The GitHub Action for SonarQube plugin authors to automate the last mile in SonarQube plugin release procedure.
This release procedure contains three steps:
- Publishing the
file with metadata - Announcing new release at the Community Forum
- Creating a PR on sonar-update-center-properties repo
The 1st part is already automated with build tool plugins such as sonar-packaging-maven-plugin and gradle-sonar-packaging-plugin. This GitHub Action will automate the 2nd and 3rd steps.
This action is still in beta, so provides limited features:
- Fork the sonar-update-center-properties repo into your GitHub account
- Sync the default branch from the repo in SonarSource organization to the repo in your GitHub account
- Update the properties file, and push the topic branch to the repo in your GitHub account
- Create a draft PR to the sonar-update-center-properties repo
- Post to the Community Forum
It means that, you need to create a PR based on the topic branch pushed by this GitHub Action. Note that you needs to review the created PR manually, and mark it as ready-to-review.
In your workflow file under .github/workdlows
, add a step using this plugin:
# Assume that ${{ github.event.release.tag_name }} follows semver2 and has no 'v' prefix
# e.g. 1.0.0, 2.3.4
- uses: KengoTODA/sonar-update-center-action@main
prop-file: # the name of your target file
description: Use SpotBugs 4.2.0, sb-contrib 7.4.7, and findsecbugs 1.11.0 # The description of your release
minimal-supported-sq-version: 7.9 # The minimal supported SonarQube version
latest-supported-sq-version: LATEST # The latest supported SonarQube version, default is 'LATEST'
changelog-url: /~${{ github.event.release.tag_name }} # The URL of changelog for your release
download-url:${{ github.event.release.tag_name }}/sonar-findbugs-plugin-${{ github.event.release.tag_name }}.jar # The URL to download your plugin
public-version: ${{ github.event.release.tag_name }} # The version to publish
sonar-cloud-url:${{ github.event.release.tag_name }}&id=com.github.spotbugs%3Asonar-findbugs-plugin # The URL of SQ analysis result
github-token: ${{ secrets.PAT_TO_FORK }} # The GitHub Personal Access Token
discourse-api-key: ${{ secrets.DISCOURSE_API_KEY }} # The User API key for
skip-creating-pull-request: false # Skip creating a PR
skip-announcing: false # Skip announcing at the Community Forum
The author of this project also published the discourse-api-key-generator. You can generate API key by invoking it via npx
just like below:
$ npx discourse-api-key-generator --app=sonar-update-center-action --url=
Set the generated API key to the DISCOURSE_API_KEY
GitHub Secrets, and refer it in the workflow as ${{ secrets.DISCOURSE_API_KEY }}
You need to create a personal access token with the public_repo
permission, to operate the following operations:
- Fork the sonar-update-center-properties repo into your GitHub account
- Pull the default branch from sonar-update-center-properties repo and push it to the repo in your GitHub account
- Commit necessary changes
- Push the topic branch to the repo in your GitHub account
- Create a PR (in future release)