Projecting images on a 3 dimensional globe using react-globe.
Build the environment using conda
and the environment.yml file:
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate globe
Install react-scripts
npm install react-scripts --save
npm run start
Check that PUBLIC_URL
is correct in .env and pointing
to the appropriate GH-Pages website.
To update web version:
- Commit changes to repo
- Deploy page by running this locally:
npm run deploy
- That will kick off the GH-Action to rebuild the webpage.
- All images that are displayed on the map are found at /~
- The Jupyter notebook Create_species_map_from_OBIS_API.ipynb is used to create the images.
- All image file names must follow the url structure defined in App.js. Unless you change the App.js code.
- The images overlay on the globe and topography images with some level of opacity. It's best to do some dark background with your data image.
- The Rmarkdown file use_parquet_file_for_globe.Rmd is used to create the indicator images that are overlayed on the map.
- projection is Plate Carree with a central longitude at 0.0.
- figure size is width=
, height=80
in inches.
- See
- NavIcons come from
- See /~