[BUG]: Mouse follows focus not turned off properly #1119
Something isn't working
I'll work on this when I get time, but if someone beats me to it, thank you!
Related to the komorebi crate
When the mouse follows focus option is turned off, And you are running a dual monitor setup, and you have a monocle on the second monitor, the mouse returns to the center of the screen if you switch to the monitor with the monocle.
Version Information
OS Name: Microsoft Windows 11 Pro
OS Version: 10.0.26100 N/A Build 26100
komorebic 0.1.30
build_time:2024-11-03 23:49:52 +00:00
build_env:rustc 1.82.0 (f6e511eec 2024-10-15),stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
Komorebi Configuration
Hotkey Configuration
.shell powershell
Reload whkd configuration
alt + o : taskkill /f /im whkd.exe && start /b whkd # if shell is cmd
alt + o : taskkill /f /im whkd.exe; Start-Process whkd -WindowStyle hidden # if shell is pwsh / powershell
alt + shift + o : komorebic reload-configuration
App shortcuts - these require shell to be pwsh / powershell
The apps will be focused if open, or launched if not open
alt + f : if ($wshell.AppActivate('Firefox') -eq $False) { start firefox }
alt + b : if ($wshell.AppActivate('Chrome') -eq $False) { start chrome }
alt + q : komorebic close
alt + m : komorebic minimize
Focus windows
alt + h : komorebic focus left
alt + j : komorebic focus down
alt + k : komorebic focus up
alt + l : komorebic focus right
alt + shift + oem_4 : komorebic cycle-focus previous # oem_4 is [
alt + shift + oem_6 : komorebic cycle-focus next # oem_6 is ]
Move windows
alt + shift + h : komorebic move left
alt + shift + j : komorebic move down
alt + shift + k : komorebic move up
alt + shift + l : komorebic move right
alt + shift + return : komorebic promote
Stack windows
alt + left : komorebic stack left
alt + down : komorebic stack down
alt + up : komorebic stack up
alt + right : komorebic stack right
alt + oem_1 : komorebic unstack # oem_1 is ;
alt + oem_4 : komorebic cycle-stack previous # oem_4 is [
alt + oem_6 : komorebic cycle-stack next # oem_6 is ]
alt + oem_plus : komorebic resize-axis horizontal increase
alt + oem_minus : komorebic resize-axis horizontal decrease
alt + shift + oem_plus : komorebic resize-axis vertical increase
alt + shift + oem_minus : komorebic resize-axis vertical decrease
Manipulate windows
alt + t : komorebic toggle-float
alt + shift + f : komorebic toggle-monocle
Window manager options
alt + shift + r : komorebic retile
alt + p : komorebic toggle-pause
alt + x : komorebic flip-layout horizontal
alt + y : komorebic flip-layout vertical
alt + 1 : komorebic focus-workspace 0
alt + 2 : komorebic focus-workspace 1
alt + 3 : komorebic focus-workspace 2
alt + 4 : komorebic focus-workspace 3
alt + 5 : komorebic focus-workspace 4
alt + 6 : komorebic focus-workspace 5
alt + 7 : komorebic focus-workspace 6
alt + 8 : komorebic focus-workspace 7
Move windows across workspaces
alt + shift + 1 : komorebic move-to-workspace 0
alt + shift + 2 : komorebic move-to-workspace 1
alt + shift + 3 : komorebic move-to-workspace 2
alt + shift + 4 : komorebic move-to-workspace 3
alt + shift + 5 : komorebic move-to-workspace 4
alt + shift + 6 : komorebic move-to-workspace 5
alt + shift + 7 : komorebic move-to-workspace 6
alt + shift + 8 : komorebic move-to-workspace 7
Output of komorebic check
KOMOREBI_CONFIG_HOME detected: C:\Users\lenovo.config\komorebi
Looking for configuration files in C:\Users\lenovo.config\komorebi
Found komorebi.json; this file can be passed to the start command with the --config flag
Found C:\Users\lenovo.config\whkdrc; key bindings will be loaded from here when whkd is started, and you can start it automatically using the --whkd flag
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: