Fortran preprocessor designed for multithreading and GPU offloading through OpenMP
- Automatic privatization of modified global variables in multithreaded code
- Fortran Array operation unrolling to DO-loops with automatic declaratives to spread work either along CPU or GPU threads
- Automatic declarations for global variables needed in target regions
- Function inlining which helps OpenMP offloading
- -f --function Which function to parse
- -F --file In which file the function exists
- -o --offload --no-offload Whether to offload the given function
- -c --communication --no-communication Whether to warn about communication calls inside the given subroutine
- -d --directory From which directory to look for file
- -M --Makefile. Pencil Code specific. Filename to Makefile.local to know which modules are included (might change in the future)
Example call to modify a given function to be suittable for offloading (Work in progress)
- python -f example_function -F ./dir/file_where_function_is -o
Example call to make needed global variables threadprivate:
- python -f example_function -F ./dir/file_where_function_is
OpenMP declarations are in files {original_file_path}_omp_incl.h