In general, I don't care how SPRs are written, as long as they produce a valid pronunciation. However, for entries in the main dictionary that use letters, these misspellings should be used for consistency and to guard against sentence bugs. The following list consists of all 26 English letters and their associated misspellings.
- A: ay
- B: bea
- C: cea
- D: dee
- E: ee
- F: eff
- G: jee
- H: aitch
- I: igh
- J: jeigh
- K: keigh
- L: ell
- M: em
- N: en
- O: oe
- P: pea
- Q: kew
- R: ar
- S: ess
- T: tea
- U: yue
- V: vee
- W: doubleyou
- X: eks
- Y: wie
- Z: zee