- Overview
- Features
- Program Logic and Workflow
- Usage scenarious and limitations
- Prerequisites
- Quick Start Instructions
- Command Line Parameters
- Atmospheric Profile File Structure
- Output PT-table structure
- Spectral Databases
- Line Shapes
- χ-factors
- Other spectroscopic data
- Performance Benchmarls
- Troubleshooting
- License
- References
MARFA (Molecular atmospheric Absorption with Rapid and Flexible Analysis) is a versatile tool designed to calculate volume absorption coefficients or monochromatic absorption cross-sections using initial spectroscopic data from spectral databases and atmospheric data from an external file. With MARFA, users can generate absorption PT-tables (look-up tables) for each atmospheric level simultaneously. These PT-tables are produced in a binary format (unformatted files), making them easily integrable into radiative transfer codes. Users have a high degree of control, with the ability to set line cut-off parameter and introduce custom spectroscopic features. Originally developed to facilitate the modeling of radiative transfer in Venus's atmosphere, MARFA's flexible design allows it to be adapted to a wide range of spectroscopic and atmospheric scenarios.
In addition to using and contributing to the source code, it is recommended to interact with the web interface of the tool to better understand its capabilities. The web interface can be accessed at:
Spectral coverage and resolution: Applicable for high-resolution line-by-line calculations in far-, mid-, near-IR and visible spectral regions. It roughly covers 10-20000 cm-1 range. The resolution is about 5 * 10-4 cm-1.
Efficient Line-by-Line Technique: Utilizes an effective interpolation method (Fomin, 1995) featuring ten supplemental grids with increasing resolution to accelerate the summation of contributions from a large number of spectral lines. Ten grids are optimal for handling large cut-off conditions. For speed metrics, see benchmarks.
Atmospheric Profile Handling: Computes output absorption spectra for all atmospheric levels in a single runtime.
Line Databases Support: Includes adapted HITRAN-2020 databases for the first 12 molecules (based on HITRAN indexing) within the source code. Other spectral databases can be incorporated manually by processing them into the required format.
Line Shapes Support: Voigt line shape is set as a default. Its implementation in MARFA is based on Kuntz version of Humlicek scheme (Kuntz, 1997; Humlicek, 1982). There are some deviaions from the original Kuntz method, for more detaile look at Line Shapes section. Custom line shapes can be manually introduced to the
module by matching the specified interface. -
Line Wings Corrections: In MARFA various χ-factors functions are implemented to accommodate sub-Lorentzian behavior of spectral line wings of CO2. Custom χ-factors can be manually added, by introducing functions matching specified interface.
PT-Tables Generation: Produced spectra are written top unformatted files in PT-format, directly integrable into radiative transfer schemes.
Additional Tools: Provides various scripts for plotting and data processing, facilitating validation and the integration of new data.
The overall flow of the program can be illustrated using the following snippet:
! determining the starting spectral line from which to start the calculation
! calculation of spectral feautres
! calculation of line shape function
! multi-grid logic
end do LBL_LOOP
! cascade interpolation of absorption values to the most fine grid
! population of the record in the output file
For each atmospheric level (corresponding to a single P-T value), one output file is generated.
Regardless of the initial spectral interval used for the calculation, it is subdivided into smaller subintervals, each with a length of deltaWV
= 10 cm-1. Each grid in the line-by-line scheme spans the subinterval, and values on the grids are reset before stepping onto new subinterval.
The codes are well-suited for calculating absorption features in scenarios when spectral and atmospheric data are uncertain, such as for terrestrial planets of Solar System (excluding Earth) or exoplanets. They can efficiently handle long cut-off conditions without a significant increase in computational time. Additionally, the codes are designed to allow users to introduce their own functionality. Therefore, if you have your own functions and/or data but lack a computational core, you can use these codes to calculate absorption features over a wide range of input values.
The current version lacks testing in real scenarios other than Venus atmosphere. It will be improved with future releases. Current issues, bugs and problems can be found on the issues page.
Calculations are performed for only one molecular species across all atmospheric levels in a single runtime. To calculate spectra for another species, new run must be launched.
