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Compatible Add ons for Anki 2.1

Jonny Ngo Luong edited this page Aug 22, 2022 · 19 revisions

Welcome to the Anki-redesign wiki / Compatibility list! This list will help you find out if the add-on is compatible with Anki-redesign and to what extent. The compatibility key explaining exactly what each status color means can be found below along with the list. 😊

Compatibility list

Title Tested Version Status
AnkiWebView Inspector 28/06/2022 2.1.54
Review Heatmap 28/06/2022 2.1.54
Large and Colorful Buttons 14/01/2022 2.1.49
Button Colours (Good, Again) 14/01/2022 2.1.49
Paste Images As WebP 19/01/2022 2.1.49
Advanced Copy Fields 19/01/2022 2.1.49
Allows empty first field (during adding and import) 19/01/2022 2.1.49
AMBOSS Official – Medical School Step & Shelf Study Resource 19/01/2022 2.1.49
Batch Editing 19/01/2022 2.1.49
Clickable Tags v2.0 (Anki 2.1.20+ support) 19/01/2022 2.1.49
Cloze (Hide All) 19/01/2022 2.1.49
Copy notes 19/01/2022 2.1.49
Countdown To Events and Exams 19/01/2022 2.1.49
Duplicate and Reorder 19/01/2022 2.1.49
Edit Field During Review 19/01/2022 2.1.49
extended editor for field (for tables, search&replace, ...) 19/01/2022 2.1.49
Extended Tag Add/Edit Dialog 19/01/2022 2.1.49
Fastbar- with nightmode support 19/01/2022 2.1.49
Free Weekend - or Any Other Day 19/01/2022 2.1.49
Image Occlusion Enhanced for Anki 2.1 (alpha) 19/01/2022 2.1.49
load balancer 19/01/2022 2.1.49
Maximum image height and width in card editor 19/01/2022 2.1.49
More Decks Stats and Time Left 19/01/2022 2.1.49
More Overview Stats 2.1 19/01/2022 2.1.49
Opening the same window multiple time 19/01/2022 2.1.49
Advanced Review Bottom Bar 04/07/2022 2.1.54
No Distractions Full Screen 04/07/2022 2.1.54


The fixes below has to be done on the respective addons source code in order to get the Anki-redesign add-on to work with it. This is mainly due to the author of the addon having misconfigured their code, introducing breaking changes to the default Anki code. Adding these fixes will not only fix the breaking changes, but also potentially make the said addon be more compatible with some other addons too.

currently none
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