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The term hacking goes a long way back. To be exact, it all started at the Railroad Club of MIT, where both the term βhackingβ and βhackerβ were first coined. Itβs been almost 50 years now, and hacking has evolved into a discipline in the current day and age. With the increase in awareness regarding data protection and data privacy, hacking has been deemed as an illegal activity today. If caught, thereβs a good chance that you will be prosecuted for quite some time depending on the degree of harm caused.
None the less, to protect themselves from hackers of all sorts, employment of Ethical Hackers has become a common practice amongst organizations. Ethical hackers are given the responsibility of finding and fixing security flaws for a certain organization before black hat hackers find them.
A scripting language is a variant type of programming language which doesnβt need compilers to execute. Those who are not from a programming background may not understand the statement. Let us break it for non-programmers.
To understand what a scripting language makes different from a programming language. Programming language needs a special type of utility called a compiler to run a program. Before a program runs, the compiler does pre-execution checks and converts the program to machine code. Then machine code will be sent to the runtime environment for execution. On the other hand, scripting languages just interpret the written code line by line and directly send the code to the runtime environment tor execution without compiling it.
Most of the scripting languages are interpreted. Scripting languages can be run without compiling them. This feature lets hackers and pentesters directly run their scripts on the victim without compilers. Another reason would be because scripts are light to run and transfer to the target machine. In addition to those, another feature that gives the upper hand is execution time. Scripting languages are faster in execution. It can be easily weaponized; All this makes scripting language a perfect programming language for hackers and pentesters.
We have covered the six most commonly usedΒ programming languages by hackersΒ and pentesters in another article. However, we are going to cover the six most common scripting languages for hackers and pentesters in this article. However, we are not assigning any rank to all these scripting languages. We believe each language has developed with unique features. Please donβt consider the language placed in first is the most important than the placed at the sixth position. Letβs start with Bash scripting language.
Bash is the most popular and powerful scripting language in Unix and Linux systems. Itβs been widely used by administrators to manage everyday tasks. Basically, Bash is a set of Linux commands used to perform pretty much anything like automating repetitive tasks, scheduling admin jobs, running health checks on the Linux servers, updating patcher on multiple servers at once, etc. In addition to these, it can also be used with other utilities to build productive scripts, which can help administrators carry out difficult tasks. All these powerful features of Bash script didnβt leave hackers and pentesters gaining attention to Bash scripting. Hackers and Pentesters found this as a great tool to perform hacking or pentesting the system. Because Bash can be used with other networks, hacking tools, and programming languages to deliver the payload to the target, it helps exfilleting the data from the victim and create a remote executable application.
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02. Arp Spoofing
04. Banner Grabber
05. BruteForce SSH
06. Target: Chrome
07. DDOS
09. Image Exif Tool
11. PDF Exif Tool
12. Fake Mail
13. Keylogger
14. Password Sniffer
15. File Monitor
18. IP Scanner
19. Gmail Hacking
21. Network Scanner
22. Port Scanner
25. Shodan
27. Steganography
28. Subdomain Finder
29. Wifi DDoS Attack
31. TCP Scanner
34. Bad USB
36. Password Sniffer
37. PwnKit Exploit
sudo apt install git
sudo apt install python
git clone /~https://github.com/R3DHULK/bash-for-ethical-hackers
cd bash-for-ethical-hackers
$ chmod +x *
$ bash <software name> or ./<software name>
$ chmod +x *
$ sudo bash <software name> or ./<software name>