Continuum absorption is not accounted for in this project. This functionality may be added later with contributions from new collaborators.
To build and run the source code on your machine, you need to have GFortran (GNU Fortran compiler) and the Fortran Package Manager (fpm) installed. The tool is compatible with macOS, Linux operating systems (tests were made on Ubuntu 20.04). Running on Windows is possible, but not recommended.
For installing the gfortran
you can use GNU Fortran website or use your system's package manager.
Other fortran compilers were not tested and checked.
Installation instructions ara available on the official website or on the fpm github page.
Python3 is mainly needed for running the plotting scripts and converting binary files to human readable formats.
git clone /~https://github.com/Razumovskyy/MARFA
fpm build
Create a virtual environment:
python<version> -m venv venv
Replace version with your desired Python version (e.g., python3.10 -m venv venv) or provide path to the interpreter.
Activate virtual environment:
- On Mac/Linux:
source venv/bin/activate
- On Windows (cmd):
- On Windows (PowerShell):
Install packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
For a quick start you can choose one of the default atmospheric profiles located in the data/Atmospheres
folder. For example data/Atmospheres/VenusCO2.dat
which reflects the carbon dioxide profile in the Venus nightside atmosphere.
For example, to calculate absorption coefficient of carbon dioxide in typical Venus's nightside atmosphere in 4000-4100 cm-1:
fpm run marfa -- CO2 4000 4100 HITRAN2020 125 VAC VenusCO2.dat
Here is a breakdown of the command-line arguments (for more detailed explanation of parameters see this section):
: The input molecule4000
: The boundaries of the spectral interval of interest (in cm-1)HITRAN2020
: basefilename for the spectral database125
: The line cut-off condition (in cm-1)VAC
Specifies the target calculated value as volume absorption coefficient.VenusCO2.dat
The atmospheric profile file to read pressure, tempareature and molecular density data from.
After running this command, the PT-tables for each level from the VenusCO2.dat
file will be generated in the output/ptTables
folder. The output files are created in a binary format (unformatted files or so called direct access files) to facilitate faster integration with radiative transfer models.
To convert a specific PT-table file, corresponding to a specific atmospheric level (fixed P-T-values), to a human-readable format running additional command is needed.
python manage.py convert
The script will prompt you to enter the atmospheric level:
Enter the level number: 45
After processing the script will provide a path where the file is saved. By default, files containing human-readable data are located in the processedData
folder, named according to the corresponding format, e.g., output/processedData/H2O_900-1000_45level.dat
. Below is an example of the file’s contents, which include log information and data: the first column represents wavenumbers [cm-1], and the second column shows the log10 of the volume absorption coefficient (targetValue
is set to VAC) or cross-section (targetValue
is set to ACS):
Command-Line Arguments:
Input Molecule: H2O
Start Wavenumber: 900
End Wavenumber: 1000
Cut Off: 125
Target Value: ACS
Atmospheric Profile File: VenusH2O.dat
900.00000 2.4635722e-26
900.00049 2.4640970e-26
999.99951 9.3716602e-26
1000.00000 9.3544303e-26
To visualize data from PT-table files, one must execute the following command:
python manage.py plot
Follow the interactive prompts to input the atmospheric level, left and right boundaries for plot. For example:
Enter the level number: 65
Enter the left boundary for plot: 924
Enter the right boundary for plot: 930
Currently the narrowest interval for plot generation is 10 cm-1. So the 920-930 cm-1 will be presented in this example. After the run, script will provide a path where the plot is saved (by default somewhere inside the output/plots
directory). Example plot in svg format with a descriptive title, which is generated automatically:
To execute post-job cleaning, run the clean.sh
interactive script:
chmod +x clean.sh
This script helps free up disk space after multiple runs, as PT-tables may consume a significant amount of storage.
