Aggregate Super Mario Maker levels and data around those levels posted in the NeoGAF OT (Official Thread)
###WIP Data Schema### thread { threadId isOt latestPost finalPost }
post { postCount friendlyId postId url poster subject time isMod body tokens }
###Token Types###
- Text Fragment (e.g. p or br tag)
- body
- sentiment
- Embedded Image (stored in db)
- Q: can this be part of a text fragment
- parsedText
- levelCodes
- External Link (stored in db)
- Q: can this be part of a text fragment
- levelCodes
- text??
- Internal Link (turns into a cited quote?)
- Q: can this be part of a text fragment
- text??
- Cited Quote
- levelCodes
- Level Code (splits a text fragment if contained within)