前端: /~https://github.com/PerrorOne/GetAnything-Client
go get GetAnything-Server
# do something
名称 | 网址 | 视频 | 音频 |
抖音 | https://www.douyin.com/ | ✓ | |
西瓜视频 | https://www.ixigua.com/ | ✓ | |
阳光宽频网 | http://www.365yg.com/ | ✓ | |
斗鱼 | http://www.douyutv.com/ | ✓ | |
美拍 | https://www.meipai.com/ | ✓ | |
微博 | https://weibo.com/ | ✓ | |
酷燃网 | https://krcom.cn/ | ✓ | |
快手 | https://www.kuaishou.com/ | ✓ | |
秒拍 | http://www.miaopai.com/ | ✓ | |
知乎 | https://www.zhihu.com/ | ✓ | |
bilibili | https://www.bilibili.com/ | ✓ | |
微视 | https://weishi.qq.com/ | ✓ | |
虎牙 | http://v.huya.com/ | ✓ | |
火山小视频 | https://www.huoshan.com/ | ✓ | |
好看视频 | https://haokan.baidu.com/ | ✓ | |
百度视频 | http://m.v.baidu.com/ | ✓ | |
想看新闻 | https://open.xk.miui.com/ | ✓ | |
搜狐视频 | https://tv.sohu.com/ | ✓ | |
人人视频 | https://android.myapp.com/myapp/detail.htm?apkName=com.zhongduomei.rrmj.society&ADTAG=mobile | ✓ | |
全民小视频 | http://quanmin.baidu.com/ | ✓ | |
一点资讯 | https://www.yidianzixun.com/ | ✓ | |
小米视频 | http://www.appchina.com/app/com.miui.video?from=spi-desc | ✓ | |
全民K歌 | https://kg.qq.com/ | ✓ | ✓ |
花椒直播 | http://www.huajiao.com/ | ✓ |
GetAnything-Server-v0.1: linux正式版本
GetAnything-Server-v0.1: windows正式版本
- Fork it (https://GetAnything-Server/fork)
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b feature/fooBar
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some fooBar'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin feature/fooBar
) - Create a new Pull Request