Hi, Welcome. I’m Pratish Ninawe, and I am passionate about coding and designing new things. I have completed my bachelor's in IT with background in Full Stack Web Engineer and I am a self-taught programmer. I am a Frontend Developer with 1+ years of experience building scalable, user-centric web applications using JavaScript, React, and modern frameworks. Proficient in delivering robust solutions, collaborating in agile teams, and contributing to both frontend and backend development.
🔭 I’m currently working on QR Dine
🌱 I’m currently learning Go Lang
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on on any technologies or framework
☁️ I've keen interest in Web development. So,I'm learning Nextjs
💬 Ask me about Reactjs, Nodejs, AWS, MongoDB, Devops
📫 How to reach me pratish.1006@gmail.com
🏠 Have a look at my Resume.