This project will be archived to be in read-only mode as no new development/maintenance is expected. Please look at the Note section below for alternate libraries.
This library was created for Kafka 0.8 with an intention to have a native library built from scratch. With Kafka protocol getting updated frequently with new features (which is expected until it reaches version 1.0), it doesn't seem beneficial to maintain a library built from scratch. The right approach (and as suggested by Confluent) for now would be to use a C# wrapper around the librdkafka C-Library, which the confluent-kafka-dotnet client is doing.
So, if you are using Kafka 0.9 or higher, please move to using the confluent-kafka-dotnet client library.
.Net implementation of the Apache Kafka Protocol that provides basic functionality through Producer/Consumer classes. The project also offers balanced consumer implementation.
The project is a fork from ExactTarget's Kafka-net Client.
- Clone CSharpClient-for-Kafka through
git clone /~
- Open
in Visual Studio - Build Solution
- Open Test Window in Visual Studio: Test>Windows>Test Explorer
- Run all
- Setup local Kafka and Zookeeper
topic Dump topics metadata, such as: earliest/latest offset, replica, ISR.
consumesimple Consume data in single thread.
consumegroup Monitor latest offset gap and speed of consumer group.
consumegroupmonitor Monitor latest offset gap and speed of consumer group.
producesimple Produce data in single thread.
produceperftest Produce data in multiple thread.
eventserverperftest Http Post data to event server in multiple thread.
producemonitor Monitor latest offset.
test Run some adhoc test cases.
The Producer can send one message or an entire batch to Kafka. When sending a batch you can send to multiple topics at once
var brokerConfig = new BrokerConfiguration()
BrokerId = this.brokerId,
Host = this.kafkaServerName,
Port = this.kafkaPort
var config = new ProducerConfiguration(new List<BrokerConfiguration> { brokerConfig });
kafkaProducer = new Producer(config);
// here you construct your batch or a single message object
var batch=ConstructBatch();
The simple Consumer allows full control for retrieving data. You could instantiate a Consumer directly by providing a ConsumerConfiguration and then calling Fetch. CSharpClient-for-Kafka has a higher level wrapper around Consumer which allows consumer reuse and other benefits
// create the Consumer higher level manager
var managerConfig = new KafkaSimpleManagerConfiguration()
FetchSize = FetchSize,
BufferSize = BufferSize,
Zookeeper = m_zookeeper
m_consumerManager = new KafkaSimpleManager<int, Kafka.Client.Messages.Message>(managerConfig);
// get all available partitions for a topic through the manager
var allPartitions = m_consumerManager.GetTopicPartitionsFromZK(m_topic);
// Refresh metadata and grab a consumer for desired partitions
m_consumerManager.RefreshMetadata(0, m_consumerId, 0, m_topic, true);
var partitionConsumer = m_consumerManager.GetConsumer(m_topic, partitionId);
The balanced consumer manages partition assignment for each instance in the same consumer group. Rebalance are triggered by zookeeper changes.
// Here we create a balanced consumer on one consumer machine for consumerGroupId. All machines consuming for this group will get balanced together
ConsumerConfiguration config = new ConsumerConfiguration
AutoCommit = false,
GroupId = consumerGroupId
ConsumerId = uniqueConsumerId
MaxFetchBufferLength = m_BufferMaxNoOfMessages,
FetchSize = fetchSize,
AutoOffsetReset = OffsetRequest.LargestTime,
NumberOfTries = 20,
ZooKeeper = new ZooKeeperConfiguration(zookeeperString, 30000, 30000, 2000)
var balancedConsumer = new ZookeeperConsumerConnector(config, true, m_ConsumerRebalanceHandler, m_ZKDisconnectHandler, m_ZKExpireHandler);
// grab streams for desired topics
var streams = m_ZooKeeperConsumerConnector.CreateMessageStreams(m_TopicMap, new DefaultDecoder());
var KafkaMessageStream = streams[m_Topic][0];
// start consuming stream
foreach (Message message in m_KafkaMessageStream.GetCancellable(cancellationTokenSource.Token))
Contributions to CSharpClient-for-Kafka are welcome. Here is how you can contribute to CSharpClient-for-Kafka:
- Submit bugs and help us verify fixes
- Submit pull requests for bug fixes and features and discuss existing proposals