I'm a backend software developer and tinkerer working at Stackable developing operator-rs and friends as well as stackablectl. In my spare time, I work on a scalable high-performance DNS Server with DNS blocking features and a home router OS called vulcan-rs, both written in pure Rust π¦.
- stackabletech/operator-rs - A simple wrapper/framework around kube-rs to make implementing Operators/Controllers easier (1 day ago)
- stackabletech/trino-lb - Trino load balancer with support for routing, queueing and auto-scaling (1 day ago)
- stackabletech/opa-operator - A kubernetes operator for the Open Policy Agent (4 days ago)
- kube-rs/kube - Rust Kubernetes client and controller runtime (1 week ago)
- stackabletech/hbase-operator - Kubernetes Operator for Apache HBase built by Stackable for the Stackable Data Platform (1 week ago)
- chore: Release stackable-operator-0.87.0 and stackable-versioned-0.6.0 on stackabletech/operator-rs (1 day ago)
- chore: Bump Rust version and workflow actions on stackabletech/operator-rs (1 day ago)
- feat(stackable-versioned): Re-emit and merge modules in versioned modules on stackabletech/operator-rs (2 days ago)
- feat(stackable-versioned): Add support for generics on stackabletech/operator-rs (3 days ago)
- chore(stackable-operator): Version common CRD structs on stackabletech/operator-rs (3 days ago)
- stackabletech/trino-lb (v0.4.0) - Trino load balancer with support for routing, queueing and auto-scaling (1 day ago)
- stackabletech/image-tools (0.0.14) - Tools to manipulate container images of the Stackable Data Platform (3 weeks ago)
- stackabletech/actions (v0.7.0) - A collection of GitHub Actions used across Stackable repositories (3 weeks ago)
π My recent blog posts - Source
- VLANs - The easy way (2 years ago)
- Mastodon: https://chaos.social/@techassi
- E-Mail: git@techassi.dev