Website and documentation: https://languagemachines.github.io/ucto
uctodata provides datafiles for the tokeniser ucto for several languages. The
language code can be supplied to ucto using the -L
parameter (e.g. ucto -L nld input.txt
- Englisheng-twitter
- English twitter textsnld
- Dutchnld-historical
- Historical Dutch textsnld-twitter
- Dutch twitter textsdeu
- Germanfra
- Frenchita
- Italianspa
- Spanishpor
- Portugueserus
- Russianswe
- Swedishtur
- Turkishfry
- Frisian
uctodata is architecture independent.
To install uctodata, first consult whether your distribution's package manager has an up-to-date package.
To compile and install manually from source instead:
$ bash bootstrap.sh
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install