- argparse
- time
- mysql.connector
- requests
- bs4
- progress.bar
$ python3 -m pip install argparse mysql-connector-python requests bs4 progress
$ python3 main.py -n 1 # Scan first
$ python3 main.py -n 1 -f # Scan first page and force update data base
$ python3 main.py -n 24 # Scans the first page to twenty-fourth page
$ python3 main.py -n 1 -a # Scans the first page every hours
$ python3 main.py -n 1 -a -t 2 # Scans the first page every 2 hours
$ python3 main.py -n 1 -a -t 2 -v # Scans the first page every 2 hours and show who was update
$ python3 main.py -p "https://vostfree.com/878-jujutsu-kaisen-vostfr-ddl-streaming.html" # return episode info on terminal
$ python3 main.py -p "https://vostfree.com/878-jujutsu-kaisen-vostfr-ddl-streaming.html" -o <input> # return episode info on file
usage: vostree_scrap_new [-h] [-n nbpage] [-f] [-p page] [-o output] [-u] [-a] [-t time]
Get new anime from vostree
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n nbpage, --nbpage nbpage Number of pages that will be analyzed
-f, --force force update anime
-p page, --page page return episode of specified page
-o output, --output output The output file of the page that will be analyzed, if it is not specified, the output will be on the command line
-a, --alwaysup run prgram, every hours
-t time, --time time every X hours program run
-v, --verbose verbose mode