DP3T switched to Exposure Notification Framework of Apple/Google which requires entitlements which are only available for official government/health organisations.
Hence this project development is on hold for now, and we switched to other project which is focused solely on our technology:
The promise of privacy is not enough. That’s why verification of privacy being preserved through open source is a must.
OpenCovidTrace is an open-source platform integrating all popular BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) contact tracing protocols ( DP-3T, Google & Apple, BlueTrace, etc.) with an additional set of features for iOS and Android platforms.
Our vision is to provide a trustworthy contact tracing tool with universal interoperability, that empowers people and communities to fight Coronavirus.
Our mission is to develop an open-source implementation for proprietary protocols (such as Apple & Google and BlueTrace backends) which addresses privacy concerns in terms of preservation of individual privacy, and integrates with all popular open-source protocols (such as DP-3T).
Latest build can be found by link: https://opencovidtrace.org/octrace-android.apk