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Neovim is a hyperextensible Vim-based text editor.
The notes are meant to provide a series of steps, which anyone may follow quickly.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y neovim
sudo pacman -S neovim
sudo dnf install neovim
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser # Optional: Needed to run a remote script the first time
irm -outfile 'install-scoop.ps1'
Verify install-scoop.ps1 contains what it should.
scoop install neovim
Run nvim
from the command line usually with a filename after.
nvim file.txt
To save and exit, use esc key, :wq
, and the enter key. w
stands for write. q
stands for quit.
To quit without saving, use :q!
Once inside nvim
type :Tutor
and enter to start the tutorial.
Note that settings of neovim are kind of personal and do not just copy others settings without understanding how things work. Using neovim without any configuration is fine and might be preferable if you find yourself working on remote systems often.
My simple neovim config is in dotfiles.
Another neovim config with Lazy.nvim dotfiles