A small demonstration of a docker container that runs a R-script Keep in mind that this is a rather unsafe method to use your twitter keys you're much better of supplying them as arguments at build time.
- CD into the tweet folder
- modify the Rscript
- docker build to build the container
- docker run to run the container
cd tweet
# modify the R script (you'd be wise to change the keys or use
# a different way to add these keys to the image)
sudo docker build -t 'wikidatabot:v1' .
sudo docker run wikidatabot:v1
This container builds on the r-base container and installs all packages needed for the script to run. Unfortunately those are a lot of packages.
The script uses wikidataqueryr to query wikidata and retrieve a list of deaths. It selects one of those, glues the information from that death together and sends a tweet out with rtweet.
The init.R file is used on heroku.
Install the heroku commandline app.
Select the init.R and script.R file and commit them
run the following commands (the buildpack is external)
heroku --create
heroku buildpacks:set /~https://github.com/virtualstaticvoid/heroku-buildpack-r.git#heroku-16
heroku stack:set 'heroku-16'
git push heroku master
To make it run automatically every day you have to enable the scheduler. You need to add a creditcard.
- in the schedular set this command:
Rscript app/script.R
it now runs whenever you want to.