I am a noob, and also a 19-year-old college student. I am still learning
I have a lot of amateur interests. I am also a video uploader, VOCALOID-like producer, illustrator, and so on.
My major languages are Java and C# now.... eh.. Chinese and English also.
Item | Infomation |
Minecraft | JE: LittleCatX , BE: mrxiaom6575 |
2431208142 | |
coolxiaom95@gmail.com | |
Social media | MrXiaoM/SOCIAL.md |
As a coder, I also know a few about C(Keil μvision) / C++ / HTML / CSS / JavaScript / Shell / Python and so on. My second language is only Kotlin and
if (it !is necessary) I.wouldUse().not()
Softwares I am in common use:
Please check my website for my full developing environments.
- fpv: trpgbot encrypt signer client.
- protocol-versions: protocol versions 8.9.58 - latest, auto update everyday
- Overflow: A mirai port of Onebot implementation.
- MiraiDailySign: A deeply customizable daily sign plugin.
mirai-console-dev-qrlogin: QRCode login commands on mirai-console.[DEPRECATED]Aoki: Login mirai via your Android phone.[DEPRECATED]GraphicalMirai: A Mirai Console Downloader and Launcher, Plugin Center and so on! (WIP)[DEPRECATED]LoliYouWant: Fetch artworks from Lolibooru.[DEPRECATED]- WifeYouWant: Choose a random member from a group to be sender's wife.
- SpecialTitleYouWant: Set sender's special title (also "头衔" in Chinese) via command.
- CommandYouWant: Redirect your custom command to specific commands.
Natsuko: My early period work.[DEPRECATED]MiraiUtils: Simple command manager. (Not Recommend to Use)[DEPRECATED]
Starts with
means forks.
- SweetDevelopment: Developer tools.
- MMOi18n: MMOItems translation plugin.
- WelcomeActions: Execute custom commands when player welcome newbies.
- PremiumVerify: Paid Minecraft Account verify.
- HideMyArmors: Hide your armors to other players.
- SweetMail: Send mail to players with item attachments and so on.
- MythicMobsProtection: Protect players and entities from illegal damage of Mobs and Skills.
- ShadowBook: (Alpha Testing) Move your writtable/written book contents into database to disable item duplicating via books.
- *MoreMobHeads: A much more better mob beheading plugin. Rebuilt from the ashes of original author.
- *RPGItems-reborn: A brand new hard-fork from NyaaCat Community. Add more wonderful features! [ACTIVE 1.8-1.21]
- *Billboards: A fork from blablubbabc. Make it more functionable.
- *StaticMap: (fork) Lock map color data into NBT. Map content would not be changed when the item pass to another server.
- *CraftItem: Item crafting with many times of forging.
- *CrazyCratesLegacy: A CrazyCrates fork that support Paper 1.16.5, Java 8. More features available.
- RaidLimiter: Limit times that player can raid every configurable duration.
- *DeathMessages: A java 8 supported fork of DeathMessages plugin. Mouse hover and click support.
- *Guilds: A fork for my server.
- RPGProject: Edit RPGItems item in chest GUI.
- PlaceholderAPI:TimeOperate-Expansion: A PAPI expansion for calculating time (or timestamp).
- PlaceholderAPI:LangUtils-Expansion: A PAPI expansion for translating item name, entity name, enchantment name, etc.
*CommandPrompter_Java8: A java 8 supported fork of CP.[DEPRECATED]*Iris: Effective world generator for Minecraft 1.16.5 and java 11.[DEPRECATED]- ResidenceLinker: Link Residence between BungeeCord. (WIP)
- PixelmonStrengthen: Sacrifice a lot of weak pokemon to build a stronger pokemon.
- DoomsdayEssentials: Outdate plugin in my old server.
- DoomsdayVerify: Paid Minecraft Account verify.
- CatSense: Functional plugin in CityZero. (零都市)
- RegularChest: Generate chest regularly in an area of a world with custom items.
Starts with
means forks.
- ForceAccessServer: Force access MultiplayerScreen and ChatScreen in offline mode.
- AnonymousHelper: A backdoor mod I wrote in my early period.
- Fantasia: A fancy mod. Never update.
- LivingCityTools: My early period work. Never update just like Fantasia.
- *XRay-Forge: AntiAntiXray+Xray-Mod. It bypassed AntiXray contained in spigot/paper. Does not works on Orebfuscator4.
- ChineseDomainSupport: Add Punycode decodec on server-connecting.
- BUGBOOK: Generate random char to fill the book.
Starts with
means forks.
- *HMCL-PE-CN: A fancy and simply-modified Minecraft Java Edition Launcher on Android.
- McbbsUtil: Get rating (also "评分" in Chinese) on Discuz! like forum.
- uta-tap: Mikutap fork. Let's sing together!
- Eden: My study about decompile large apk on old computers.
- MikutapEditor: Unpack Mikutap easily.