Required syntax: fpm run marfa -- arg1 arg2 ... arg7
№ | Argument | Description | Required | Allowed values |
1 | inputMolecule |
Species to calculate absorption features of. | Yes | First 12 molecules from the HITRAN molecule metadata list. Molecule must be provided in a text form, e.g. CO2, CH4, O2 |
2 | Vstart |
Left boundary of the spectral interval | Yes | roughly 10-20000 cm-1, but should align with database you take data from |
3 | Vend |
Right boundary of the spectral interval | Yes | roughly 10-20000 cm-1, but should align with database you take data from |
4 | databaseSlug |
Title of the spectral database to be used. For more details see the spectral databases section | Yes | Base file names from the data/databases directory |
5 | cutOff |
Distance from the center of the line from which absorption from this line is neglected | Yes | recommended values: 10-500 cm-1 |
6 | targetValue |
Absorption feature to be written in the PT-table: volume absorption coefficient (km-1) or absorption cross-section (cm2/mol) | Yes | VAC (volume absorption coefficient), ACS (absorption cross-section) |
7 | atmProfileFile |
Atmospheric file name, located in the data/Atmospheres directory. For the format of the file see: Atmospheric Profile File Structure |
Yes | file names from the data/Atmospheres directory |
fpm run marfa -- CO2 660 670 HITRAN2020 25 ACS VenusCO2.dat
fpm run marfa -- H2O 10 3000 HITRAN2020 250 VAC VenusH2O.dat
To correctly run the MARFA code, the atmospheric file must adhere to a specific format and be placed in the data/Atmospheres/
directory. Below is an example of the required format:
# Atmospheric file example (Haus2015) CO2
0.000 0.90918E+02 733.00 0.8694E+26
2.000 0.80059E+02 717.00 0.7851E+26
4.000 0.70286E+02 701.00 0.7075E+26
6.000 0.61599E+02 685.00 0.6366E+26
Header (First Line):
- Can be used for keeping info about atmospheric characteristics, such as planet, authors of the source paper, and gas species. This header is ignored during runtime.
- Example:
# Atmospheric file example (VIRA2) CO2
Number of Levels (Second Line):
- Contains a single number
representing the number of atmospheric levels. - Example:
(indicating 81 levels).
- Contains a single number
Atmospheric Data (Next N Lines):
Each line contains level-dependent data in four columns:
- Column 1: Height [km]
- Column 2: Total pressure [atm]
- Column 3: Temperature [K]
- Column 4: Number density [mol/(cm2*km)] of the given species
Example (Venus lower atmosphere):
0.000 0.90918E+02 733.00 0.8694E+26 2.000 0.80059E+02 717.00 0.7851E+26 4.000 0.70286E+02 701.00 0.7075E+26 6.000 0.61599E+02 685.00 0.6366E+26
Number of levels: The recommended number of atmospheric levels is around 100. It is not advised to use atmospheres with more than 200 levels, as this will result in extended computational times, reducing the efficiency of the codes.
- The data uses [km] for height to ensure the total absorption coefficient is in [km-1].
Density Calculation:
- It is recommended to provide the number density in [1/(cm2*km)] rather than [1/cm3]. This is because the density is also used in calculating the partial pressure of species (for Lorentz HWHM), where the units are fixed. Refer to the
calculation in theapp/main.f90
file for more details.
- It is recommended to provide the number density in [1/(cm2*km)] rather than [1/cm3]. This is because the density is also used in calculating the partial pressure of species (for Lorentz HWHM), where the units are fixed. Refer to the
Directory Placement:
- Ensure the atmospheric file is stored in the
directory to be recognized by the MARFA code.
- Ensure the atmospheric file is stored in the
- PT-table files are generated and placed somwhere inside
directory. - One PT-table file corresponds to one atmospheric level.
- Name of the PT-table file contains only level number, e.g.
1__.ptbin, 65_.ptbin
. - PT-table file has an extention
The file consists of records with data, which could be directly accessed.
