A group of people authorized and organized to emulate a potential adversary’s attack or exploitation capabilities against an enterprise’s security posture. The Red Team’s objective is to improve enterprise cybersecurity by demonstrating the impacts of successful attacks and by demonstrating what works for the defenders (i.e., the Blue Team) in an operational environment. Also known as Cyber Red Team.
A method of testing where testers target individual binary components or the application as a whole to determine whether intra or intercomponent vulnerabilities can be exploited to compromise the application, its data, or its environment resources.
- The Hacker Recipes
- Hacker Sploit
- Ired team
- RedTeamer Tips
- Awesome Red Teaming
- Awesome-Red-Team-Operation
- Awesome Penetration Testing
- ARTToolkit
- OffSec Newbie Guide
- Awesome RAT
- Red Team Guide
- Pentest Book
- HackMag Article on Lateral Movement
- Hacking Articles
- PayloadsAllTheThings
- Red Teaming CheatSheet
- Hideandsec
- RedOps Knowledge Base
- Red Team Guides
- Hacktricks
- Pentest Monkey
- Offensive Security Cheat Sheet
- Awesome CI/CD Attacks
- Dork Genius
- RedTips
- Pentest Cheat Sheets
- Packet Storm Security
- Awesome RedTeam Cheatsheet
- Red-Team-Infrastructure-Wiki
- RoseSecurity/Red-Teaming-TTPs
- Security Cafe
- Awesome OSCP
- OSCE3-Complete-Guide
- Red Team / Pentest
- CEH-v11-Study-Guide
- OSCP Cheatsheet - noobsec
- Active Directory (AD) Cheatsheet - noobsec
- CRTP Cheatsheet - noobsec
- Linux Privilege Escalation Cheatsheet - noobsec
- Windows Privilege Escalation Cheatsheet - noobsec
- MySQL Injection cheatsheet - noobsec
- Game Hacking
nmap command:
sudo nmap -n -p- -Pn --host-timeout=100s --max-rtt-timeout=1000ms --max-retries=0 --min-rate=8192 --max-rate=16384 --min-parallelism=4096 --max-parallelism=8192 --max-scan-delay=1ms