This repository's source code is subject to the terms of the MIT License. For further details, please refer to the LICENSE file included in this repository.
ProjectFU is an independent production by the League of Fabulous Developers and is not affiliated with Need Games or Rooster Games.
Fabula Ultima is a roleplaying game created by Emanuele Galletto and published by Need Games. Fabula Ultima is © Need Games and Rooster Games.
This code uses the Foundry VTT and its API under the terms of the Limited License Agreement for Module Development. Foundry VTT is a Copyright of Foundry Gaming, LLC.
Supplied game rules in the system compendium adhere to and are published under the Fabula Ultima Third Party Tabletop License 1.0. We adhere to RoosterEma's guidelines, ensuring that the core book and its supplements remain integral to your experience. To fully utilize this system, you will need the Fabula Ultima Core Rulebook.
- fultimator by codeclysm, specifically project/ritual/sp counter code, licensed under the MIT License
- animate.css by Daniel Eden, licensed under the Hippocratic License
- RPG-Awesome by Daniela Howe and Ivan Montiel, licensed under the BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
- FabulaUltimaIcons-Regular.otf from the License kit, under Public Domain
- Material Symbols under the Apache 2.0 License
- Credit Valley by Larabie Fonts under the Larabie Fonts License
- Yanone Kaffeesatz by Yanone Kaffeesatz under the Open Font License
- PT Sans Narrow by ParaType under the Open Font License
- PT Sans Caption by ParaType under the Open Font License
- PT Sans by ParaType under the Open Font License
- EB Garamond by Georg Duffner and Octavio Pardo under the Open Font License
- Press Start 2P by CodeMan38 under the Open Font License
- Trigger Bold by Alex Rosario under the Open Font License
- Evilz Font by N+ under Freeware - Personal & Commercial Use
- FnT Basic Shapes 1 by Fonts & Things @ under Freeware - Personal & Commercial Use
- Old Retro Labels TFB by zanatlija under Freeware - Personal & Commercial Use
The following icons are sourced by
- game-icons:, licensed under the CC-BY-3.0 license
- ful-martial.svg & fus-martial.svg: Diamonds icon by Skoll under CC BY 3.0
- ful-offensive.svg & fus-offensive.svg: Electric icon by sbed under CC BY 3.0
Status Effect Icons: [styles\static\icons] - default status effect icons from @_t3nshi
- Explicit permission granted by t3nshi for the use of the Status Effect Icons exclusively in Fabula Ultima games. These icons are not authorized for use in other media without obtaining additional permission from t3nshi.
Created by Rusty, utilizing Blank template from @_t3nshi
- Aura.webp
- Barrier.webp
- Reflect.webp
- Provoked.webp
Created by Spyrella, utilizing Blank template from @_t3nshi
- KO.webp/KO2.webp
- Sleep.webp
- Diamond.webp
[projectfu\styles\static\compendium\ *] - Refer to art-reference-master-list.txt for reference master list.
Pixeltier - All art referenced here are used in the system compendium and are purchased from Pixeltier, under the following License
This icon pack may be used in whatever project you are working on.
You can:
- ✔️ Use the icon pack in your free or commercial projects.
- ✔️ Modify the assets.
- ✔️ Credit Pixeltier in your game (optional but appreciated).
You can’t:
- ❌ Repackage, redistribute, or resell the assets in any way, even if you’ve heavily modified them.
[projectfu\styles\static\compendium\classes\ *]
Javier Aumente (Tarot) (Email: - A majority of the pixel art found in this folder was provided by Tarot with explicit permission to use for the ProjectFU/Fultimator project.
- magic-tent.png icon from drak273 under CC0
- iron-knuckle.png icon from @only_ruben_draw with explicit permission to use for ProjectFU project.
- fus-sl-star.svg
- ful-sl-star.svg
- fus-star2.svg
- fus-star2-border.svg
- All icons here are from the License kit converted to svg, under the Fabula Ultima Third Party Tabletop License 1.0
Fabula Ultima Mod Logo - White Background.png from the License kit, under the Fabula Ultima Third Party Tabletop License 1.0
Created by Joline / Liquitty with explicit permission to use with ProjectFU project
- Acento_highres.png
- Bkg_highres.png
- Bkg_pattern_highres.png
- Hojitas_highres.png
- HojitasDouble_highres.png
- Created by kzmz with explicit permission to use with ProjectFU project
- pc_bg.svg