- Each record contains an array
of high-resolution absorption data: either cross-section or absorption coefficient - Each record contains data about 10 cm-1 interval (
parameter in the code). - Resolution of the data is defined by:
= 10/20480 ≈ 4.8828×10-4cm-1.NT
is the number of points on the most fine grid. - Relation between wavenumber of interest and record number:
record_number = int(WV/10)
. For example, if you want to know the value of absorption at 7560 cm-1, than you need to access the 756 record. - Each record is of length
NT * 4
= 20481 * 4 bytes = 81924 bytes = 81,924 kilobytes
Schematic python code snippet for accessing data from this file:
import numpy as np
# assuming you need to know absorption in 756 cm^-1
V1 = 756
# determining record number where this data stored
recrod_number = int(V1 / 10.0)
# number of values in one record
NT = 20481
# record length in bytes
record_length = NT * 4
with open('1__.ptbin', 'rb') as f:
# start reading from record with record number "record_number"
seek_position = (record_number-1) * record_length
# read one record
record_bytes = f.read(record_length)
# Unpack an array of data using little-endian
RK = np.frombuffer(record_bytes, dtype='<f4')
# Converting data to float32 format (optional)
RK = RK.astype(np.float32)
To calculate absorption cross-sections, line-by-line approach is used which requires a presence of spectral database files. These files must match a specific format, follow a naming rule and be placed in the data/databases
Normally, bank of spectral parameters is compiled in a .par
file by means of HITRAN web site or from other sources. Before running marfa, to speed up reading operations, .par
file must be preprocessed into unformatted file (direct access file). The source code provides built-in functionality for users to perform this preprocessing.
Additionaly, the codebase contains 12 files already preprocessed to the required format: HITRAN2020.01
, HITRAN2020.02
, etc. These files are direct access files with all necessary spectral data for first 12 molecules (according to HITRAN convention, also see getSpeciesCode
subroutine in main.f90
When running marfa, database slug (base filename) must be provided as a command line argument, so to make the executable aware of where from to access line-by-line data. For example:
fpm run marfa -- H2O 1200 1600 HITRAN2020 <other parameters>
This command implies that the executable will try to access spectral data for the file: /data/databases/HITRAN2020.01
Parameters descriptions are taken from HITRAN web site for clarity and compatiblity. In brackets the variable name in the codebase:
- (
) The wavenumber of the spectral line transition (cm-1) in vacuum - (
) The spectral line intensity (cm-1/(molecule * cm-2)) at reference temperature T = 296 K - (
) The air-broadened half width at half maximum (HWHM) (cm−1/atm) at reference temperature T = 296K and reference pressure p = 1 atm. - (
) The self-broadened half width at half maximum (HWHM) (cm−1/atm) at reference temperature T = 296K and reference pressure p = 1 atm. - (
) The lower-state energy of the transition (cm-1) - (
) The coefficient of the temperature dependence of the air-broadened half width - (
) CUSTOM: Integer number containing information about bothMol
(The molecular species identification (ID) number) andIso
(The isotopologue ID number). - (
) The pressure shift (cm-1/atm) at reference temperature T = 296 K and pressure p = 1 atm of the line position with respect to the vacuum transition wavenumber.
Note: jointMolIso
is customized because of linear structure of the files with TIPS and molecular mass data (linear on isotope numbers). In the app/processParFile.f90
file there is an N_MOL_ISO
array which is needed for smooth access to the isotope by one number. I address you to check this implementation there and in those parts of code where TIPS and molecular masses are accessed.
For that you can use app/processParFile.f90
program, for example:
fpm run processParFile -- HNO3 HITRAN2020 path/to/file.par
After running this command HITRAN2020.12
file will be saved in the data/databases
directory and could be accessed when running the main program:
fpm run marfa -- HNO3 <VStart> <VEnd> HITRAN2020 <other parameters>
Each direct access file in the data/databases
folder has the following structure:
- File consists of records, each record contains data related to one spectral line
- Each record contains required parameters from the above section.
- Parameter
is stored in double precision, 8 bytes are required for it. For other 7 parameters, 4 bytes are allocated apiece. Thus, the total length of a record is 36 bytes.
MARFA program suite intends to allow user to switch easily between different line shapes. Modular structure of the project allow users to include their shape functions directly to the Shape.f90
module and to set the desired line shape function for calculation. Currently Shape.f90
module contains only Voigt function which is set as default. Simple line shapes like Doppler and Lorentz can be found in Spectroscopy.f90
module along with other useful relevant functions (Spectrscopy.f90
can be treated as a little library for spectrosocopic calculations).
