2018-06-11, Version 1.1.3
Bug fixes
] - ccfinder : update mail text (youkunhuang)
] - ccfinder : fix num is not a number (youkunhuang)
Code Refactoring
] - package.json : upgrade project version (RobinzZH)
] - chmod : chmod executable for shell (youkunhuang)
] - shell : use execPath in (youkunhuang)
] - tsw : merge lib forder to tsw (youkunhuang)
] - eslint : eslint ignore bin/deps (youkunhuang)
] - eslint : ignore node_modules (youkunhuang)
] - h5test : test env report only once (youkunhuang)
] - ccfinder : support config.CCIPLimitAutoBlock (youkunhuang)
] - h5test : compile tmpl RobinzZH committed (RobinzZH)
] - h5test : enlarge the click-area for group navigation (RobinzZH)
] - h5test : compile tmpl (RobinzZH)
] - h5test : enhance group navigation (RobinzZH)
] - h5test : change H5test list UI (#102 ) (RobinzZH)
] - h5test : change H5test list UI (RobinzZH)
] - h5test : groups sort before filter (youkunhuang)
] - h5test : add group navigation (#99 ) (RobinzZH)
] - h5test : support allGroup api for openapi (youkunhuang)
Other commits
] - style(context) : congratulations 13 years old to q-zone (youkunhuang)
] - style(h5test) : style green color update (youkunhuang)
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