Python script that gets Twitter users' tweets location
Made with by Mazen Elzanaty
- Gets Twitter Usernames based on a latitude and longitude
- Profiles URLs
- Tweet Latitude and Longitude
- Google Maps link to Latitude and Longitude
TwLocation should work on all Linux distros running Python 2.7 First, clone it by entering the following command in the terminal
git clone /~
Now navigate to TwLocation directory
cd TwLocation
Now install the requirements with the following command
pip install -r requirements.txt
Edit config.txt and put your twitter app keys
cat config.txt
consumer_key = "XxXxXxxXXXxxxxXXXxXX"
consumer_secret = "xXXXXXXXXxxxxXxXXxxXxxXXxXxXxxxxXxXXxxxXXx"
access_key = "XXXXXXXX-xxXXxXXxxXxxxXxXXxXxXxXxxxXxxxxXxXXxXxxXX"
access_secret = "XxXXXXXXXXxxxXXXxXXxXxXxxXXXXXxXxxXXXXx"
Now you can run TwLocation