A package which has translations for strings used by @AmandaDiscord
This module serves as a collection of localization packages for which Amanda provides language swapping. This module uses wildcards to substitute portions of strings for dynamic data which can only be fetched by a client.
This module might not always be up to date with what Amanda displays in Discord as Amanda is still in development. localizations may be partially in English as newer features are added. The translations provided by this package are free to use in other projects regardless of being related to Discord or not and are open for contribution/review.
If you can read and write a language which is not supported in this module or a localization is partially translated/incorrectly translated and you would like to update the translations, please contact me on Discord @ PapiOphidian#0110. You have to be able to translate from English to the target language. You cannot translate from any other to the target as "lost in translation"s might occur. You must also not rely on Google translate for any part of the translation process.
While it is not required, you should also have a somewhat decent understanding of JavaScript as the localization packages are in JavaScript Object Notation and make use of JavaScript's template literals.
If you would like to update the en-us or any other English translation to be more gramatically correct, please also contact me as I am no English major despite it being my native language.