A Year II student in Computer Science passionate about Cybersecurity, Game Development, and Software Development
🔭 I’m currently working on something cool
🌱 I’m currently learning Cybersecurity
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Automata-Toolbox implements various types of automata, including DFA, NFA, CFG and PDA.
Python 2
GameEngine-Gameloft is a game engine made from scratch using GLSL, C++ and OpenGL.
C 4
TechFlow-OOP is an object-oriented program that simulates a basic online store that sells computer-related products.
C++ 1
TechFlow-WT is an e-commerce website built using a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript technologies.
Talkfusion is a .NET-based collaborative workplace platform.
MemAlloc is a C library for efficient memory management, incorporating Best Fit, Next Fit, First Fit, Worst Fit, and Buddy Allocation algorithms to optimize memory utilization in applications.
C 3