This a super simple python script which uses Tweepy API provided by Twitter to engage with users twitter account.In here we can write tweet and post it directly from command line, the tweet you write is checked for explicit word and will return if any explicit content is present in case there is no explicit content in the tweet then the tweet will be updated to the users timeline.
All you need to do is..
1.execute this command "python ECD With"
2.this command will run the script and give you an URL to get access token, copy that access token and paste that URL into address bar and hit enter.
3.if you have copied it write you will get redirect to a page with access token, now just copy the access token and paste it into CMD(or any editor you are using) and hit enter.<In this step you may get twitter login page to authorize user to access account, just enter your credentials and continue to get token>
4.the script will ask you to enter tweet, you have to enter tweet which will untimately reflect to your twitter timeline.
5.once you hit enter it'll check the tweet for any explicit word in it, if you have any explicit word in your tweet the it'll show that explicit content is detected, if there is no explicit content then the tweet will be posted to your timeline.