BOT WAS STOLEN, PLEASE REMOVE IT FROM YOUR SERVER RIGHT NOW ==== > Discord bot that mimics Ancestor's (from the game Darkest Dungeon) behavior and humour. Tests resolve. Table of Contents ----------------- 1. [Public Bot Usage](#Public-Bot-Usage) * [Invite URL](#Invite-URL) * [ Page](#Topgg-Page) * [Commands](#Commands) * [Chat Reactions](#Chat-Reactions) * [Command Examples](#Command-Examples) * [Chat Reactions Examples](#Chat-Reactions-Examples) 1. [Running Your Own AncestorBotPHP](#Running-Your-Own-AncestorBotPHP) * [Requirements](#Requirements) * [Creating Discord Bot Application](#Creating-Discord-Bot-Application) * [Running the Bot in CLI](#Running-the-Bot-in-CLI) * [Running the Bot in Docker](#Running-the-Bot-in-Docker) 1. [Credits](#Credits) 1. [Privacy Policy](#Privacy-Policy) ## Public Bot Usage To use AncestorBotPHP, simply invite him to your Discord server via invite URL (provided you are the server administrator or have permission to do so). ### Invite URL **BLANK FOR NOW** ### Page **BLANK FOR NOW** ----- ### Commands Command prefix: **`!`** (exclamation mark) Commands are called by sending a text message containing **`![command name] [arguments (if any)]`** in a chat accesable by the AncestorBot. |Name |Description |Aliases | Syntax | | :------------ | :------------ | :------------ | :------------ | | help | Lists all commands if used without arguments. Displays description of a command if used with an apropriate argument. | | ** `help`**, **`help [command]`**| | fight | Launches the Farmstead minigame. [More information and instructions.]( "More information and instructions.") | f, df, dfight |**`f`**, **` f [name of an action]`**, **`f pass turn`**, **`f help`**, **`f stats`**, **`f actions`**, **`f ff`**, **`f [class name]`** | | gold | Sends picture of a random reward. | | **`gold`** | | spin | Creates and sends a GIF of a user avatar or of a provided picture spinning inside of Tide™. If no arguments are provided, sender's own avatar is spinned.| | **`spin`**, **`spin [user mention]`**, **`spin [picture url]`**| | zalgo | Turns given text into zalgo text. Looks something ̝̺̋l̃̊̕i͈͌͡k̛͉̕e̟̩ͥ ͆̄͐ẗ̥́̓ḧ̸͝i̷͚͘s | cursed | **`zalgo [text]`** | | stress | Creates and sends an image of a user avatar or of a provided picture being stressed by a glass of wine. If no arguments are provided, sender's own avatar is stressed. | | **`stress`**, **`stress [user mention]`**, **`stress [picture url]`** | | roll | Sends a random number within given numeric span. If no arguments are provided, span of [1, 6] is used. If only one argument is provided, it will be used as a maximum of a span with the minumum of 1. | | **`roll`**, **`roll [max]`**, **`roll [min] [max]`** | | read | Sends a writing-related curio for a user to interact with. Results depend on user's reactions and may include written text, images or literally nothing. | book, heckbooks, knowledge | **`read`**, **`read [action name]`** | | reveal | Adds tentacles to a picture or to a user avatar. If no arguments are provided, sender's own avatar is used. | tentacles | **`reveal`**, **`reveal [user mention]`**, **`reveal [picture url]`** | | remind | Reminds a user or a role about important life lesson via text message. | | **`remind`**, **`remind [user mention]`**, **`remind [role mention]`** | ### Chat Reactions Chat reactions occur when a user performs a specific action in a text channel. Currently AncestorBotPHP has following reactions to text messages: - **`[My resolve is tested]` ** or ** `[user mention] resolve is tested` ** or **`...resolve is tested...`** — tests one's resolve, with a 25% chance of a virtue. Case insensitve. - **`[picture or URL in NSFW-named or NSFW-marked channel]`** — 20% chance to respond with a snarky comment. ### Command Examples | Command | Image | | ------------ | ------------ | | zalgo | ![zalgo](readme/data/zalgo_example.png "zalgo") | | gold | ![gold](readme/data/gold_example.png "gold") | | remind | ![remind](readme/data/remind_example.png "remind") | | stress | ![stress](readme/data/stress_example.png "stress") | | roll | ![roll](readme/data/roll_example.png "roll") | | spin | ![spin](readme/data/spin_example.gif "spin")| | read (initial action)| ![read1](readme/data/read_example.png "read1") | | read (subsequent action) | ![read2](readme/data/read_example_2.png "read2")| | reveal | ![reveal](readme/data/reveal_example.png "reveal")| ### Chat Reactions Examples - **Testing resolve** ![Testing Resolve](readme/data/resolve_example.png "Testing Resolve") - **Responding to content or links in a NSFW channel** ![NSFW response](readme/data/nsfw_example.png "NSFW response") ## Running Your Own AncestorBotPHP You can either run the bot in Docker (Dockerfile and .dockerignore are provided), or as a service, or just directly from shell. AncestorBotPHP should also be compatable with most cloud-based application hosting platforms, such as Heroku. Heroku Procfile is present in the repository's root. ### Requirements * PHP 7.4 * Composer * PHP `gd` extension with the support of JPG, PNG, WebP, BMP and FreeType * PHP `zlip` extension * PHP `json` extension * DiscordPHP recommends these extensions: * One of ext-uv (preferred), ext-libev or evt-event for a faster, and more performant event loop. * `ext-mbstring` if handling non-english characters (which the bot will almost surely do). ### Creating Discord Bot Application 1. Sign in 1. Go to 1. Click "New Application" and enter application name 1. Go to "Bot" tab and create bot application * You can now create invite URL in "OAuth2" tab * You can get your bot token in "Bot" tab ### Running the Bot in CLI 1. Download and unpack the [latest release of AncestorBotPHP](/~ in a directory of your choice. 1. Run `composer update` in the directory * If needed, install additional extensions requested by Composer 1. Create `abot_token` environment variable and assign your bot's token to it. * Alternatively, you can create `.env` file in the root directory of the project containing the following line: `abot_token="your_token_here"` 1. Run `php bot_start.php` in the project's directory ### Running the Bot in Docker Ensure that you have Docker [installed and configured.]( 1. Download and unpack the [latest release of AncestorBotPHP](/~ in a directory of your choice. 1. In the project folder, run `docker build . -t ancestor:latest` * You may want to create `.env` file containing `abot_token="your_token_here"` in the project's root directory prior to that. 1. Run `docker run -d ancestor:latest` * You may want to do an additional configuration in order to make container start automatically. See Docker ["Run your app in production"]( documentation. ## Credits [Darkest Dungeon]( is a game made by Red Hook Studios. [Discord]( AncestorBotPHP is a Discord bot made using [DiscordPHP](/~ "DiscordPHP") and other PHP libraries specified in [Composer file](composer.lock "composer.lock"). ## Privacy Policy AncestorBotPHP is not made to collect data of any kind. It features no database and is without permanent storage of incoming via Discord API information.