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Releases: Unreal-Dan/RekordBoxSongExporter

Release 4.0.0

22 Jan 09:27
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Added support for rekordbox 7, starting at 7.0.8 -- earlier versions may work but I didn't check.

Added a thank you message to users, with a link to this github repo.

Automated builds on github with github actions

RBSE Version 3.8.3 - Fix for BPM tag crash

09 Jan 01:50
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This should fix the small crash caused by the bpm tag that some people are experiencing.

RBSE Version 3.8.2 - Fixes for Rekordbox 6.7.5

25 Sep 02:51
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This should fix RBSE for Rekordbox 6.7.5 at least, it might work for other versions between 6.7.0 and 6.7.5 too but I didn't test it.

RBSE Version 3.8.1 - Fix for realtime tags on 6.7.0

15 May 06:41
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The last release for 6.7.0 didn't actually fix all of the features, realtime tags were not working and this fix will repair that

RBSE Version 3.8 - Support for Rekordbox 6.6.10, 6.6.11, 6.7.0

10 Apr 10:07
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Seems Rekordbox changed a few things again, a few updates were in order.

I have removed a piece of code surrounding the module initialization which apparently wasn't working, it only existed to improve reliability of the module but didn't directly effect anything. If anybody encounters any strange behaviours please report an issue.


RBSE Version 3.7 - Support for Rekordbox 6.6.4, loss of support for older versions

08 Aug 08:34
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This release includes the new support for Rekordbox 6.6.4

Unfortunately Rekordbox removed one of the functions that was used to detect when a track was loaded onto a deck, this means the method to detect track loading had to be switched.

In order to minimize leftover code I have removed the old method of detecting tracks being loaded, this means that RBSE version 3.7+ will no longer support Rekordbox versions before 6.6.4

If you wish to use a version of Rekordbox before 6.6.4 you must use an older version of RBSE

Please keep in mind since this is a new hook method there may be unintended behaviours, I have tested and I am confident everything should work the same but just in case -- please report any inconsistencies you experience

RBSE Version 3.6 - Realtime bpms and 6.6.3 official update

21 May 06:48
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Rekordbox Song Exporter 3.6 adds several features and bugfixes.

Rekordbox 6.6.2 and 6.6.3 have been added to the version dropdowns, these version choices don't actually change how the module works since 6.6.1.

This update introduces realtime BPM tags:

    %rt_deck1_bpm%      The realtime BPM of deck 1, this will trigger updates
    %rt_deck2_bpm%      The realtime BPM of deck 1, this will trigger updates
    %rt_deck3_bpm%      The realtime BPM of deck 1, this will trigger updates
    %rt_deck4_bpm%      The realtime BPM of deck 1, this will trigger updates
    %rt_master_bpm%     The realtime master BPM, this will trigger updates

These tags will trigger file updates anytime the respective BPM changes, for example using the %rt_master_bpm% tag will result in the file being updated anytime the master bpm has changed.

These tags will allow for creating realtime BPM displays.

This version also introduces new hooking code, capstone has been added to the project to aid in the injection and hooking procedures. This should not have any impact on the end user but it will make further research and development of features easier.

This update also includes a wide variety of bugfixes and enhancements for minor issues that have been reported or found.

Some bugs have been fixed which would crash Rekordbox, it is advised to update to this version even if you're not experiencing instability.

RBSE Version 3.42 - Future Proofing and 6.6.1 Support

28 Dec 21:38
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This will add support for Rekordbox 6.6.1.

This also adds some future proofing techniques which should allow the 6.6.1 version select from the dropdown to work with many versions of Rekordbox (both future and past).

This means if a future version of Rekordbox is released (ex. 6.6.2) then there is a good chance that this version will still work. You can simply update the path to point to a future version of Rekordbox.

There should still be releases every version of Rekordbox but they may be delayed and this should help anybody that accidentally updates.

There is still a chance that Rekordbox updates could break RBSE, those chances are just less now.

NOTE: This includes a bugfix for 3.4 and 3.41, if you downloaded either 3.4 or 3.41 then update to solve the issues.

The bugs that were fixed:

  • Issue logging only deck 1
  • Issue logging BPMs

RBSE Version 3.3 - Master BPM Support and Rekordbox 6.5.3 support

11 Sep 19:45
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This adds a new tag that can be replaced: %master_bpm% this will be the BPM of the current master deck at the time of logging.

Unfortunately there is no mechanism to log a track/bpm when the bpm switches, only when tracks switch, so it is not yet possible to create a "current BPM" display.

This also adds support for the latest Rekordbox update 6.5.3

RBSE Version 3.2 - Minor bugfix

28 Jun 18:28
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This update brings a very minor bugfix in the server component