Implementation of the Voigt shape function K(x,y) is based on the study by Kuntz (Kuntz, 1997). However, there are few deviaitions that need to be mentioned:
- A recursive algorithm is not used; simple if-else blocks determine the region in the (x,y)-plane
- Region 0 is introduced for x > 15, where the Voigt shape transforms to Lorentz profile
- Border between Regions 3 and 4 has been adjusted
- Asymptotic approximations based on series expansion are introduced in Region 4.
For more details, refer to the original preprint.
To define a custom shape, you need to provide a Fortran function to the Shapes.f90
module. The function must satisfy the following requirements:
Conformance to the abstract interface
The function must matchshape
abstract interface defined in theInterfaces.f90
module. Specifically, it means that the function expects only one valueX
- a distance from the center of the line shape (assumed to be symmetric),X
must be of double precision. The function returns one result value of typereal
. -
Calculation of individual cross-section
The function in theShapes.f90
module must directly return the individual cross-section, including the multiplication of the line profile function by the line intensity. This approach is chosen for optimization purposes. Thus, multiplication on the temperature-dependent intensity must be provided. You can use predefined line intensity functionintensityOfT
module. If you want to use custom intensities, you might need to changeintensityOfT
Example implementation:
real function myLineShape(X)
real(kind=DP), intent(in) :: X ! distance from a line center
myLineShape = myLineShape * intensityOfT(temperature) ! THIS LINE MUST BE PROVIDED
end function myLineShape
To use a new line shape for absorption calculations, update the setShapeFunction
subroutine in the Shapes.f90
module. By default, the shapeFuncPtr
pointer is set to the voigt
function. To use a different function, update the pointer as follows:
shapeFuncPtr => myLineShapeFunction
There is an indication that the far wings of spectral lines tend to diverge from expected Lorentzian or Voigt behavior. To address that, χ-factor could be applied.
In MARFA code, currently there are several χ-factors implemented, which describe sub-Lorentzian behavior of CO2 rotational lines. They could be found in the ChiFactors.f90
module. These corrections are primarilly used for Venus atmosphere conditions. Below is a list of implemented functions with references to studies:
χ-factor | Reference |
noneChi |
no correction (default) |
tonkov |
Tonkov et al. (1996) |
pollack |
Pollack et al. (1993) |
perrin |
Perrin and Hartmann (1989) |
To define a custom χ-factor, you need to provide a Fortran function to the ChiFactors.f90
module. The function must conform to the chiFactor
abstract interface defined in the Interfaces.f90
module. Specifically, it means that the function must be pure
and it expect two arguments: one value X
- a distance from the center of the line shape and the integer code of molecule. The function returns one result value of type real
To avoid confusion of applying χ-factors to different species, if
block check is added. If the moleculeIntCode
not equal to the intended one, than χ-factor is set to 1.
Example implementation:
pure function myChi(X, moleculeIntCode) result(myChiFactor)
implicit none
real :: myChiFactor
real(kind=DP), intent(in) :: X
integer, intent(in) :: moleculeIntCode
tonkovFactor = 1. ! default value
! set the code value in the if block here e.g. 2 - CO2:
if (moleculeIntCode == 2) then
! χ-factor correction logic here
end if
end function myChi
To use a new χ-factor function for absorption calculations, update the setChiFactorFunction
subroutine in the ChiFactors.f90
module. By default, the shapeFuncPtr
pointer is set to the noneChi
function, meaning no currection applied. To use a different function, update the pointer by setting it to one of the functions, for example:
shapeFuncPtr => myChi
Total internal partition sums (TIPS) are needed for obtaining temperature-dependent spectral intensities. How the TIPS are implemented in MARFA:
- TIPS values could be found in the file inside
file. - TIPS data are taken from Gamache study (Gamache, 2017).
- Data are available for first 74 isotopologues (first 12 molecules: H2O, CO2, O3, N2O, CO, CH4, O2, NO, SO2, NO2, NH3, HNO3)
- Covered temperature range is 20 - 1000 K with 2 degree step.
