Where Is - is a program which help you with find needed file or folder. Is a small terminal program. It is fast, helpful, smart and useful.
- Install
. - Click
Win(Super) + T
oropen terminal
. - Enter
alias where-is='/enter/your/path/where_is'
Congratulations you successful instaled and bind program
If you never used it enter where-is -h
Useful information about program:
-h | --help - Useful information about program
-fl | --file - Find file (use this with file extension for example file.pdf)
-fd | --folder - Find folder (enter name folder)
-p | --path - Changing path which will be use for find file/folder (default use "/")
If you need find file and you don't know path where is this file enter it
where-is -fl name-your-file.extension
If you need find folder and you don't know path where is this file enter it
where-is -fd name-your-folder
If you need find file or folder and you know path where is this file or folder enter it
where-is -fl name-your-file.extension | -fd name-your-folder -p /your/path/
If you didn't enter path because you don't know where is this folder. Time will be extended.
Input: where-is -fd WhereIs
Output: /path/of/your/folder/
If you entered path where is approximately the folder. Time will be shorter.
Input: where-is -fd WhereIs -p /approximately/path
Output: /path/of/your/folder/