temporary folder and image files
- Version number matched to FoxBarcode
- Fixed some minor bugs
v.1.00 - Release 2013.02.16
- Barcode Symbologies: QR code
- Image types: BMP, JPG and PNG
- External dll library: BarCodeLibrary.dll