- For chosen isotope TIPS as function of temperature can be accessed through the function:
located in theSpectroscopy.f90
- I plan to add recent TIPS (Gamasche, 2021)
- It might be better to organize input TIPS as en external subroutine based on Gamache's code Fortran or Python:
Molecular masses are used for calculation of Doppler half-widths. Data is available directly in the MolecularMasses.f90
module. WISO
array contains weights data for 124 isotopolouges of first 42 molecules according to HITRAN molecules numbering system.
Execution time at one atmospheric level largerly depends on number of spectral lines and line cut-off condition. Here are some benchmarks for the Apple M1 chip:
species | spectral interval (cm-1) | number of lines | cut off condition (cm-1) | execution time (s) |
CO2 | 10 - 1000 (far-IR) | 128934 | 25 | 0.3 |
CO2 | 10 - 1000 (far-IR) | 139291 | 250 | 1.32 |
H2O | 1000 - 4000 (mid-IR) | 84119 | 25 | 0.29 |
H2O | 1000 - 4000 (mid-IR) | 92566 | 250 | 0.95 |
CO2 | 10 - 14000 (whole IR) | 543481 | 250 | 6 |
H2O | 10 - 14000 (whole IR) | 329258 | 250 | 3.8 |
Note: no line intensity cut-off condition applies, so all the lines from HITRAN2020 database counted.
Loop over atmospheric levels is currently not parallelized but I plan to do it with OpenMP in near time. Thus, currently the time of processing a full atmospheric profile is linear to number of levels.
Check the issues labeled with optimization flag, to understand how further the codes are planned to be optimized.
Feedback is awaited to populate this section. Most potential issues, such as invalid user inputs, in the Fortran source code and Python scripts are handled with clear error messages to facilitate troubleshooting.
Razumovskiy, Mikhail, Boris Fomin, and Denis Astanin. MARFA: An Effective Line-by-line Tool for Calculating Absorption Coefficients and Cross-sections in Planetary Atmospheres. arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.03418 (2024).
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
- Razumovskiy, Mikhail, Boris Fomin, and Denis Astanin. MARFA: An Effective Line-by-line Tool for Calculating Absorption Coefficients and Cross-sections in Planetary Atmospheres. arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.03418 (2024).
- Fomin, B. A. Effective interpolation technique for line-by-line calculations of radiation absorption in gases. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 53.6 (1995): 663-669.
- Tonkov, M. V., et al. Measurements and empirical modeling of pure CO2 absorption in the 2.3-μm region at room temperature: far wings, allowed and collision-induced bands. Applied optics 35.24 (1996): 4863-4870.
- Pollack, James B., et al. Near-infrared light from Venus' nightside: A spectroscopic analysis. Icarus 103.1 (1993): 1-42.
- Perrin, M. Y., and J. M. Hartmann. Temperature-dependent measurements and modeling of absorption by CO2-N2 mixtures in the far line-wings of the 4.3 μm CO2 band. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 42.4 (1989): 311-317.
- Gamache, Robert R., et al. Total internal partition sums for 166 isotopologues of 51 molecules important in planetary atmospheres: Application to HITRAN2016 and beyond.
- Gamache, Robert R., et al. Total internal partition sums for the HITRAN2020 database. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 271 (2021): 107713.
- Gordon, Iouli E., et al. The HITRAN2016 molecular spectroscopic database. Journal of quantitative spectroscopy and radiative transfer 203 (2017): 3-69. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 203 (2017): 70-87.
- I. E. Gordon, L. S. Rothman, R. J. Hargreaves, R. Hashemi, E. V. Karlovets, F. M. Skinner, et al., The HITRAN2020 molecular spectroscopic database, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 277, 107949 (2022). [doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2021.107949]
- Humlíček, Josef. Optimized computation of the Voigt and complex probability functions. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 27.4 (1982): 437-444.
- Kuntz, M. A new implementation of the Humlicek algorithm for the calculation of the Voigt profile function. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 57.6 (1997): 819-824.