This is a unofficial keras implements of c3ae for age estimation. welcome to discuss ~
- 2019-9 C3AE org
- 2020-7 transfer to tensorflow2.1 and exposing gender branch.
- 1.add gender prediction
- 2.change neck
- 3.add Mish6, GeM, Smooth label and so on.
- 4.add utk, afad, asia dataset
- 5.add tflite freezing
- 2020-8 fixed bugs and add fixed-precision model
- remove nan weights (it may case predict as unpredict)
- add -fp16
source | version | IMDB(mae) | WIKI(mae) | extra change | model |
from papper | -- | 6.57 | 6.44 | -- | -- |
our implement | c3ae-v84 | 6.77 | 6.74 | change kl to focal loss without se_net | model/imdb_focal_loss_c3ae_v84.h5 |
our implement v2 | c3ae-v89 | 6.58 | -- | SE_NET + focal_loss | model/c3ae_imdb_v89.h5 |
our implement v3 | c3ae-v90 | 6.51 | -- | white norm + SE_NET + focal_loss | mail to |
Triple-Boxes show much influence with different dataset, meanwhile the distribution plays an important role.
source | version | asia | utk | afad | model |
our implement v4 | asia | age: 5.83 gender 0.955 | -- | -- | ./model/c3ae_model_v2_117_5.830443-0.955 |
our implement v4 | asia+utk | -- | age: 5.2 gender 0.967 | -- | ./model/c3ae_model_v2_91_5.681206-0.949 |
our implement v4 | asia+utk+afad | age: 5.9 gender 0.9234 | age: 5.789 gender: 0.9491 | age: 3.61 gender: 0.9827 | ./model/c3ae_model_v2_151_4.301724-0.962 |
our implement v4 | fp16+white-norm asia+utk+afad | age: 6.0 gender 0.97 | age: 5.6 gender: 0.942 | age: 3.72 gender: 0.987 | ./model/c3ae_model_v2_fp16_white_se_132_4.208622-0.973 |
cation: Gender annotaion of utk is opposite to wiki/imdb/asia.
**You can change weights of loss to improve age mae, [1, 20, 20].
python nets/ --white -se --source "afad" -gpu -m "fp16_white_se" -p ./model/c3ae_model_v2_fp16_white_se_132_4.208622-0.973 -fp16 -test
- assets
- dataset (you`d better put dataset into this dir.)
- detect (MTCNN and align)
- (bash script of downloading dataset)
- model (pretrain model will be here)
- nets (all tainging code)
- preproccessing (preprocess dataset), which contains "wiki" "imdb" "afad" "asia" "utk"
all trainned model saved in dir named "model"
numpy, tensorflow(2.1), pandas, feather, opencv, python=3.6.5
pip install -r requirements2.1.txt
numpy, tensorflow(1.8), pandas, feather, opencv, python=2.7
pip install -r requirements.txt
- for image
python nets/ -g -white -se -i assets/timg.jpg -m ./model/c3ae_model_v2_fp16_white_se_132_4.208622-0.973
- for video
python nets/ -g -white -v -se -m ./model/c3ae_model_v2_fp16_white_se_132_4.208622-0.973
- for image
python nets/ -se -i assets/timg.jpg -m model/c3ae_imdb_v89.h5
- for video
python nets/ -v -se -m model/c3ae_imdb_v89.h5
download imdb/wiki dataset and then extract those data to the "./dataset/"
download wiki
download imdb
download asia
download utk
download afad
>>> python preproccessing/ -i ./dataset/wiki_crop --source wiki
>>> python preproccessing/ -i ./dataset/imdb_crop --source imdb
>>> python preproccessing/ -i ./dataset/AFAD-Full --source afad
plain net
>>> python -gpu -p c3ae_v16.h5 -s c3ae_v16.h5 --source imdb -w 10
with se-net and white-norm (better result)
>>> python -gpu -p c3ae_v16.h5 -s c3ae_v16.h5 --source imdb -w 10 -white -se
for gender and age prediction:
>>> python nets/ -se -white --source "afad" -gpu -fp16 -p ./model/c3ae_model_v2_fp16_white_se_132_4.208622-0.973
python nets/ -se -white --source "asia" -gpu -fp16 -p ./model/c3ae_model_v2_fp16_white_se_132_4.208622-0.973 -fz
[mtcnn] (/~ detect\align\random erasing
- only 10 bins in paper: why we got 12 category: we can split it as "[0, 10, ... 110 ]" by two points!\
- Conv5 1 * 1 * 32, has 1056 params, which mean 32 * 32 + 32. It contains a conv(1 * 1 * 32) with bias
- feat: change [4 * 4 * 32] to [12] with 6156 params.As far as known, it may be compose of conv(6144+12) ,pooling and softmax.
- the distribution of imdb and wiki are unbalanced, that`s why change the KL loss to focal loss
- gender prediction: detail in nets/
- 1.anchor free boundbox
- 2.add another new feathers